Status: Somewhat active, it's fieldhockey season. School started.

Because of the Times

Because Of The Times, part sixteen.

The night was a blur, all I could truly remember was the joy of dancing and the rush of being with Fred. But yet, I couldn't brush the feeling of guilt aside. Ginny and Draco's glares both stole into my core, causing me to shiver each time. "Clarette, will you spend the night with me?" Fred's question promised fun, but without pressure.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you anyways." I smiled weakly, nerves eating away at my stomach. The second the last song ended Fred led me away from the great hall and up to the fourth floor, towards the Room Of Requirement. "Here?"

"Come on."' He smiled, pulling me into the room, decorated with candles and flowers, cute, but not too romantic. The second we were in he pulled me to him, kissing my forehead, my nose, my lips. Softy, he picked me up and set me down onto a red couch that appeared. I was already lost in the lust that captivated me. His kisses lined my neck, my collarbone, and down my arms. I pulled him down next to me, so he was sitting as I laid across the couch. My mind focused on his touch, his lips meeting mine, his hands tracing my body. Slowly he pulled at my sleeves as I allowed his tongue entrance to my mouth.

"No!" I gasped, as I realized what he was doing. I reached for that which didn't cover the mark that burned my skin. He looked, just as I did, towards the snake dancing on my arm. "Fred." I tried to guide his eyes back to my face with my hands, but only caused him to jump away from me.

"No." His eyes burned with hatred as he stared at the mark. "No. It can't be." He stepped further away, horrified. "You."

"Let me explain, please." I stood up, causing him to step back again. "Please."

"No. You can't be." He looked away, refusing to let me speak. "Stay away from me, my family, and my friends."

"Fred, please. I, I, I love you." I sobbed, saying the only thing I could think of.

"NO! Shut. Up. You. No. You toyed with me. You used me." He glared at me as he stalked towards me and grabbed my arm.

"Fred. Please, I was going to tell you. I've, I've had it all my life." What are you doing Clare, lying? It's going to come back to bite you. "My father, he betrayed the Dark Lord. And that got him killed. My mother, wanting the best for me, offered hers and my services to Him, for His protection."

"You're lying." His eyes were brimming with tears as he held my arm in both hands. I guided his finger over the mark, sending a shiver up my spine.

"Fred, I swear. I've never even met Him. He's never called upon me. And even in He did, I wouldn't dare follow. I am no coward. I would rather die then to follow Him. Please, believe me." I sighed, tears escaping me.

"I, don't know." He backed away and ran out of the room, leaving me on my own again. Sobs ripped at my chest as I tore apart the room, throwing candles and smashing vases. Books and papers caught on fire, unnoticed by me. Turning the couch green I laid down, closing my eyes to the darkness that consumed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short? Yes. Powerful? I sure hope so.