Harry Cotter and the Philosopher’s Brothel.

The Riddle Room

The second room could not be any worst than the first, in which they’d left Mi, for two reasons: 1) She found the whole room a rather large turn on. 2) Ron had called her a ‘wizard swear’ and she’d attempted to rip both their eyes out after Harry had laughed.

“Bloody psycho.”
“Me? Or Her?”
“Hello boys.” A creature emerged from the darkness, one that seemed to resemble a horse, but with 5 heads, “5 riddles, get all 5 right to go through, for everyone you don’t get within 4 minutes 29seconds, I devour one of your heads, but loosing a head counts as a right answer so technically you only need 4 to pass, but 5 for both of you to live.”

Both boys looked at each other, risk it with the horse creature or Mi? The beast won every time.

“Okay. Riddle One. I have keys that open no locks, I have space, but there is no room, You can enter, but you can't go in. What am I?”
“Oh that’s easy.” Ron smiled, “It’s a…”
“What? How?”
“Mind reader. By the way Harry, we’re all male and you have no chance in hell of getting with Chris De Burgh.” The young boy blushed.

Silently one of the 3 bolts upon the door ,which the creature stood before, unlocked itself as the second head began to talk.
“My thunder comes before the lightning; My lightning comes before the clouds; My rain dries all the land it touches. What am I?”

An awkward echoing silence was spent for a few moments as the boys thought this through unaware they had come up with the correct answer until the creature muttered ‘correct’ then refused to reveal what the answer had been or who had guessed right, interrupting them with the third head and the third riddle.

“What can run, but never walks? Has a mouth but never talks? Has a head but never weeps? Has a bed but never sleeps? Correct.”

“That was it?”
“Wow.” Harry was astonished how easy that was “No innuendos, no nothing, eh Ron?”

No reply.


The ginger goth, choosing the fifth head which seemed to resemble the bass player for ‘Elliot Minor’ had begun to make out rather passionately with the creature, completely oblivious to his best friend. It was then and there that Harry knew he was to enter the final room alone…

See if you can solve the riddles yourself, the answers will be revealed in the next chapter, some are easy, some are harder….