My Life With Escape the Fate

She's Beautiful

*Bryan's P.O.V.*

We were all sitting around at Starbucks waiting for the band we were suppose to be going on tour with. All of us were extremely nervous. None of us had a lot of time to look them up, but apparently, Robert and Max did and they heard guys singing and screaming.
So maybe it wouldn't' be so bad after all?
The bell to the door rang, and all our heads shot up. There were a group of kids standing there looking around. They spotted us and came over in our direction. There were 5 of them, four guys and one girl. She was beautiful. I tried hard not to stare, but I couldn't really help it.
She looked about 5foot 2, she had long pink and blonde hair.
There was a guy next to her with his arm around her. I'm guessing it was her boyfriend. I mean, how could a girl that pretty not have a boyfriend right?
"Uhh hey, we're Dead Is Your New Black. My name is Jason. This is Vince, Brandon, Chase, and Sarah." The dude with his arm around the girl said. We were all shocked. They were not what we were expecting.
They only looked about 16 years old. And Robert said he only heard guys on the song.
We all stood up and introduced ourselves and sat back down.
"Uhh sorry about that. You guys just weren't what we were expecting, to be honest."Craig said from beside me.
"We get that a lot" Sarah said smiling. I couldn't stop looking at her. Her voice was melodic.
We all started talking and getting to know each other a little better. It turned out that they were big fans of Escape the Fate and that we were one of their idols, and had been for a while.
I talked to Sarah more than anyone else. I wanted to get to know her, and I know it may seem a bit creepster like since she's so young, but there was something about her.
I couldn't really explain it, but just something about her drew me in.
We all talked and chilled till about 9 PM when they started getting calls from their parents telling them to come home.
As we were walking out I was side by side with Sarah, we were still talking about random things, until Craig started speaking out of no where.
"Um, look guys, I hate to be a downer or whatever. But I don't know if we're gonna do the tour. You guys are like really cool, don't get me wrong. But I don't know, I'm just not to sure about this..." I didn't really know what Craig was getting at, but I'm pretty sure it was gonna have something to do with their age or Sarah being the only girl.
None of us said anything. Craig was looking everywhere except Sarah and Max, Robert and I were just looking at our feet.
"Is it because we're young?" Sarah asked looking a bit hurt.
None of us still said a word. She took a couple steps closer to Craig so they were practically chest to chest.
"You know, I was really hoping you guys were gonna be different." That caught us all off guard. What did she mean?
"What do you mean?" Craig asked looking at her for the first time since he brought it up.
"I mean, we were really hoping you guys weren't gonna be like every other douche bag adult we've met, who tell us they can't work with us, or they don't wanna support us, or whatever the hell they're excuse is, just because we're young. Age is just a fucking number. It means nothing. You guys were young when you started too. That's why we thought you would understand a little better. Yeah you weren't as young as us but still...." She trailed off giving Craig a pleading look. She was right. Age was just a number. And no matter what I had to do, I was gonna get her. I know nothing of what I'm thinking right now, had any connection to what she meant what so ever, but she just made a really good point.
She started walking away with the rest of her band. I turned to Craig,"Dude come on! Why don't you wanna do the tour?" I asked him.
"They just seem a little to young! I have nothing against them, I just don't know if they'd be able to handle it is all!" He took a deep breath.
"Just give em a chance dude. Who knows maybe they'll be cool with it" Robert joined it.
"What about when you guys bring girls on the bus?! It took us long enough to get used to it."
"Just give them a chance. Come on Craig" Max pleaded.
'Alright alright lets go find them!" We all started running off in the direction they went to find them at a car which seemed to belong to Brandon.
After Craig had told them the deal Sarah flipped out. She gave us all extremely exited hugs, and I knew this tour was gonna be awesome......
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ALRIGHTY! short short shortyyyyy! lol
sorry it's so short. But I just wanted to point out what was going on in Bryan's mind :D
and what was happening in someone else's P.O.V besides Sarah's :D
I'll be writing another update tomorrow(technically it'll be later today but you know what i mean :D ) so stay tuned! lol

okayy so i effin love comments :D
plus they tell me whats going on in your head, and if your liking the story or not.
SOOOOO....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE leave me comments telling me what you think! Rate and Subscribe too!I LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU DO ALL 3 XD
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