My Life With Escape the Fate

Where The Hell Are You

When we got back to the hotel, we all sat on the beds and talked. We were extremely tired from walking all day and all Robert wanted to do was go to sleep, but we wouldn't let him.
We were all sitting on one bed. Why? I don't know. It was a two bedroom hotel room and it had 4 beds, yet we all insisted on sitting on one. Maybe it was the fact that the bed was gigantic and comfortable? lol
We were all sitting in a circle; I was leaning into Robert's side with my legs in Craig’s lap, He was sitting next to Max, Bryan was sitting next to him, and Emily was sitting in between Bryan and Robert. Robert and I had the headboard and the pillows so we were the most comfortable.
"Alright well, I gotta get home. It was nice meeting you guys!" Emily said as she got up off the bed and gave everyone a hug. "Uhh Sarah you need a ride?" She asked holding up her car keys.
"Nahh I got my car here. But thanks." I said holding up my own keys. She nodded her head and walked out of the room.
"You know what we should do?" Max said getting up from his laying position.
"What?" I said mocking him.
He flicked me off and said "We should play truth or dare!"
"But I'm the only girl! That's not fare!" I said.
"That's not true! You have Robert!" Craig said grabbing a pillow and shielding his face.
"Fuck you!" Robert said flicking him off.
Bryan and I just sat there cracking up.
"So? What do you say??" Max asked getting exited.
"Alright alright I'm in" I said giving up.
"This is gonna be fun" Craig said rubbing his hands together.
'What the hell did I just get myself into?' I thought to myself.
"Okay well lady's first." Max said gesturing to me. "So, Sarah. Truth or dare?"
"Hmmm, truth." I said sticking out my tongue.
"Is it true your still a virgin??" Max said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Fuck yeah. And I'm proud!" I said smiling.
"Well we're just gonna have to change that now aren't we?" Max said all seductively.
I just sat there and shook my head laughing.
“She didn’t deny it!!!!!” Max Cried. I started laughing even harder.
"Alright Craig, your turn. Truth or dare?" I said turning to face him. He looked like he was thinking about it.
"Dare" He said with confidence.
" I dare you toooo.......kiss Max" I said with a gigantic smile on my face. Robert and Bryan started cracking up, and Max started making kissy faces at Craig, whilst Craig just looked horrified. But eventually he leaned over and super quickly pecked Max on the lips.
Robert, Bryan and I started laughing even harder.
"Fuck you guys" Craig said.
"I enjoyed it" max said with a smile. We started cracking up even more and Bryan and Robert almost fell off the bed. We were all crying by the time we finally calmed down.
"Alright Bryan truth or Dare" Craig said pointing to Bryan.
"Dare dude" Bryan said whipping his eyes.
"I dare you to kiss Sarah"
Bryan looked confused. He didn't move so I leaned over Robert who was still laying down and grabbed Bryan by the shirt and pulled him closer.
He leaned over and our lips came together. Craig and Max started cheering and I felt Robert pat both Bryan and I on the shoulder.
I pulled away and smiled at Bryan. He returned it and we went on with our game.
Two or three turns later I picked truth again.
"Is Bryan as good a kisser as he thinks?" Max asked laughing.
How the hell do I answer that? Do I say that it was one of the best kisses of my life? Or do I say that it was okay.
"He's pretty good" I said smiling and biting my lip ring.
Bryan blushed a little and so did I.

