Nothing's Really Ever What It Seems

Chapter 7

Sid's POV

I continue to watch the two of them throughout the night, a certain amount of uneasiness being my main emotion, something I've never felt before, not even on the ice. I sit there, wondering what Marc even wants with her. He is nearly 10 years older than her. And yes, she is beautiful. I know a lot of guys don't look at her and still go unwanting, that would be a lie. Everyone knows how gorgeous she is. Well, except for maybe Sam herself. But then again, there is something about the way she can always get what she wants that makes me wonder if maybe she does, and she's just a good sport about it, until she's using it against men that is. And she can get whatever she wants and she knows it, she always has been able to.

And then that has me thinking, why does she want Marc? She could have any eligible guy out on the street, someone much younger, more her age.

Unless she's after money..? No, I shouldn't even think like that. I get a bigger paycheck than him, and she's never once came onto me.

Unless I missed it..? The guys are always telling me I'm slow on all issues that have girls involved. No, we're friends. She would never hit on me, I don't know why I'm even thinking about that anyways, it's never going to happen.

I see my front door opening, glad to see my parents making their way in because I desperately need a change of subject in my thoughts. I also see Marc getting up and heading for the door, but not before he pulls Sam into a tight hug and she lightly presses her lips to his cheek before he turns to leave as soon as I slip through the sliding glass door.

"What was that about?" I ask while nodding my head toward Marc's lingering form.

"He wanted to wish me happy birthday," she replies in a harsh tone before scowling at me. "Last time I checked, it's perfectly legal for friends to wish friends to have a nice night."

"Sam!" My mom exclaims, thankfully taking Sam's icy glare off of me as she walks toward them.

"Mr. and Mrs. C," she greets while pulling them both into a tight hug. "It's been too long."

"We haven't seen you in forever. Look at you," my dad says while shaking his head, "all grown up." She puts her hands on her hips and poses like a model before they all laugh.

I've never seen my dad like that with anybody before, especially girls. Especially girls I spend a lot of time with, never mind live with. He's always had a soft spot for Sam though, even when we were growing up. He always wanted me to date her when we were little, but I would always just laugh it off. I look at her now, smiling and joking it up with my parents, and I can't help but wonder if I was wrong..

Sam's POV

Eventually everyone else goes home, leaving just me, Sid, and his parents alone sitting in his living room. I love his parents to death, always have, and I know that they are both very fond of me, but even though I haven't seen them in ages, I can't give them my full attention during this visit of theirs. He sits on the couch by his mom, and I curl up on my side of the love seat with his dad on the other half, and we just stare at each other. It's been happening ever since every one has left. We stare, waiting for the other to give in until one of his parents say something, bringing the game to an end.

I don't know what's up with him tonight. He's tense, rigid in all of his motions, unusually quiet. Yes, he those things normally, but tonight it's worse, done to a much bigger degree.

We are like fire and ice, so completely opposite, but compliment each other all the same. It's as if the craziest things he can come up with in his head he can assume I'm going to do, and I can assume that anything safe and responsible is calling his name. He can talk me out of doing most of the idiotic things that come into my mind, and sometimes, just sometimes I can make him take a jump into the deep end, just do something spontaneous.

And this all brings us back to this moment, sitting across from each other speechless, waiting for the other to blink first, to give in.

"So are you keeping him out of trouble?" his dad asks while slapping my knee, bringing me out of my trance and my eyes off of Sid's for the first time in what seems like forever. Luckily, both his parents haven't picked up on my uneasiness or his hostility.

"I don't know that that's even possible," I say while shifting my gaze back to Sid's, a smile on my face so his parents think I'm joking, but a look in my eyes that's telling him I'm serious.

"I don't know what you're talking about dad," he says with a laugh. "She's the one that always seems to be playing with fire," he adds while looking back over at me and using the metaphor we use to describe our friendship, zeroing his intense gaze back on me that sends a shudder down my spine.