Forever With You

Forever with you

I watched as God took away my little girl from me.
Laying there so peaceful and quiet, it broke my heart.
I watched as a flood of nurses and docters rushed in to help her.
They knew they couldn't do anything now, she was never coming back.
I wanted to cry but I was struck with fear and shock.
They all turned to me with eyes filled with sorrow.
"We tried everything we could, we're sorry." A doctor said.
I nodded silenty and went twords my child.
I moved a lock of golden hair from her cheek and grabbed her hand gently.
I held it to my face and could feel warm tears run down my cold skin.
I started to hum her favorite lullaby as I leaned over her still holding hands.
The crying started to become heavier now but I still hummed but with much difficulty.
I could hear the nurses start to cry behind me now.
A hand rested on my shoulder, "We'll give you some time to yourselves."
The group quietly walked out of the room.
I couldn't help myself and climbed in the hospital bed next to my angel and held her against me, she was just as warm as she was an hour ago holding on to dear life.
"You were filled with such life, you had so much love to give to the world."
I held her closer, "I'm going to miss you honey, I love you so much."
She was becoming colder after the minutes and It was finally setting in that she was gone.
I looked at her and tried to smile through my tears.
"It'll be alright, your in heaven with God just like they said in church, and you'll get to see Daddy now, I bet you like that huh?" I stroked her head and continued with her lullaby.
Cradleing her in my arms I rocked her back and forth as a I sang.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

On that last word it felt like my chest would cave in from the sobs.
I buried my face in her hair and cried, this was the worst pain I had ever suffered.
She was my life, my whole reason of living, and she was gone.
I kissed her head and whispered in her little ear,
"Sleep well my angel."