If Only Life Was Easier

A Beautiful Moment Ruined...Thanks

Nicoletta fell asleep in my arms. I wiped my dried tears and went back to the boys. They stared at the bundle in my arms. I nodded signaling that it was the little girl and that I found her.
“Pack blankets in your book bags, I forgot that and where we are headed is extremely cold. Most of us won’t need it but sunny and Nicoletta will so Sunny find blankets and find yourself a jacket.” I commanded whispering so I wouldn’t wake Nicoletta up. She shivered in my arms and I knew it was because I was a vampire my skin was inhumanly cold.
“Aleksandr take Nicoletta, my skin is too cold and she’s shivering. I’m asking you since you’re an angel your skin can turn whatever temperature you want it too.” I told him putting Nicoletta in his arms. I quickly made it back to the pink room and found a book bag I put some of Nicoletta’s clothes, and jackets in there. I also put a picture of her parents and her dog. I made it downstairs and asked Sunny to drive the car and Aleksandr to go with him, so he wouldn’t disturb Nicoletta. Xavier and I stayed in the house. Xavier pouring gasoline all over the house and I lit the match. We stared at the house, watching the flames dance dangerously around and engulf the house.
“Poor innocent souls, rest in peace. May the gods take care of you and may you pass on.” I whispered under my breath.
I turned around and got on my motorcycle with Xavier following my lead. We were then off to the woods.
“We have to leave the car here and the motorcycle and continue walking. The vehicles are an easy target and attract too much attention. One of my hidden homes is near here.” I said grimly and worn out. We got down the majestic and abandoned forest when suddenly an arrow flew past me.

“Aleksandr! Give Xavier Nicoletta. Xavier! Hide her and protect her. Sunny, Aleksandr and I are going to fight the intruders.” I quickly gave orders.
Another arrow flew past me but this one managed to cut my arm. I listened and heard a slow heartbeat. We were being attacked by dogs. I hissed loudly and growled. I found a werewolf and punched him in the stomach multiple times until he was coughing up blood then I took him by the neck and broke it. I took the next nearest dog and pulled out my pistol I shot him in the head making him fall limp in the ground. I took advantage of that and kicked his head making it roll around. I hissed loudly scaring away the rest of the mangy dogs and met up with Aleksandr and Sunny. Sunny’s clothes were scratched up since he wasn’t much of a fighter but Aleksandr had nothing, not even a tiny cut. When they met my eyes, Sunny looked scared.
“Your eyes their completely black.” He said staring at my strange eyes.
“My eyes change colors depending on their mood. Right now I am extremely angry and cranky.” Xavier jumped down from a tree and met us. I led the way once again to my hideout.

When we finally get there I have to put my hand on the tree and smear blood on the infinity symbol. The door finally opens and reveals a staircase. I go through the door with the boys following me and make it to the base. It was fairly simple the walls and furniture were wooden and there were only 6 rooms. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, living room, kitchen and my weaponry room.
“Okay Xavier you will sleep with Sunny in the same room. It has bunk beds so don’t worry. However sunny you will sleep with Nicoletta in the same bed. Aleksandr you will sleep in the other bedroom.”
“How about you?” Aleksandr asked.
“Don’t worry about me, you guys go to sleep now!” I say tiredly. Sunny and Xavier go to sleep with Nicoletta but Aleksandr doesn’t.
“What do you mean don’t worry? It matters if you have energy for tomorrow so let’s just go to sleep. Okay? We can separate the bed you go on one side and I go on another.” Aleksandr says pleading me to go to sleep.
“Alright.” I answer. We made it into the last bedroom. Aleksandr turns one way and I turn the other I take my pants off leaving me in with my underwear, bra and shirt. I turn around to see Aleksandr in only boxers. We just stay staring at each other for a longtime. Then we both look away blushing and go to bed. Even though we did go on separate sides it was kind of difficult because the bed was really small. My legs and thighs ended up touching Aleksandr’s.
“Good night Anastasiya” Aleksandr said his voice so calm and sweet. When he said my name it sent butterflies in my stomach and it made me want to melt.
“Good night Aleksandr.” I reply and fall asleep.
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Chapter 8
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