Status: Sorry I haven't been updating lately, my lovely readers. I've been caught up with classes, the start of the new school year, and a bunch of unwanted drama. I will be posting as often as possible and writing in my free time.


Chapter Four

I had calmed down from my hypercritical state a lot since earlier. Michael had spent most of the day trying to convince me this wasn't a bad thing. That it was just another change with him. Having Michael here alone with me all day helped in itself.

"So when are you going to tell Billie Jean?" I asked as eyed him skeptically, my arms wrapped around myself. He immediately averted his eyed from my gaze to find interest in the carpet. "Well?" I pressed.

"I, um, well-" I sighed as he fumbled for the words that I silently prayed he wouldn't speak. "I-I already told her." He mumbled quickly and quietly. I set my jaw to the side while clenching my teeth as my eyes fell shut and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Of course you did." I slowly nodded and opened my eyes to see his gaze still fixated on the ground. "But of course, it was to be expected." I gave a simple shrug of the shoulder to add to my statement. He suddenly found the carpet uninteresting as he looked up at me with curiosity shining in is deep brown eyes.

"Wait a second, just what do you mean by that?" I breathed in before shaking my head.

"Nothing, Michael. It's nothing, really. I should probably go, though. I told my parents I take their car to the shop for them in return for letting me stay as a guest in their house this week."

"Hold on, Melacia." He placed his hands firmly on my arms as if to keep me from moving. "What did you mean by that exactly?"

"It's not obvious?" The look on his face turned to one of confusion. "I mean, it's pretty obvious to me Michael. I'm just your best friend, big whoop. But then there's Billie Jean. So naturally, she'd be the one to find out before me or anyone else, for that matter." I stared him right in the eye as I accused him of this.

"You're wrong." He said, and his voice held more hurt and meaning combined than I could've imagined him capable of. "I wanted to tell you first, I wanted to come to you. But I knew I couldn't. For you were the very person who tried to convince me not to have this done in the past, I knew you'd react the way you did!" It wasn't a big surprise to me, seeing Michael this upset. We'd had our fights before, worse than this for that matter. "And besides," He pulled me from my thoughts, "I had no worries. I knew you'd come around wanting your house key knowing your place would be ready tomorrow." He sighed and shook his head before retreating his eyes back to mine. "You no me, Mel. I've always come to you first with everything. Every single piece of information I ever got that was of importance, you found out first." He was so close. So close. His lips were no more than an inch or two away from my own. He must have thought I was silenced by his yelling. Boy if he only knew the effect he had on me.

He let out a small, humorless chuckle then. "Oh, and just for the record, Janet was the first to know, not Billie." Then reality came crashing down over my head. That day, at Janet's. She knew what Michael was up to. I pulled myself from my thoughts and looked back into his eyes. His face held a look of confusion, distortion. "What is it?" He questioned completely throwing me off.

"Wha-?" He cut me off before I could even complete a word.

"There's something there. I dunno. Something's bothering you, or something you're hiding-" He was getting frustrated with his own self not being able to tell what I was thinking, or see behind the curtain that veiled my emotions for him. "I can see it, I just can't place it." As he whispered the last part, I could literally feel his warm breath on my lips and chills ran up and down my entire body as I froze and chose not to breathe for the moment being. He was so close. So close that if either of us were to move in the slightest, our lips would connect. My eyes deceived me against my better judgment, and my conscious was telling me it was not a good idea, but despite it all, I dared to let my eyes travel away from his own down to his full, beautiful lips. He didn't miss this. He then, mirrored my motions and my heart nearly stopped beating.

But fate would have to have it's way. My moment would be ruined whether it was because she was a spy, or some psyched out mind reader and knew what was going on. Either way, there was a knock at the door that made Michael and I freeze still just a breath away. I watched as Michael struggled to find his voice again.

"Can it wait?" He asked. I was expecting him to let this person right in, as usual.

"Michael? It's me." I cringed at the sound of Billie Jean's sickly sweet voice on the other side of the door and I removed myself a good distance from Michael as he invited her in.

"Oh, hi Melacia." She smiled. Fake.

