Just Smile, Please?

Just Smile, Please? Chapter 4

I tried to move on but my heart stayed in one place. At the clubs I sat at the bar alone. I couldn’t bear knowing that the man I loved was gone, forever. Mel called me that night and asked me to sneak out which I did, though when my hands touched my tree that I climbed down they didn’t feel the same. Chase’s touch changed them. They felt as if they belonged in his hands our fingers intertwined. That though scared me. Would this feeling ever go away will my heart ever be mended? Is all that ran through my mind.

My feet hit the floor and I turned towards my driveway. Mel was in her car waiting just like any other night. I walked to the car my legs trudged forward. We went to the same club. The security guard gave us another lecture and all I could do was nod. We were walking in when Carl grabbed my arm. My heart jumped my head snapped around and I looked at him. “Is everything all right Whitney?” Carl asked. I smiled hiding my inner pain.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked. I giggled to reassure I was fine.

“You just don’t seem like your normal smart ass self. “ Carl said.

“Well, Carl just need a few drinks.” I said and smirked. Carl’s eyebrows furrowed and he let go of me. I walked inside putting a little swing in my hips. Then I remembered Chase. The memory of his touch sent shivers threw me and I walked slower towards the bar. James and I have become very close. He’s been my rock.

Summer was coming to an end soon my senior year would start. I sighed. School was depressing to even think about. I ordered a strawberry daiquiri and a minute passed and James had it made and in front of me. I smiled and took a sip. I felt someone’s eyes on me and smelled something familiar. I smelled my dad. I turned around and met my parent’s eyes. “What the fuck?” I asked annoyed with them.

“We can’t trust you anymore Whit. “said my dad. Damn right they can’t trust me because I don’t care what they think.

“Get up and march to the car.” My mom said. I scooted away from the bar and sulked to the car. I was not in the mood to fight so I thought just listening would help. I smiled at Carl and he just rolled his eyes. He knew I got into trouble if I was leaving this early. I walked towards hour BMW and stepped in the back seat and closed my door. I heard the clicking of my seat belt and then I slouched in my seat. The car ride was dead silent and awkward. When we pulled into our neighborhood the trees passing by one by one and soon we came to an abrupt stop, and that’s when I realized I was home.

I stepped out of the car and walked into my house. I stood in front of the door and waited for my parents to walk in. When they did my mind was mush. “Whitney, please go to your room, your father and I have a lot to talk about. “my mom said. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to my room.

I couldn’t see why they were making such a big deal over nothing. Yeah, I was at a bar drinking I could be doing a lot worse. My parents, are officially uptight pricks. I changed into a big shirt and laid in bed. The comfort of my pillow soothed me to sleep.

I had a dreamless slumber. The best sleep I had in weeks. I woke up by the sound of a zipper. My eyes popped open and I saw Izzy our house keeper zipping up my suitcase. What the hell? Why is she packing my stuff? I marched downstairs.

“Why is Izzy packing my stuff?” I demanded in a harsh tone. Who do they think they are? I’m 18 for the love of God. My dad set down his news paper. In a complete mono tone he replied

“You’re leaving this afternoon for a boarding school in Maine.” I stood there in shock. Boarding school? Maine? How could they, especially my senior year? I knew there was no point in reasoning with them. If anything they would drag me onto the plane by one of their trained enforcers. I ran upstairs and sprawled on my bed. Tears would not stop I would never see Mel for a year. My friends, my life gone. Poof. Disappeared.

After my tears stopped I got up and went to my bathroom to take a shower. The hot water danced over my body soothing my mind and emotions. My hands reached through my hair. The shampoo cleansing my hair and for that moment taking my worries away. I rinsed my hair and turned the water off. The steam settled on the mirror so I used my towel to make a circle so I could see my face.

