Nothing's Really Ever What It Seems

Chapter 3

Sid's POV

After sitting up and reminiscing well into the later hours of the night, we both finally give it up and head up to bed. She puts her hand on the doorknob to her room, looking over at me and smiling faintly before giving me a little wave, disappearing into her room seconds later.


Things had been going great with the living arrangement. Sam had been more than easy to accommodate, not asking for a lot, well besides an assortment of junk food to be kept in the house at all times. Fortunately, every single one of my teammates had been able to keep their hands off of her as a response to my threats, even though she often came up in the talk of the locker room. I could only shake my head at their comments, knowing they were basically true even though they weren't words coming out of my mouth. I might have dubbed her 'off limits', but I'm not blind or stupid.

Today, in fact, was actually Sam's birthday. I go through my normal routine of getting ready in the morning, heading downstairs when I'm done but stopping in front of her door. I think about it, and then realize that it would be the best way to give her her present, so I open the door a little, just in case she is up, but I peak my head in and find her still curled up in her bed like she normally is.

Sam's POV

I hear the door creak open, but try to ignore it. But then, I feel the bed dip as he sits down and I know he isn't going away. I open one eye to look up at him, only to find he has his normal big goofy grin on his face. I pull the covers up over my head, only this time to hear him chuckle before pulling them away from me once again.

"Happy birthday," he says in a way to cheerful tone for how early I'm assuming it is.

"What time is it?" I groan before reaching for the closest pillow and pulling it down over my head, blocking the bright sunlight that is streaming through the blinds that are slightly open at my window, but even that is short lived as he quickly takes that away from me as well. "You aren't suppose to pick on me on my birthday," I pout while rolling over and away from him, but he just pulls the covers further away from me, and I can only imagine the way his face blushes at the sight of my bare legs, but I wasn't exactly expecting company this early so he should be glad that I'm at least wearing underwear.

"I'm not picking on you,"he retorts while standing up. "I'm allowing you to celebrate your birthday longer by starting your day earlier. Hurry and get up so you can go to morning skate, I know the guys will want to see you," he says while making his way to the door. "And put some clothes on," he adds with a shake of his head before disappearing through my door.

Sid's POV

She makes her way down the stairs taking them 3 at a time, which is a long stretch for the legs that help make up her small 5'4 frame. She does look like she's in a better mood though, so that's a good thing.

"When are we leaving?" she asks while bouncing into the kitchen and going directly for the cabinet to grab something for breakfast. She looks around for a couple seconds before going to the freezer and grabbing an ice cream bar instead, which can only make my shake my head. I've never had so much junk food in my house at one time. In fact, the amount here now probably exceeds the complete total of it before she arrived. She starts to head toward the door, but I grab her arm.

"Not in my car," I say while shaking my head and pointing to the ice cream. "Finish it here." She sighs dramatically before wolfing it down. It amazes me how much she eats, how little she works out, and she can still look like that...

"Happy?" she says while once again heading toward the garage. She opens the door, and I can see her gaze automatically looking over the empty space next to my Range Rover. "Why did you clean--" she starts, but she stops mid-sentence as I open the garage door and her present is in the drive way. I lean against the threshold as she runs out of the garage, inspecting her new car.

I walk outside as she's finished making her lap around the car.

"Did you get me this?" she asks while a smile while walking toward me.

"Partially. Your parents send their best."

"Thank you!" she says while running and almost tackling me as she stands on her tip toes to hug me. "I've always wanted one."

"I know you have," I say while releasing her and roughing up her hair, which she doesn't fix this time. "But come on, we're going to be late," I continue while walking toward my car, but she grabs me by my wrist and pulls me in her direction.

"Oh no, I'm driving. Get in," she commands while pushing me toward the passenger side of the car.