Just Smile, Please?

Just Smile, Please? Chapter 5

I woke up from someone whispering in my ear. What the fuck? My eyes fluttered open to see Johnathan. I did not smile because I was not happy. “We’re here.” Johnathan said. Wait how did I get on the plane?

“How did I get on the plane?” I fell asleep in the car.” I asked. A little taken back.

“Well I saw you sleeping and you looked really tired so I told the driver to carry you to the plane.” said Johnathan. Sooo close to being the least bit romantic. He made it sound like it was work to tell one of his workers to carry me. What am I his princess or something for his royal throne of Hartman Academy? Pshh whatever.

No matter how much my parents changed my appearance they couldn’t change my heart which sadly belonged to a man who I will never see again. I stepped off the plane catching sight of my reflection. I looked like I had just got ready. What in the hell? Whenever I wake up I look like I shit. I don’t know whatever. I walked to the luggage claim to find my bags already pulled and a man standing next to them which I suppose is another chauffer. Jesus, will my parents let me do anything for myself? What do they think I’ll break a nail or something? I don’t know what in the hell there damage is.

Gahhhh. My mind keeps coming back to my parents. I am putting them out of my mind. I held my Chanel purse in the bend of my arm and made my way towards the chauffer.

“Fuck it to hell!” I heard a girl mutter under her breath. Her bag was stuck. I smiled and walked over there. She looked me over and her face looked disgusted. “What in the hell do you want?” she spat at me. Words rolling of her tongue like bullets out of a gun.

“Well, I was going to help you but since you already seemed to judge me never mind.” I said still thinking how I wish I could wear her clothes and curse and have my old life back. I heard her heave one more go at the bag again it didn’t budge.

“Wait.” She said. I stopped and turned around.

“Can I help you?” I asked like a receptionist on a phone call. She smirked and pointed to her bag.

“My bag is being an ass could you get it for me?” she asked. I looked at her bag then back at her.

“Ughh. I am not sure. I might break a nail.” I said being sarcastic then looking at my nails.

“HAHAH verryyy funny.” She said. “Can you please just get my bag?” she asked.

“Sure.” I said. I made a large tug and it came off the conveyor belt. She looked at me amazed.

“Now where did a pompus spoiled rich kid get strenghth like that?” she asked.

“Well Daddy was afraid boys would hurt me so he sent me to tae kwon do.” I said milking the brat character for a little longer. I smirked. “No I’m just kidding. Well truth is people pissed me off and well I got sick of making threats that I couldn’t back up so I went to the gym and now I could probably beat half these people’s body guards to the ground.” I said.

“Well, looks can be deceiving.” The girl said. “Why are you here anyway?” she asked me.

“My parents caught me at a bar and didn’t want to solve it themselves so, sent me here threw away my clothes and jewelry so I’m stuck with outfits that are along the lines of this.” I said pointing to my outfit. “I never caught your name.” I said looking at her as we made our way to the pick up .

“Sadie. What’s yours?” she asked. I smiled wow I would be judging people that looked like me as I saw myself in a mirror. I looked like I just came out of spoiled rich and pretty magazine.

“Whitney. Nice to meet you.” I said extending my hand. She shook it. I started laughing because I realized how awkward handshakes are.

“What’s so funny?” Sadie asked. Having a confused look on her face.

“Oh nothing. Just handshakes are so damn awkward you know? I don’t know it just struck me funny.” I said. Sadie playfully rolled her eyes. I saw her making her way towards a bus. “You know you can ride with me.” I said pointing to my car. She smiled and walked over. I popped the trunk finally I can do this myself. I put Sadie’s bag in and we both got in the car.

“I could get used to this.” Sadie said. I looked at her. She didn’t look poor just independent.

“So how are you here if your parents can’t afford this. Like I mean if your parents can afford the academy why can’t they buy you a car?” I said. Laughing at myself in my head I’m such an idiot sometimes.

“Oh well, you see I flew the nest early. If that’s what you want to call it. My parents found me at a friends house when I came back in town and sent me to this school. They wanted to punish me so no car. No chauffer. Nothing. Though I got used to not having those things when I left though it doesn’t mean I don’t like having them.” said Sadie, giggling a bit. I plugged in my iPod to the speakers and we just let it take control. I was having fun for the first time since that night. I laughed, and just let my worries fade. I am starting to like having this girl as a friend. When we pulled up to the Academy all me and her could do was stare like mindless zombies. It was huge! It looked like a castle not a school. When we got to the gate two pads were on both sides of the car.

“Rest your hand here.” said the Machine. It scanned our hands. “Welcome, Whitney and Sadie to Hartman Academy.” I looked over to Sadie and mouthed What The Fuck. She shrugged her shoulders and the gates opened and I pressed the gas. I found out my parents bought me a parking spot. God damn it. I didn’t want the parking spot.

I liked driving around hunting for a spot it was the fun of driving knowing you beat someone to a spot was like a victory. Though now that was stripped away just like everything else. I popped the door and stepped out of the car.

There were a few boys in the car over. They whistled and hollered. I wanted to shove my fist up their face. I got on an angry face and walked to the back of the car to get my carry on and Sadie’s bag.

“Take deep breaths.” said Sadie realizing they were getting to me. Ugh I wanted to squeeze their head to a pulp is what I wanted to do. A guy grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I was too shocked to move or defend myself.

“Boys look what we have here. The new girl is hotttt.” he said to his buddies. I sat there like a helpless puppy. “Look baby. I am Dillon. Here I am the man. The Captain of the Football team and I get every girl I want. I want you. Catch my drift?” he said while his hand felt my ass. I just sat there. What the fuck is up. Why is my mind mush?

“Hey man, stop. Leave the poor girl alone.” said a guy. His brown hair cut short and his brow n eyes piercing. The guy let me go.

"Will. You better be thankful I like you or your ass would be toast." said the arrogant jerk. I slipped away. Then the Brown Eyed Wonder caught my arm. “You okay?” he asked concerned.

“Yeah I’m fine. So if you could let me go that would be great or do you want to sexually harass me like your buddy over there.” I said sarcastically.

“What, no thank you?” he asked jokingly. I put on a guilty face and shappend my lips to say sorry.

“Nope. “ I walked away. I giggled to myself. Maybe this school wouldn’t be so bad.
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not the best Ikkk but trust me the next chapter is gonna be the bombbbb fo sureee :) ahha
well give feed backk.
Thank you Weirdpoetic, Ezmierelda, lovinlivinlaughin, keepthepeace, bunnieprincess, nothingpersonal, rasberry1186, and many more if i forgot you i still appreciate you im just really tired and need some sleep well night