"Hello." I put on my best act, just for her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, as if it weren't obvious to everyone that Michael and I hadn't talked all week and that when we did, the tension would be high due to what I found out. Still, she tried to be her cheery self.

"Ya know what? Actually I was just leaving." I stood up and grabbed my purse. "Can I get my house key Michael?" He looked at me with desperate, pleading eyes, and I wasn't sure what he wanted forgiven for. Our closeness, or Billie Jean. I ignored it either way and kept my hand out expectantly.

"Yeah, o-of course." He stuttered after a minute. The he pulled my hey from his back pocket. It meant a lot to me just knowing that he carried it around with him. May not be much, but it was something to me.

"Thanks." I gave my best smile as I took the key from him. "I'll talk to you later, Michael. Nice - seeing you, Billie Jean." I had to force the last of my words to come out or I would've said something awful right then and there.

After I emerged down the hall I felt dizzy, weak, and ill. It was all I could do to make it outside. Rufus had to be of assistance and make something useful of himself, for once, and keep me from tripping over my own feet. That's how bad off I was.

"Are you gonna be okay ma - uh Miss-?"

"Jennings. And yes, I'll be fine." I said as I stood up straight and fixed my top.

"I'll be seeing you around then, Miss Jennings." I simply nodded and continued to walk, as quickly as I could without getting dizzy, away from Michael's home. As soon as I was seated in my car, I gripped the steering wheel in a death grip and held onto it until my knuckles turned white just practicing breathing exercises. I let my head fall on the steering wheel as another sob escaped my lips for the millionth time that day. Little did I know, that as Michael and Billie Jean were passing by a window in the hall, Michael had stopped to look out and caught this.

It take me long to cry my tears for the most part and out of his drive. The longer I sat, the more I'd want to cry, anyway.

I walked through the front door to my house trying not to slam the door to hard out of frustration. I tossed my purse onto the couch as usual and emerged to the staircase.

"Melacia! Honey, is that you?"

"Yeah, Mom, it's mean." I said, trying to hide, quickly, any signs that I'd been crying.

"Come in here, I wanna talk to you about something." I didn't like her tone. That was her sympathetic sounding tone which meant she probably found out from Janet what was going on with Michael and thought she needed to give me a ton of advice on how it's his life and all that jazz.

"Whatever it is, Mom, can it wait? I really tired and-"

"Too tire to see me?"

"Josh!" I screamed and ran into my older brothers arms.

"He-ey!" He laughed as he swung me around.

"When did you get in? Why didn't you guys tell me? You haven't even called! Oh my goodness! How long have you guys been planning this?" He laughed and squeezed me tight again.

"Slow down, girl. I think Ma and Pa are a bit to old to keep up with all the questions." He laughed and Mom just gave him that look.

"Seriously, when did you get in from Iraq?" I asked, looking up at him amazed and never wanting to let go.

"Yesterday." He smiled.

"And you couldn't come see me then?!" I shrieked.

"Slow down, Melacia. He got here late last night. He came over bright and early to see you, but you were still sleeping. So he took the spare room for a nap, when he woke and I came in from the back, you were gone." My dad shrugged.

"I told Freesia to tell you th-"

"She did." Josh laughed, hugging me again. "Don't worry about it."

"How long are you here for?" I asked, looking up at him.

"A couple weeks or so." I grinned.

"Great!" I squealed. "At least it's longer than last time."

"Good Lord, you've grown so much, Lacious." Lacious was his nick name for me since we were just little kids.

"So have you! What's it been three, four years? I can't believe this! Why haven't you called?"

"Busy, honey." I sighed and held onto him tight.

"Well this has definitely brightened my day." I smiled.

"Why? What happened at Michael's?" My mom asked.

"Michael? Are we talkin' about the same Michael that I used to shoot hoops with on that old abandon court out by River City Drive?" I nodded.

"That's him." My dad clarified.

"What happened?" Josh looked down at me.

"Nothing." I sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it." I pulled away from his hug finally and walked over to sit at the kitchen table.

"Melacia, don't blow your brother off like that." My mother warned me.

"It's fine, Ma. I got this." He said, walking over to me.

