Harry Cotter and the Philosopher’s Brothel.


“Hello Class,”
“Hello Professor Dangermouse.”
“All here?” silence “Good. Right, today we shall begin sexual education…”

It hadn’t taken the boys long to work something out. Dangermouse, in exchange for promising not to kill anyone, was given the key to the top whore, who, much to Harry’s jealousy, was in fact Chris De Burgh. Harry for the moment had been given a bottle of ‘love drops’ to cause the drinker to fall eternally in love with him. Sadly after a mix up, the drops were given to Ron, but after a night of passion, it no longer mattered. Meanwhile Mi had become pregnant and dropped out, even though the father continued to teach Potions at the school.


Thanks For Reading, Commenting, Subscribing. Yes, it is a rather poor ending but I have grown tired some of this story [hey, but it’s better than a “19 years later” chapter, don’t you think?]. Anyway thanks again! You Guys Rock!