My Life With Escape the Fate

Are You Fer Real?!?

'I feel the pressure,
It's coming down on me,
It's turning me black and blue!
Oh whoa
You left me on the side of the road (side of the road!)
And now I've got no place to go,
You brought the flood!'

'The Flood' Started screaming from the phone. I rolled over in bed to see who was calling me at 10AM. I Looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Vince, one of my band mates, and also my best friend since 7th grade. I groaned and knew he wouldn't stop calling till I picked up, so I cleared my throat and answered the phone.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked, my voice cracking.
"Wow, someone's grumpy in the morning" I just grunted as he continued on talked.
"Anyway, I was calling to make sure you were ready for tonight! I think we should have one more band practice this afternoon though" I could hear the little bits of worry in his voice.
"haha yeah I'm ready. and sure. whose house and what time?"
"My house, noon. I gotta go, my moms yelling at me to pick up my clothes. See you later." He finished as he hung up.
I rolled back over in my bed. In case your little lost, let me explain myself.
My name is Sarah. I'm 17 years old from Florida. I'm not your average teenage girl. I have Blonde and Pink hair. I've got the 'Emo' look goin on. I have snakebites. I'm about 5 foot2 so I'm not the tallest person around. I'm in 11th grade. I'm in a band called Dead Is Your New Black with my best friend Vince, and my other friends Brandon, Jason, and Chase. And today was an important day for us. Probably one of the most important days of our lives so far. We're having a performance at a place called Puzzles. It's downtown, and a lot of Music Producers tend to go there, and since we aren't signed yet, we're hoping that we might have a chance tonight.

I got up and started getting ready. Yes it takes me almost 2 hours to get ready. It's not my fault I have thick hair that doesn't like to be straightened. I got in the shower and was out in about 25 minutes. I went to check my phone and I had about 12 new text messages. They were all from the guys asking if i was pumped for tonight. A couple were from my friends Aimee, Yaritza, and Emily wishing us good luck.

By the time I got to Vince's house it was 11:30. I didn't feel like waiting till 12 so I kinda just walked. I also just walked right into his house. His mom knew me so she didn't care. I went straight to Vince's room only to find him sleeping.
Vince and I have been through a lot together. He's been my best friend for 4 years and I'm thankful I have him. He's kinda tall, well taller than me anyway, he has long dark brown hair that falls in his face and he's soon to be getting snakebites. But I decided since he woke me up, I can wake him up right? That's what I thought. So then, I jumped on his bed scaring the living shit outa him. I started cracking up and nearly fell off the bed.
"What are you doing here? I said 12 not-" He looked at the clock"-11:40." He yawned that last word.
"I know, but i got bored so I walked here" All he said was 'Ohh' then he closed his eyes again. I did the same. No Vince and I aren't going out. We get that question a lot, the truth is, we're just extremely close friends. He's like my brother.
There was a knock on the door and i got up to answer it. In the doorway stood Brandon, Jason, and Chase.
Jason was tall. He had long brown hair, amazing blue eyes, and snakebites. Him and Vince are a lot alike. They're both loud and they can be annoying at times, but I love them. Haha, we all do.
Brandon was kinda tall too. Well all these guys are all. Compared to me anyway. Haha. Anyway, Brandon's got long black hair and the right side of his lip pierced. He can be quiet at times, but when all 5 of us are together he can get loud.
And last but not least, Chase. He's about 3 inches taller than me, he's got long black hair and he's pretty damn shy. He always looks stoned, but he's an amazing drummer.

Band practice went amazing. It was deffinatly the best yet. We were all pumped for our show tonight. I couldn't wait till 8 O'Clock came around.

♥~The Show~♥
One of our favorite songs to cover was Darling by Eyes Set To Kill. It had a lot of Screaming in it, which is why Vince liked it, Plus we had been covering this song for years.
There were a couple handfuls of fans there. People that heard us over myspace, youtube, or just got dragged there by their friends.
We were talking to some fans when I was tapped on the shoulder. We all turned around to see who it was. A man was standing there, he was in about his late twenties early thirties maybe.

"Hi. My name is John. I work for Epitaph Records. My co-worker and I were wondering if your band was signed to a label yet?" All of us were shocked. We just stood there with our mouths open.
We knew exactly what Epitaph Records was. It was the Record Label some of our Idols were on.
Vince elbowed me in the ribs to make me talk since the man had most of his attention on me.
"Uh...umm No, no we aren't signed yet." I managed to choke out. I was so nervous, I didn't have a clue what to say.
"Why don't you guys stop by our office. We really like your sound and we'd love to sign you if your interested." He said with a smile on his face. Now all of our mouths were literally hanging open.
"Are you fer real?!?" I said with so much excitement.
"haha very fer real" He said chuckling.
"So what do you say?"
"Of Course!" We all practically screamed at the same time.
"haha cool. So why don't we sit down and get to know you guys a little bit. We can start with names"
I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I literally had to pinched myself.
"My names Sarah, This is Vince, Jason, Brandon, and Chase" I said motioning my hands as I said the guys names.
"Nice to meet you. So do you know what Epitaph Records is?" We all nodded our heads.
This was it, This is what we've been working 2 1/2 years for. I couldn't wait to tell Aimee, Yaritza, and Emily. They were gonna be so exited!
After John explained what was gonna happen, he started asking us questions. How old were we, when did we start playing. How we met, how long we've been together for, and where our name came from.

I couldn't wait to find out what was next. We were secretly texting each other from under the table. We couldn't believe this was actually happening. Hell I thought I was in a dream!

All I could think about was what's gonna happen in the future. Will we actually make it? Will people hate us? I was hoping all our hard work would pay off. Shit, I was praying that all our hard work would pay off. Right there at the table I was praying inside my head......
♠ ♠ ♠
Escape the Fate
Sarah Vince

this story was part of a dream I had. I do actually know a Vince that I'm starting a band with and he is actually my best friend.