"Lacious, you wanna go out somewhere?" I looked up at from where I was sitting with my chin propped up on my hand.

"Where to?"

"Come on." He nodded for me to follow him so I did as told.

We didn't drive for very long. Maybe be fifteen minutes, if that, when he pulled up into a parking place.

"You remember this place?" I looked up at him with a raised brow.

"Should I?" He laughed a little.

"Half of me didn't expect you to." He climbed out of the car and started to walk into the big open grassy, flowery field. So I followed his lead. He trudged along for a good few minutes before he stopped and looked over at me. "See, you, Michael, and I used to come here all the time when you were about four years old. Michael and I were around eight, I believe. So Ma would always make us bring you here because you loved it here, and Michael and I always wanted to hang out of course." He shrugged as he took a seat in the flowers and eventually laid down, me doing the same.

"Wait a second, you knew Michael before I did? How did I not know this?" He nodded and shrugged.

"All a matter of fate, or time I guess. But see," he turned over on his side and propped himself up on his elbow so he could look at me. So stared up at him trying to take in as much knowledge of our early days as I could. "Michael and I, we were tight. I mean, we were like best home dawgs, all that."

"And then you started growing up?"

"Nah, then you started growing up. I mean, Michael and I used to complain about bring you here, but we always ended up having fun. I mean, Michael was always nicer about it, but we kinda just wanted some guy time."

"You were eight." I raised a brow at him as I smirked.

"Eh, we were boys." He shrugged.

"What did you mean by, I grew up?"

"Well, that's exactly what I meant. When you started getting older, things started changing. Michael started to take more of a fascination in you. I couldn't see what, at that time, still being young and naive. But I resented you for a while for stealing my best bud." My eyes went wide.

"So Michael's my best friend because I stole away your best friend?" I asked, turning over so I was facing him.

"Ah, don't worry about it, Kid. I've moved on. I'm engaged now, I've got a crap load of new friends. I'm good, Homie G." I laughed as he lightly punched my arm.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Uh, I went to boot camp when I was eighteen, by then, you and Michael were still kinda fresh at the whole best friends thing. I wasn't gonna break to ya then. Since then, I've been switching back and forth from place to place fighting for our country." He grinned. "Didn't really have time to call you u and say, 'by the way sis, thanks for stealing my best friend when we were little kids.' I don't think Ma would've liked me too well for that."

"Psh, right, she likes you more."

"It's all in your head.

"But I don't get it."


"Why did you bring me here, tell me that? I mean, what's that got to do with anything now." He smiled.

"I can tell you've taken a strong liking to Michael, Melacia."

"But, Josh-"

"Don't try to deny it. It's written all over your face. Whenever I say his name it's like your mind wonders to a completely different place. That must be the only reason he can't see it."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"He doesn't know does he?" I shook my head. "Well then, I've already got it figured out why. See when you're around us, other people and Michael's name is mentioned or you hear his voice on the TV or the radio, you're in a completely different world. But when you're with him, you can pretend to stay focused because all you have to do is stare at the man in front of you. Making it a lot easier to hide your feelings from him." My jaw went slightly ajar.

How could he figure out within moments what I've been trying to figure out all alone? Why was I so obvious to everyone else, but not Michael? It was so clear now.

"Look, I know your heart is aching for him right now, but it'll get better. Have you ever thought about telling him how you feel?" I swallowed hard and shook my head. "Now why not?"

"He's with Billie Jean, Josh. I'm not gonna be the one to ruin that relationship for him, even if I'm certain it's not meant to be."

"Alright." He held up his hands in defense. "I'm just saying." I sighed.

I want to love you
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin'
Tender lover and care
And I'll take you there-

My brother smirked. "You would have that set to your ring tone." I rolled my eyes and pulled the phone from my back pocket. Josh leaned over and ginned when he saw "Michael" across the screen. "And it would be set for Michael's ring tone, too." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm.

"You're so immature sometimes. Hello?" I answered my cell.

"Mel, it's me." I could hear Michael's broken voice on the other end.

"Michael are you alright?" I sat up straight.

"It's Billie Jean. I need you."

"I'm coming." I flipped my phone shut and within an instant I was at my feet.

