Just Smile, Please?

Just Smile Please? Chapter 6

I made my way to the lobby to get room assignments. Girl after girl turned away smiling and comparing there room numbers. My arms got numb as I realized I might be sharing a room with strangers. Breathe, Whitney, breathe. Step after step, heart beat after heartbeat we got closer. Soon enough it was my turn. The receptionist smiled. “Well sweetie your room will be a little bit different then all the rest of the students. First of all you will be rooming by yourself,” said the receptionist, as I sighed in pure relief. “But you won’t be rooming in student dorms.” WHAT?!? My neutral face turned into a frown.

“Where will I be rooming then?” I asked as nice as I could. I ended up sounding like I lion. Her eyes became wide. She looked down at my paper. HURYY UPP! Is all I could think.
She smiled again. I wanted to grab her shirt and shake her saying THIS IS NOT A SMILING MATTER!

“You’ll be staying in the teachers rooms. “ the receptionist said. I looked at her name tag. Martha.

“Well, Martha in case you haven’t noticed… I’M NOT ATEACHER!” I couldn’t withhold my anger any longer. How can she be so stupid?

“No need to get a tone,” Martha said. “Apparently, we ran out of rooming so we had to transfer to alternative rooming. Your one of the lucky ones, some were roomed 20 miles away downtown. Where as, the teacher’s dorms even connect to the school.” Martha added. My heart started beating at a normal face and my hands unclenched. I smiled showing I was back to normal. “To leave on a better not the rooms are way bigger and you have one all to yourself.” added Martha.

“Well if they are so big could a friend of mine room with me?” she looked at the paper. Her eyes widened and up at me again.

“Well it I over looked something you’re not rooming alone. You’re rooming with a teacher. “said Martha. What that is just weird. Damn it. Can my life get any worse? Watch him be a prick that won’t let me leave the building without a measuring tape to see if my shorts are long enough. Well I spent long enough talking to this whacko.

“What’s my room number?” I asked. She handed me a piece of paper and I walked over to Sadie. “Ugh, they ran out of rooms so I am in the teacher’s dorm.” I said and handed her my room number.

“Oh fuck. That really is though shit.” Sadie said handing me back my paper.

“it gets worse,” I said and Sadie crossed her arms saying try me, “I have to share a room with a teacher!” Sadie started laughing.

“I’m sorry.” Sadie said out of breath. “It’s just a little funny.” I rolled my eyes. She was too much like me.

“Well I’m going to go get settled in, see you in homeroom.” I said walking with my carry on to my room. My other luggage was already there. The main entrance was huge and so was the building. I walked in acting as if I belonged. My head held high and my jimmy choos tapped against the granite flooring. I click the 16th floor button on the elevator and it ascended. The doors opened to a beautiful all white hallway. My room was the first room on the left. 1601. My key slid in and my hand turned.

My breath caught and I turned the key as I got too excited. I pushed the door and the room was a sky blue. I turned to a door with my first name engrave in it with gold letters. I tuned the knob and it was even prettier. Oh my shit. I was utterly speechless. The entirely white room with a gold bed spread. The room was not my style but it was too gorgeous to resist. I looked at my watch and saw it was 10. I turned to the main room. I saw a door and assumed it was the bathroom. I got in my bag and fetched my bathroom supplies and made my way to the door. I turned the knob to find a guy in a towel. I stood there in disbelief. His head turned. I took a deep breath. I could not believe who was standing in my bathroom.

“Chase?” I asked my voice shaky. He stood there starry eyed and awe struck.

“Whitney, I can’t believe you’re here. I can’t believe your teaching at the same school I am. What are the odds?” Chase said. He came towards me and hugged me. I couldn’t help but to smile I was so happy until I remembered that he thought I was a teacher. Oh fuck! I never told him my age. “You look so different. You look like you came out of an office. “Chase said.

I looked at him and smiled. “There’s something I need to tell you,” I said very seriously Chase sat on the sofa and patted the spot beside him welcoming me to join him I sat, “I am not a teacher.” He got a puzzled look on his face. Then his smile grew wide.
“Whitney, wow I can’t believe you got the head mistress’ job. I mean I knew she quit last year that is why it’s so chaotic and students are rooming here but, wow.” Chase said his smile dazzling him.

“No Chase. You don’t understand my point. “I said my eyebrows furrowing. I put and arm on his shoulder. “I am a student Chase.” His mouth dropped. He couldn’t move. Oh my god. He is going to hate me. I can’t believe I didn’t tell him. Why didn’t I tell him? I mentally criticized me for the agonizing amount of time he sat there silent.

“Why didn’t you tell me back in the hotel?” he asked. He was still in shock. Gah I am such an idiot.

“Yeah, Chase. When a girl gets her heart shattered realizing the person she could see herself with was leaving the next day and didn’t even have the courtesy to tell her, the first thing they want to do is say and oh yeah, by the way I’m 19.” I said sarcastically. I can’t believe he even asked me that. “No Chase. That is not how it works. “Chase smiled. What in the hell is he smiling about?

“You could see yourself with me?” he asked. I looked at him with adoration. He is sweet.

"Chase, I don’t know why or how but, I honest to God love you.” I said a tear running down my cheek. Gosh I can’t keep myself together.

“I love you to," Chase said. He loves me he really loves me. "though I sorry. It cant work out. Your a student I'm a teacher. That is not allowed under any circumstances." I felt like he nailed me to a cross and burnt me to the ground stomped on my ashes and had a party about me being dead. I can't believe I love someone so heartless.
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I know I know. How could I let Whitney's heart be crushed after she finally found her man again. I'm sorry its just how I felt it needed to go. I didnt even expect that ending I changed it last minute the alternate ending just didn't feel it was meant to be in my story. Sorry. Well if you want to be a character give me a shout and maybe ill put you in the story make sure you give me a few things about yourself too.

Love Brooke (I realllyyy wantt some feedbackkk. Pleassee.)