Nothing's Really Ever What It Seems

Chapter 4

Sam's POV

I slide into my new car, waiting patiently for him to get in. He gets in at a slow pace that drives me crazy before tossing me the keys which makes a smile spread across my face. I put the key in the ignition, turning it to start the car, and I know my smile gets ever bigger at the sound of the car coming to life, practically purring and asking to be taken down the road at breakneck speeds.

"You are such a guy," he says with a laugh while shaking his head at me.

"Oh you like it.." I tease while throwing the car into reverse. I get on the main road, and I love how just the slightest touch of my foot on the gas pedal has the motor revving. 'You gotta love muscle cars..' I think to myself. Knowing Sid would flip if I peeled out in front of his drive way, I take it a slow pace, a responsible pace. The speed can come later when my baby sitter isn't with me..

I know I probably shouldn't say it like that, but it's the way it feels sometimes. And I also know that a million other girls would pay a crapload of money, maybe even an arm or leg, literally, for him to babysit them or be sitting next to them in their new car like he is mine now, so I know I shouldn't be complaining, but he's just Sid to me, not the hockey hunk that has been stealing teenage girls hearts from all over the world since the age of18.

"Hey Danica," he says, breaking me out of my trance, "slow down, you have to be going at least 20 over the speed limit." I rev the engine a little bit more and he just looks over at me. "Millions of people in Pittsburgh would be pissed if you killed me, so slow down so you don't have an angry mob of hockey fans after you," he jokes while shaking his head, something he's been doing a lot toward me lately. Normally, a comment like that would come off cocky, but him and I both know he's had the town of Pittsburgh eating out of the palm of his hand for a while now..

"You're not as indispensable as you think," I say while smirking, and then laughing as he whips his head back toward me because of my comment. "Yeah, I said it," I add while he glares at me. "You've already brought the cup back to the Burgh, twice actually. Not to mention your bad knees, who really knows how much magic they've still got in them," I say while reaching over and tapping his leg that is closest to me. He slaps my hand away playfully, turning his attention back out his window but I can tell he is smiling.

"Just drive smartass," he commands with a smirk of his own, and I do so willingly, because I love this car.

Marc's POV

I'm about to make my way into the arena when I see a car I've never seen before pulling into the parking lot. A nice car, a car I wouldn't mind having myself one day. They drive by me, and it's then that I see Sam driving. A woman that can appreciate a classic car like that..? Now that's hot. No, it's one better, it's damn sexy.

She gets out of the car, smiling like crazy. It's then that I see him getting out of the car as well, which makes me a little bit aggravated. He said that she was off limits to he whole team, himself included, but I can't help but notice how close they've been getting, especially now as he's waiting for her to catch up to him to walk into the arena. Her eyes scan the parking lot, finally catching my gaze.

"Hey Marc," she greets with a smile, but I can only give her a short glimpse before I go back to looking at Sid, trying to pick up on his mood. He knows I want a shot with her, but I can also tell that he wants his too, so to say that there has been some tension in our friendship over the past couple of weeks would be an understatement. "Looking at my baby?" she asks excitedly. I stand dead in my tracks. Did she just refer to Sid as her baby? Then I let my gaze come back into focus, and I can see her car behind him. I let go a sigh of relief as shes already making her way over to her car, waiting patiently for me to take a look.

Sid stares me down, trying to make me remember all the things he's told me before heading off toward the arena.

"It's pretty bad ass, I'm not going to lie," I offer with a smile, loving how excited she is. "Birthday present?" I ask, to which she just nods her head. Then it occurs to me, he probably got it for her. "From him?" I ask, not being able to say his name out loud. Luckily for me, she doesn't pick up on my hostility.

"And my parents," she adds while walking off toward the arena. She turns around to look at me, and it's then that I realize that she's waiting for me, so I follow her diligently. "Are you coming tonight?" she asks, breaking the silence we had fallen into.

"To Sid's?" I ask, even though I know that that is probably what she is referring to. She nods her head, prompting me to answer the question. "I don't know.." I say with a shrug.

"You should. It will be a good time," she says while throwing me a smile before opening the door and walking away.

Sid's POV

I see him standing there when we drive into the parking lot, and for a minute it looks like he's just going to continue his route to the arena, but then I see his head snap in our direction, no doubt seeing Sam driving. I know Fleur has a thing for cars, but there is no way that's what he was looking at. She starts talking to him, and I know that I won't be able to be around her 24/7 to stop things from happening between her and any of my teammates for that matter, so I know that I'm going to have to trust her to respect my wishes.

I know that Sam is old enough to make her decisions, and she is pretty responsible for someone her age, but I also know that she is naive, just like any girl her age. It's so easy to get caught up in guys like Marc's 'cute little accent' as I've heard most girls describe it, even though its disappeared some through the years, and I also know that him speaking French is definitely to his benefit. Girls definitely swoon over that factor for some reason. I shake all thoughts of Sam, Marc, or whatever guy I'm sure is going to hit on her next out of my mind as I enter the locker room, knowing that there will be time to deal with it later.