My Life With Escape the Fate

What happends when 17 year old Sarah starts a band and gets signed to Epitaph Records?
What happends when they're first tour is with one of they're idols?
Will they take them seriously? Or will they just suspect they're a bunch of kids who don't know how to have fun?

Max Green
Age: 23
Craig Mabbitt
Age: 23
Bryan Money
Age: 22
Robert Ortiz
Age: 24

Sarah - Vocals
Age: 17
Vince - Guitar - Screaming
Age: 17
Brandon - Bass
Age: 18
Jason - Guitar - Screaming
Age: 18
Chase - Drums
Age: 18

*Everyone's Pictures Are In The FIRST Authors note =)*
  1. Are You Fer Real?!?
    First story by myself<3 don't hate =)
  2. Please Take A Seat
    sorry it took so long =0
  3. Just think about it...okay?
  4. She's Beautiful
    Bryan's P.O.V.
  5. Oh Mi Jebus
    Normal P.O.V
  6. Where The Hell Are You
  7. Bryan's P.O.V.
    Just a filler thing
  8. Day Numero Uno
  9. Covered Them With Ribbons.
  10. The Pain Of Love.