My long curly brown hair below my shoulders and my bright blue eyes sparkled. My rose pink lips curved upwards and my defined facial features showed. I scrunched my hair and walked towards my closet. I can’t stop thinking how my parents don’t care about me. They find me doing something wrong and they send me away so someone else could deal with it. I can’t believe this. My clothes didn’t even represent me. My parents wouldn’t let me go shopping. They wanted me to be the perfect daughter. I never fit in. A doctor as a father, a lawyer for a mother, a straight A Harvard graduate older sister, and then me.

I was a disappointment. I really could care less. I got a job and that money went towards my hidden closet which contained ripped jeans, converse, and skimpy tops. I looked and that section and it was gone. Oh my God! Where are my clothes? I ran downstairs in a towel to find a man at the bottom of the steps. His eyes widened and I was like what is his problem. Until I remembered I was only in a towel! I ran past him to my parents who didn’t move from the spot I left them at.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked. How could they? That’s what made me.

“You have perfectly nice clothes in your closet.” My mother said looking at one of her cases. Ugh I wanted to rip her hair out.

“I don’t mean those clothes Mom! I mean my clothes. The clothes I bought.” I said my voice shaky. I was not going to cry.

“Oh those Izzy threw those away. They were ripped and too small for you.” said my Mom completely monotone. She didn’t care. Again I marched upstairs the man gone. I went to my closet full of skirts and hats high heels and in other words not my style. I picked a black silk shirt and a gray pencil skirt. I looked in my jewelry box. Oh my god. They even threw away my jewelry as I flipped out I noticed my new luggage. What did they want me to be a different person at this school? God.

I put in pearl studs and put on my Chanel necklace. I grabbed my iPod hidden under my pillow. One thing they can never take away from me, my music. I grabbed my Mac and put on my eyeliner and light pink gloss. I looked at myself. You would never recognize me. A tear slid down my cheek my parents didn’t like who I was and I let them change me. How stuck up are they?

My parents can’t even accept their daughter being different. I put on black jimmy choos and step out of the door leaving my dignity, personality, and style behind. I whipped away the tear. All I have left from my old self is my music. I rolled my Louis Vuitton luggage down. Izzy was upstairs still packing the rest of my stuff. My heels clunked against the floor. I walked into the kitchen and my Moms eyes brightened and my Dad put down his paper. Now I’m worth their attention. I took a deep breath to hold back tears. They have no idea how torn inside I am. My Mom got up and hugged me. You look like such a lady she said. I smiled showing none of my old sarcastic self.

“See, Harold? Told you we wouldn’t be sorry about throwing her clothes away, besides these are much more expensive. “said my Mom while fixing my shirt. Then, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around to find the same man who was on the stairs. “Oh silly me,” said my Mom touching her chest, “this is Jonathan Hartman. His father owns the Academy. “ I smiled to him. My mind wandered to the face of Chase even the thought of him warmed my heart even though he left I still loved him. Don’t ask me why because I wouldn’t be able to answer. Though in a way I knew he loved me. I know what he did was wrong though maybe just maybe he had an explanation.

Too bad I would never know. The weird part I would board a plane at 12 and be at school at 2. Today school started at 2 15 and ended at 5 it was a short day it’s kind of just to get familiar with the school. “Whitney are you even listening to me?” my Mom asked her hands on her hips. I phased back to reality.

“Sorry. Now I am. “I replied. I smiled again, too much smiling. Soon my face would break gaahh.

“It’s too late to re-explain. Well you two are going to be late the plane is at the airport hurry get to the car. I hugged my mom again and winked to my Dad. My dad sort of understood me. He was rebellious when he was younger so he isn’t quite as strict as my mom. Wait what the hell? Did I really just say quite? This outfit is getting to me. I turned around and headed to the door. My life here was finished. My shoes echoed. I was outside at the care about to step in. I took one last look at my house and stepped in and shut the door. Next stop, Hartman Academy. I blinked back tears and when my eyes closed I realized how tired I was I fell asleep.
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Well you havee noo idea whats coming up. So incase you didnt realize her parents threw away her clothes jewelry and everything that made her. So she finally realized they didnt exept her for her and changed because she was tired of it. Well your in for something crazy next chapter :) tee hee