Surveillance, Surviving, and Falling in Love.


I woke up, blinking. Where was I? Was this heaven? Funny, I had always thought heaven would be more comfortable.

“Stay here, little girl.”

God? Was that him? I thought he would be nicer.

I blinked again, and looked around. There was a man in a suit, and I realized I wasn’t in heaven; I was in a white room. I was sitting in a metal chair, at a metal table.

I was captive.

I didn’t struggle, because that would have drawn attention to me. Instead, I assessed everything that happened. I shouldn’t be alive. I fell out of a plane that exploded, for goodness’ sake.

That made me think of Jazz.

Was he okay? What had happened? Where was he?

Where was I?

A man came into the room, in a fancy suit. The first thing I noticed about him was a scar that he had on his face. He walked in, shutting the door behind him forcefully.

“Miss Pippa. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.” He said, his mouth cracking into a wry smile.

“Sir.” I nodded politely. If this guy was my captor, I wasn’t gonna be rude to him. He was keeping my mother and Jazz, after all.

“I have heard plenty about you.” He said, sitting down across from me. I tried to keep a poker face, but it was hard. How did this guy know my name? Where did he hear about me? Who was he?!

“Good things, I hope.” He smirked.

“Nothing but praise from my baby sister. Now, child. I want to ask you something. What do you remember before waking up?” I thought about that for a minute, trying to figure out what he meant ‘baby sister’.

“I was in an airplane. And there was a bomb, and it exploded, and then I ended up here…?” I made my statement into a question. He chuckled. “No, my dear. Merely an illusion created by our technology. You are safe, as are your little friends. But only if you comply.” His tone took a sharp turn towards cruel, and I flinched. He chuckled darkly.

“Don’t worry, my dear. You’re friends will be fine, if you comply.” I froze. Miss Becker had always taught us that the information was always more important to keep safe than anything. But this man had my mother! I was stuck. I didn’t know what to do. I decided I would try to protect both.

“That boy in there, the blonde one. He is my sister’s son?” He asked, his tone friendly. There was a hint of anger to his eyes though. I took a deep breath.

“Actually, sir, I’m not sure. I believe so.” I wanted to bite my lip, but that would give away my nervousness. He smiled.

“Alright. And, your mother. I do believe she knows where the crown jewels are hidden?” My mind raced back to that day, the day I had found my mother.

She had just finished explaining to us that she was Mirabel, the little girl that Jenkins had wanted to kidnap and kill.

“No offense, Miss Martinez, but why does he want you so bad?” Jazz had asked. She gave him a small smile.

“No offense taken, Jazz. I know where the crown jewels of Spain are, the ones entrusted to the dowager princess. I was planning to go there and secure them, but I needed to wait for you all.”

I shrugged quickly. “I don’t know that.” I lied. His stare went from friendly to cold in the matter of milliseconds and it scared me.

“I know you do, Pippa.” The way he said it sent chills down my spine. This guy meant serious business, and I had no idea what to do. I shook my head.

“I swear, I know nothing about any jewels.” It wasn’t an entire lie. I didn’t know much about them. He pounded his fist on the desk, rattling it and me. He leaned over, his face centimeters from mine.

“I know you know. It’s useless to lie to me. All you have to do is tell me where they are, and you can go.” He growled. I swallowed, and blinked, taking in a breath before speaking.

“I do not know where the jewels you want are.” I said slowly, my pitch and tone even, giving away no emotion. His face curled up in anger, and he leaned over again, before sighing, and sitting back down. He faced me, and it was dead silent for a few moments.

“Fine.” He said finally, putting a folder on the table. He pushed it towards me, and I opened it warily.

“You see that man there? I owe him a favor, and I’m sure that he’ll just love getting to see you all again.” He said. Inside the folder was a picture of Jenkins, and a few notes on him. I didn’t get to read them, because the man stole the folder back.

“So talk.” He ordered.

“I don’t know anything about the things you want to know. I’m telling the truth. I couldn’t tell you who has them, or where they are, or even what they look like.” I said honestly. He growled, but then the door was swung open.

“Sir, we need you,” Phoenix said breathlessly. He got up, and I glared at her. She ignored me.

“What is it?” He asked gruffly.

“The prisoners. They’re trying to escape.” She explained quickly, trying to get him to hurry. He sighed, and walked to the door.

“Don’t move.” He ordered at me, before walking out into the hallway. Phoenix caught my eye, and looked at the door, then at me, and then gently let it go, so it didn’t close all the way. I could hear her high heels clicking down the hallway, and I got up silently.