We played for about another 20 minutes before Robert and Craig went to bed leaving Bryan, Max, and Myself.
"Well I think I'm gonna leave you two love birds alone now." He said smirking and getting up off the bed.
"Fuck you" I said giving him a hug.
I looked back and Bryan and he was staring at me. There's that damn staring problem again.
"Your eyes are beautiful" Bryan said randomly scooting closer to me.
"Thank you" I said smiling. No one ever said that to me, so I didn't really know how to thank him for that comment.
"So are you exited about the tour?" He asked laying down. I laid down next him.
"It's our first tour ever. How could I not be exited?!" I said. He laughed a little.
"Plus, not only is it our first tour, it's our first tour with our idols." I said patting his arm.
He let out a soft chuckle. It was freezing in the room and he must've noticed.
"You can get under the covers if you want. I know it’s like below freezing in here. Craig likes it feeling like it could start snowing at any given moment." Bryan said smiling down at me. Yes even laying down I’m still shorter than him.
I just laughed and got under the covers, as did Bryan.
It was a lot warmer under here. And I’m not just saying that cuz I had an extremely hott guy next to me.
Bryan smiled at me and his dimples showed. God how I loved those dimples. His smiles are frickin contagious.
I smiled back at him and said "Your smiles are contagious ya know that?" He smiled even wider.
"I know. That's why I'm smiling. I like your smile" We just laid there for a while smiling at each other.
I broke the silence by saying "Yer Pwetty" In a baby voice. He started cracking up and I had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't wake up Robert who was in the bed next to us.
"Your pretty too" He said once he finally calmed down.
"Why thank you" I said and leaned over and kissed his nose. I giggled a little.
There was an awkward, yet comfortable silence between us. I could hear Max's snoring in the other room.
A couple minutes passed before Bryan spoke up again.
"Look Sarah, I don't know if you've noticed this...but I really like you" Bryan said just barely above a whisper.
"Bryan I'm still a minor.....Trust me. If I were 18 or older, that kiss would've been so much more." I said looking up at him.
"I'll wait forever. I don't care." He lifted his hand up and touched my cheek. I reached my hand up and took his. He interlaced our fingers together and I just starred at our hands.
They looked odd together. His skin was a dark tan, while mine was an odd white. Like seriously White.
I laughed to myself a little.
"What?" He asked stroking my hand with his thumb.
"Our hands look really odd together." I said holding them up for him to see.
He looked at them for a minute.
"Ehh I don't know. I think they look good together." He kissed my hand and set them back down.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him so my face was against his chest and his was in my hair.
"You smell like Axe." I commented.
He laughed a little and said "You smell like watermelon."
"Blehh. I hate watermelon." I said, my speech a little muffled by his shirt.
A couple minutes later we were still laying there. I was starting to drift in and out of sleep and I wasn't sure if Bryan was awake or not still.
"Bryan?" I whispered softly.
"Hmm?" He mumbled.
"Do you promise you'll wait for me?" I asked still quiet and muffled. He pulled away and brought me up so I was closer to his face.
"I'll wait for you for as long as you want. Just let me know if you want me to stop." He said looking into my eyes. I could tell that he meant every word.
I leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
I hated that fuckin law. That stupid law that if someone was older than 18 you weren't aloud to date them unless you were at least 17 or they were still in school.
He smiled into the kiss and so did I. When we pulled away I buried my face in his chest again and he kissed the top of my head.
Without thinking I fell asleep. It must've been Max's damn snoring. Craig and Robert were right. Max's snoring does make you fall asleep faster.

The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me. I attempted to shoo them away, but it didn't work.
"What're you doing?" They asked. It was Robert.
"Looking for your god damn snooze button." I said sleepily.
When I realized what was going on I shot up out of them bed and looked at my surroundings.
I was still in the hotel room and in the bed with Bryan.
"Fuck" I said jumping out of the bed.
"What happened?" Bryan said sleepily. I looked over at him. He was sooo flippin cute! Especially right after he wakes up. I wanted to go over there and give him a hug and never let go, but sadly I couldn't.

"I never told my parent's where I'd be last night. Oh my god they're probably worrying their fricken heads off." I said trying to find my shoes.
My hair kept getting in my face so I quickly put it up in an extremely messy pony tail as I slid my shoes on.
"I gotta go" I said rushing towards the door.
“I’ll text you guys later! Bye!" I said before running out the door leaving it wide open.
Instead of taking the elevator I took the stairs. They were only on the second floor, so there weren't that many.

I already knew what I was gonna say to my parent's when I got home. You see, my phone has been messed up lately. Sometimes it wont let me receive text messages. And then when I try to send one, sometimes it'll tell me it sent, but it really didn't. So that was gonna be my excuse.

When I pulled into my driveway I looked at my dashboard. It was about 9 AM.
"And prepare to die" I said to myself as I stepped onto my front porch.
I turned the key in the lock and the door flung open.
There stood my mom and dad.
"Where the hell have you been young lady?!?!?!" My mom said dragging me in.
"I stayed at Emily's. Didn't you get my text messages? I sent you like 5." I said managing to get out of my mother's death grip.
'You could've called!" My dad roared. He was a big man and scared the shit out of me when he got mad.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think of that. But next time I will. I promise" I said slipping over to the stair case.
"You bestchur ass you will" My mom said walking into the kitchen. I ran up the stairs and into my room before they could say anything else.
'Well that turned out better than I thought' I said to myself.

I went over everything that had happened last night. I adored Bryan. He was amazing. And the fact that he said he would wait forever, made him even more amazing. I could not wait till this tour started. I was so exited to see what was ahead for us all.......
♠ ♠ ♠
YAYYY! sorry this chapter kinda sucks. buttttt, I wanted to dedicate this chapter to, wthanjelica? for being so supportive of this story :D lol

plz plz plz comment rate and subscribe! if you do I swear I will love you forever! and I’ll give you a hug! lol
Thank You!