Status: Somewhat active, it's fieldhockey season. School started.

Because of the Times

Because Of The Times, part six

"Harry!" I jogged a little to catch up with scarhead before he made his way up to the Gryffindor tower. His posse turned along with him, glaring at me. This was definartely not going to be easy. It's not like I've had many conversations with the "golden boy." Frankly, I couldn't remember any.

"Since when were you friends with her Harry?" Hermione scoffed, leaned towards Ron. This was getting harder by the second. Flattery maybe?

"Hermione! I was just thinking about the Bubblehead charm you perfected yesterday in charms, I love swimming in the lake, but can never make it past 10 feet, I always need to come up for air. Do you think you could show me?" I hoped I didn't over do it, sounding desperate. I was already about to gag as her face lightened a bit and she gave me a grin.

"Sure, it's a highly advanced spell, so don't worry if you don't get it at first! I have 3rd free, would you want to meet on the grounds tomorrow?" She started walking away, towing Ron behind her. I bit back a retort, highly advanced spell my ass.

"Yeah! Sounds great." I waved as she trotted off. "Harry, wait!" I grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "A little bird told me that you were teaching a few select people Defense Against the Dark Arts last year, and are supposedly still doing it." By little bird I meant I had confunded it out of Neville, but who needs to know that?

His face flashed with fear, "I don't know what you're talking abo-"

"Don't worry!" I laughed, "I'm not going to tell. I meant that I have a few spells up my sleeve, and wanted to help out. I may be of Slytherin, but it doesn't mean I'm all that bad." I squeezed his hand, holding back sarcasm. "We all need to help out during these times." He smiled weakly and nodded, still unsure of what to make of me.

"Room of Requirement, Sunday nights after dinner. We could really use your help." He walked away, glancing over his shoulder as he left.

"What the hell was that?" Zeke turned the corner and stormed up. I needed to tell him the truth, he's the one person I can't stand to lie to. Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine, passion swelled in his eyes. I pushed him softly away, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Zeke, what the hell was that?!" I stomped my foot in frustration. I honestly couldn't take any more of these surprise attacks.


"Never mind, me first." I slid up my sleeve on my right arm, slowly revealing the darkest mark in the wizarding world. Just looking at it caused my eyes to brim with angry tears. "It's my job to befriend him. Some sort of evil plan, not the kind we're used to." I dared to look at Zeke's face, his hand inched toward the mark. Grabbing it I placed it gently upon my arm, shuddering.

"Clare, I don't know what to say." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead. "I love you Clare, and I know I shouldn't. You have Blaise. We were fun, and if it could be I wish it were different, but it can't. I just have to love you from afar." He choked out the last half.

"Afar? Could you get any more lame?" I laughed, squeezing him. "I love you too, but not in the way you need me to. You're my best friend Zeke, and my first true love. No-one can take that from us." I kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand, "Time for bed."


Draco's POV

Watching Clarette's act stung, it didn't seem like acting.

"We all need to help out during these times." She held Potter's hand and squeezed, giving him a secret smile. He walked off, grinning like a git. I started to step out of the shadows as Zeke ran up to Clare, yelling and engulfing her in a kiss, one as passionate as the kiss I had given her, but it didn't seem to be returned. She pushed him away, making me smile.

"I love you too..." My mind clung to those words, imagining her saying them to me, laying in my arms forever. "No-one can take that from us." I hung my head, slipping deeper into the shadows as her and Flint passed by.

Get a grip, she's honestly not worth your time.

Clarette's POV

"I love you." Draco whispered, kissing me full on.

"I love you too," We kissed and touched, melting together. His arms were my castle, holding me together.

"Clare." He breathed, kissing my chin.

"Say it again."

"Uhm, okay... CLARE!" Emmah Yelled, shaking me out of sleep. "Wake up girl, it's past breakfast." Opening my eyes I yawned, it was Friday thankfully.

"I'm up! I'm up." I shook the last drops of dreams from my mind and pushed Draco's kiss to the back of my mind, it all felt so real. "I'll meet you there." I grabbed my robes and books and ran to the bathroom, slamming into Blaise on the way.

"Morning Killer," He laughed, picking up the book I dropped. "Advanced Dark Magic?" He sounded confused, giving me a look.

"Took it from some 4th year, stupid gits." I grabbed my book back, making a mental note to put a cover spell on it, Snape said specifically not to let anyone see it.

"Ohhhkay, well I have third free today, care for a rendezvous for this morning?" His eyes suggested serious make out sessions by the Quidditch pitch. I had given up on making him try, if I was to make friends with Harry, I'd have to put this off for a while anyways. Might as well have fun while I still can right?

"Very tempting, very." I really didn't want to decline this offer, after all, I still had to honor the arrangements. "But I've got to learn some charms before 5th, and I don't have much time. What about 7th?" His face fell, but picked right back up again.

"Sure thang Killer." He kissed my cheek and slumped down the stairs, I didn't have time for a shower anymore, potions, here I come.
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I actually like this one. really.