Curiousity Killed the Cat

Flashback: The Wedding

Flashback: Date: Friday, October 19th. Location: Blackwell Church, London. Time: 5:02pm

“You know, I suggested Vegas! I said that it would be a whole lot easier than this!” I said, frustrated. Okay, perhaps I was being a bit over-dramatic but could you blame me? When marrying ‘The Boy Who Lived’ you not only get hate mail from multiple fan girls, you also get a stream of fans waiting for you to mess up.

I now know how Britney Spears must have felt.

“Elyse! Cool it!” Ginny said, throwing a rather large pillow at me.

“Ginny, you aren’t married! You also are not terrified of public events such as a wedding!” I said, ignoring my erratic heartbeat. “You also did not walk in on Ron and Hermione last night when you just wanted your toothbrush!”

“Um, eww?” Ginny said, a look of disgust flashed on her face. “What were they doing?”

“I didn’t stay long enough to watch their first child be conceived!” I said, shuddering at the scarring memory.

“Breathe Elyse! Why don’t you put on your dress?” Luna suggested, being the only one not throwing up at the thought of Ron and Hermione needing to be taught about birds and bees.

“Fine,” I huffed walking over to the closet which held my dress. Mind you, I truly wanted to stab the girls for forcing me to get a dress. It was a long dress but not with a train; we all agreed I’d end up tripping and killing myself somehow. It was close fitting and had small, short sleeves. There was a clip at my neck where the two fabric pieces attached together, leaving a shape of skin from my chest.

Oh, and it was white.

“You look beautiful!” Luna cooed, taking a step back to look at the wonder of this thing.

“Like a princess!” Ginny added.

“Shit! Okay, this is bad. First off, I’m freaking out! Second, I really, really have to pee but I can’t! On top of all that, we couldn‘t have just gotten hitched in Vegas!” I said, firing off any compliant I could think of. Marriage. Remind me to kill my husband, or soon-to-be husband that is.

“Breathe Elyse! Now in about half an hour, we need to make sure you get to the wedding one way or another. So, if that means dragging you by your ankles, we will do that,” Ginny threatened.

I glared at her. “Let me guess: Harry put you up to that?”

“Yep, now come on! Lighten up!” Ginny said, her voice taking a whole new tone.

“Yeah! You still don’t have your garter on!” Hermione said, entering the room after what seemed like forever. God knows that I do not want to know where she was or with who.

“Garter? Oh no, no way!” I said, crossing my legs instantly.

Luna giggled. “It’s fun! Oh, plus it is very bad luck!”

Luck. Damn, the last thing I need is karma or luck up my ass on this day.

“Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. Hermione tossed me a frilly, not-my-style green garter.

“Why the hell is it green?” I said, catching the frilly fabric in one hand.

Ginny grinned. “It reminded us of Harry’s eyes.”

“So his eyes, so to say, are going to be under my dress and on my leg?” I asked, my face reddening at their suggestive looks. Only then did I realize what they were trying to imply, or at least what I accidentally implied.

“So, where are you two going for the honeymoon?” Hermione asked, her eye brow raised. You know, three years ago she so wouldn’t have been this, dare I say, bold. I miss the old, geeky Hermione who did not smirk everything she saw Ron.

“I don’t know. Harry refuses to tell me,” I said, checking my hair in the mirror. It was still blonde, which irked me to no end. Even know the Death Eaters are gone, they are still looking for the Azkaban escapee.

“Bet it’s somewhere romantic,” Luna sighed.

“Maybe Paris!” Ginny squealed.

“Or Italy!” Hermione chimed in.

I mock-gasped. “Maybe it’s McDonald’s!”

Ginny glared. “Oh shut up. You could be a bit more excited.”

“It’s hard to be excited when I am this close to having a nervous break down,” I sighed, sitting down in the open chair.

“Don’t worry,” Luna said, calming me down as best as she could. “just be happy. For Harry, at least.”

“I hate when you play that card,” I groaned, putting my face in my hands.

“Oh buck up!” Hermione said, her voice sickeningly cheerful. “You’re getting married!”

“Excuse me ladies,” said Mrs. Weasley, who came from the door. “it’s time to go.”

“Oh fuck,” I said, completely forgetting that Mrs. Weasley was in the room. “Oh fuck! This is not good, I cannot do this! Fuck!”

“I’d say ‘language check’ but I’m afraid you’d hit me,” Ginny said, holding back a grin.

I glared at her. “Thanks for the words of encouragement.”

“Lets go,” Luna said, tossing me the bouquet, “Harry would kill us if we left you here to panic.”

“Are you sure you can’t just drug me?” I hissed as they led me out of the room.

Ginny scoffed. “Unfortuneally, we can’t.”

The sound of soft music playing filled my eyes as we continued down the hallway. I felt my breathing become quicker and my heart began to pound against my chest. I can do this, I mean, I love Harry. God, is he this nervous? He better be having a stroke right about now or else I’m going to blow off steam.

“Just walk down the aisle and you’ll be fine,” Hermione whispered, walking over to the groomsmen. Of course, without a father I was forced to walk down the aisle alone. Hermione met up with Ron, who was the best man, and kissed him quickly. Luna was my maid of honor, so she lined up next to Ron while Hermione stood next to Ryland and Ginny went next to her boyfriend, a bloke I didn’t meet yet.

“Don’t trip, don’t trip,” I muttered to myself, wishing I could take a shot of something right about now.

The music began to play a different tune, which was the signal for Ginny and the bloke to start walking down. I suddenly wished I had more of a bridal party as Hermione and Ryland made their way down the aisle. I felt panic began to rise when Luna and Ron went down, leaving me next in line.

It was finally my time to walk. I took a deep breath before my feet lifted up. I heard people’s gasps and my first thought was what the hell is on my face. I later realized they were gasping at my beauty. I needed something to focus on, since I was on the verge of a panic attack, and finally found Harry.

He looked incredibly handsome. That was my first thought, which was surprising because usually my first thought was something random. A smile formed on his face when he met my eyes, making my breathing become less erratic and more peaceful. I finally made it to Harry, after tripping twice and nearly choking on my tongue.

I hate to admit it, and I mean I really hate to admit it, but when I saw Harry across from me, I forgot about everything. I forgot about my worries, what day it was, the huge wedgie I had. I only flipped back to reality when the guy in black asked me to repeat something. Like I said: I’m not very educated when it comes to wedding ceremonies.

“Do you, Harry Potter, take Elyse Black as your wife?” the man in black asked, turning towards Harry.

“I do,” he said, causing a trillion billion million (you get the point) butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

“And do you, Elyse Black, take Harry Potter as your husband?” he said, turning towards me. Wow, you wanna talk about awkward? I was sure Harry was half-convinced I was going to say “no”.

“I do,” I breathed, ignoring the trillion billion million butterflies.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the man in black said, beaming. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Harry smiled at me before gently placing his lips on mine, cheers erupting from the crowd. I sighed in my mind; that was finally over, I could breathe freely now.

“Ladies and gentlemen! I am happy to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo! Gotta love Elyse freakin' out.
Should I put this one up again but in Harry's POV? Comment telling me whatcha think!
Hope y'all enjoyed it! Also, if anyone wants to make a banner for this story, I'd love you forever!