Status: Somewhat active, it's fieldhockey season. School started.

Because of the Times

Because Of The Times, part seven.

Potions was a bore, stealing glances with Blaise and Zeke and avoiding Draco's seemed to take up both periods. Once and a while I'd throw a smile in Harry and Hermione's direction, both understanding I had to keep up my Slytherin status to be of any help to them.

"Class dismissed. Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Black, please stay behind." Slughorn smiled cheerfully, waving us closer.

"I'll catch you in a bit." I stage-whispered to Hermione and followed Draco to the front of the room. Professor Slughorn was writing down ingredients and muttering to himself as we sat directly in front of his desk. "Sir?"

"Yes yes, Ms. Black. I would like the both of you to work together on something for me. Professor Snape has asked me specifically to get you two to do this, so I am obligated to do so. Here are the ingredients to a rather strong potion, I need you to collect them all and create this for me, seeing as it takes months and I have much work left to do for classes." He handed me and Draco separate lists, his of ingredients, mine of directions. "Now be off."

Not only do I have to help Draco with his stupid cabinet assignment, AND get close to Potter, but now I'm also assigned some potion to make, with none other then the one who's causing me grief?" "I'm busy this period. And most of 7th, I'll meet you during lunch." I kept my voice calm, not wanting to show my aggravation or desperation. I dared to look at him, his hair fell into his eyes, his lips as inviting as ever.

"You'll need to eat..." He mumbled, staring into my face. It was then I realized how fantastic his eyes were, almost a grey blue, and seriously deep. Like I could see into his soul through them.

"I'm not hungry." I stumbled back, losing my balance. Right away his strong arms were around me, holding the back of my head up and my waist towards him. "Dra-" I couldn't finish my sentence, his lips pressed to mine.

I was flying again, my only anchor was Draco, his touch sent lightning through my spine, his kiss melting me. I pulled him closer, thrusting my hips into his, dragging my hands through his hair. This is what I had been dreaming of since the kiss in Snape's office. Passion, nothing I did with Blaise ever felt as intense, as real.

Draco groaned as I bit his lip, shaking me from his trance. I shoved him away, stunned I let him kiss me. But I kissed him back. "I have to go, Bubblehead, Hermione, Blaise..." I trailed off, waving my hand in a goodbye.

"Clare!" Draco tried to follow. Muttering a spell I held him there long enough to run down the stairs and out to the grounds.

"Move it oaf." I shoved a third year out of my way, jogging towards the quidditch pitch where Hermione sat with Ron and Harry. Looking up Harry smiled, Mirrored by Hermione; Ron glared. "Sorry I'm late, I got yelled at for screwing with Malfoy-"

"Knew it." Ron scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Excuse me," He was going to get on my nerves. "Screwing with Malfoy's potion. I have lunch detention with Slughorn all week." Fantastic, a reason to skip lunch.

"Brilliant." Harry laughed, patting the ground next to him.

"Well let's get started." Hermione demonstrated numerous times before I stopped faking and got the spell right, earning a grin from Harry. I had honestly mastered this spell my first year, I really did love to swim.

"Thanks Hermione, we better get to class though, can't be late!" I pulled Harry up and looked around, neither Blaise or any of my gang were in sight. "Thanks so much Hermione I really appreciate it." I gave her a hug and turned towards the school, mentally exhausted from being so fake.

"Wait up!" Harry called, walking with me towards class. "I have 7th free, what are you doing then?" He looked hopeful. I couldn't break plans with Blaise, and I could see Draco anytime. "I'm busy for the first half, plans yanoo... but we could go swimming the second half!" He laughed, nodding.

"Swimming it is."
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Laaa I love writing this. Even though it sucks, it's enjoyably.