Nothing's Really Ever What It Seems

Chapter 1

Sidney's POV

"Sam," I snap, dragging her lingering eyes off of Marc as he walks past where we sit in the locker room. "Are you listening to me?" I ask before glancing over at Marc, giving him a warning signal to which he just replies while a faint smile.

"Yes, I'm listening," she replies while rolling her eyes. "No beer, drugs, or uninvited, unexpected guys at the house while you're out of town," she coos with a heavy amount of sarcasm. I can only respond by shaking my head and roughing up her hair, which she fixes instantly, something she never use to do. She also has make up on, and girly clothes, something that never use to happen. But then again, she was only 14 the last time I saw her.

"Don't act so thrilled," I say while getting up, expecting her to follow me, but she doesn't. "I told your parents I would look out for you while you were in Pittsburgh. What do you think they would say if you went back home knocked up or a drug addict?"

"That I learned from the best," she says while narrowing her eyes at me, her head kind of weaving like most teenager's do when they are trying to make a point. Huh, I don't remember her being that quick witted either.. "And besides, you are suppose to be looking out for me, not babysitting me," she adds for good measure to show how independent she thinks she is.

Sam's POV

I make my point and then let my eyes drift back over to Marc, who has his eyes on me as well. I smile over at him, but seconds later, Sid breaks up our moment

"I am looking out for you," he says while grabbing my chin lightly, directing it toward him and instead of on Marc, where I would much rather it be. "You can consider the guys in this room off limits. All of them. Especially him, he's 29," he says while gesturing toward Marc.

"And I'm 19, old enough and fully capable of making my own decisions," I retort while looking over at him one more time, only to find he isn't in his stall where he once was.

"Sam, I mean it. Stay away from him," he orders while pulling me toward the door, leading me out to his SUV where he heads off to where I'm suppose to call home for the duration of my stay.
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First story..
Well, this is just kind of like a short intro type thing.
Comment, and I can post more soon. :-)