Curiousity Killed the Cat

Flashback: Riding Lessons

Flashback: Date: Wednesday, November 7th. Location: Middle of no where, London. Time: 1:52pm

“Harry, when I said I really couldn’t ride a broomstick, I meant I really couldn’t ride a broomstick!” I said, refusing to unlatch my grip on him. I made one freaking comment about not being able to ride when we were watching a game and Mr. Hero decides to take his new wife to the middle of no where. Why?

To teach her how to fly a broomstick.

Now, have you ever rode on a broomstick? No? Anyone? Exactly, but really, what’s not fun about being on a piece of wood fifty feet in the air? It’s not like you could die if you fall off.


“You can do it and I’m right here if you need help,” Harry said, trying to pull my arms apart from him. Here is a mental image for you: Me hovering about ten feet off the ground with Harry next to me, on a broomstick. I have my arms wrapped around Harry’s, well, I guess Harry’s head and freaking out.

“Harry, you might not know this but I am terrified of quite a few things! Toasters, old women, rich people, Spongebob! Heights! I am terrified of heights,” I said, rambling off once again.

Harry laughed, earning a glare from me. “Spongebob? The harmless sponge?”

“Shut up, just shut up,” I said, closing my eyes. As pathetic as it might seem, the idea of a talking sponge is nightmare worthy.

“You can do it,” he said, trying to sooth my frozen state. “You did it when we were going to the Burrow, remember? The night Ron saw you shirtless.”

Now, he could have said something like, oh I don’t know, the night we were attacked by Death Eater. Nope, that wasn’t Harry.

“That. Was. Different,” I said, though clenched teeth.

Harry sighed. “Elyse, your socks are terrible.”

I unwrapped my arms from his head and glared at him. “What did I say about my socks!?”

True, they were rainbow stripped but still!

Harry grinned, taking a good ten feet between us. It only took me a second to realize what he just did, needless to say, the next scene kinda went something like this: me wrapping both my arms and legs around the piece of wood and closing my eyes.


“Um Elyse?” he said, probably raising an eyebrow at my current position. “You look kinda stupid.”

“I will owe you anything if you just get me off of this thing right now,” I said, my eyes still closed. I could almost see Harry trying to fight off a grin.

“Sweetheart, you’re ten feet in the air, you aren’t gonna die.”

“It’s a possibility.”

Harry sighed. “Fine, open your eyes.”

I hesitated before opening my eyes, only to see Harry next to me, a small grin on his insanely handsome face.

“Come on,” he said, reaching over and grabbing me around the waist. I prayed that he wouldn’t drop me which, thankfully, he didn’t. Wrapping my arms tightly around his lean torso, he lowered us to the ground slowly, as if not to send me into another round of panic.

“Better?” he asked, planting his feet on the time. I released my killer death grip on his waist and sighed in relief when I realized we were on the ground once again. I felt much better.

I was for the moment, that is until I got off the broomstick and fell flat on my ass.

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This could very well be the end but I'll figure that out later!
Sorry for the lack of updates, school's been busy lately.
So, if anyone has any more flashback ideas speak now or forever hold your tongue!