"What's wrong? What's going on? My brother asked, worry etched over his face.

"I think something's happened to Billie Jean. Michael's upset and he needs me, can you drop me off?" He nodded, jumping to his feet.

Josh got me to Michael's as quick as possible, without speeding, though I was urging him to. The last thing he needed being in the army, was a ticket or a problem with the cops.

"Do you want me to wait here?"

"No it's okay, I'll get a ride." My voice was rushed as I quickly hugged my brother, thanked him, and ran up to the house.

"Good to see you again, Miss Jennings." Rufus smiled and nodded at me.

"Same to you." I said, out of breath, running in the house.

"Michael! Michael!" I called through the house as I searched for him. I found him in his room on his bed sobbing with his face buried in the palms of his hands. "Oh, Michael." I breathed. "What happened?" I asked gently as I knelt down in front of him. "What's is it, sweetheart?" I ask, gently coaxing his face up so that he was looking at me. Deep down, I knew the answer. I knew Billie Jean wasn't hurt, I knew she was fine. Josh would just be skeptical of getting me here so quickly if he knew the real reason.

"She, she left again." He choked out, crying even harder than before.

"Oh, Michael." I sighed leaning my forehead to rest against his shoulder.

"She just-she said she couldn't handle it."

"Handle what?"

"Being with me!" He nearly shouted and I flinched back. "I'm sorry, Mel. I just-I don't wanna lose her." It tore me up to see him like this. For one, because it killed me to see Michael upset. For two, because he was so torn up over Billie Jean, and not me. "You have to help me get her back, Melacia. You have to." I sighed, here we go again.

"Michael she just keeps hurting you."

"She loves me, I know sh-she does. She t-told me." His sobs were close to strangling him and I couldn't stand it.

"Where was she headed?" I asked. He looked at me through tear soaked eyelashes.


I found myself, once again, on the road to Billie Jean's. This road was familiar to me now I could drive it with my eyes closed. I'd taken one of Michael's many cars since Josh had dropped me off, and promised Michael I'd be back later. I knocked on the front door and waited. She finally answered, "Look Michael I told you, I-"

"Hello." I put on my best smile.

"Melacia." She said, not surprised to see me.

"Look Billie Jean. We both know the drill here, Michael sent me to chase after you for him." I said, walking past her and into her home. "So why did you do it this time?"

"I just can't take it!" She exclaimed, pressing her hands to the sides of her head. "All his fame, he paparazzi. How he rarely has time for me lately." I laughed at that.

"Billie Jean! You're the one he spends ninety percent of his time with! How could you say that?"

"I just can't do it anymore."

"Look, if you really, truly ever loved Michael you'd get back there and pick up the pieces to his broken heart instead of making me do it for you all the time!" I shouted. "He loves you, Billie Jean. He adores you. The very ground you walk on is his sanctuary. Move in with him. This will help things." She looked at me astonished.


"Trust me. You'll have even more time with him and without the paparazzi. Move in with him. I'm so sick of dealing with this that it's not even funny." I sighed and crossed the room to the door. "I'll tell Michael to be expecting you." And with that I left.

I could've slapped myself for telling Billie Jean to move in with Michael, but I could work this to my benefit in a lot of ways. For starters, no more putting these two back together. It only hurts worse. No more seeing Michael's broken heart, or his shattered face. And just maybe, possibly, if Michael's around Billie Jean twenty-four seven, he'll get sick of her or catch on to her true ways.

I sighed as I put the car in park in back of Michael's house and trudged up to the door. "Michael." I called, no sooner then stepping in. "Mic-"

"Shh. He's sleeping." The maid smiled.

"Oh." I replied more quietly.

"Yeah, poor thing cried himself to sleep after you left." I sighed. "So did you get her back, again?" I nodded.

"I'm pretty sure of it. In fact, I don't think we'll after to worry about this for a while."

"But you were only gone a short while, Dear." I smiled.

"I'm just that good." I then turned and made my way to the staircase that led to his bedroom. I found him laying there, curled up on his bed with a tear stained face. I walked over quietly and sighed as I sat next to him. "Michael." I spoke gently, carefully moving a fallen curl from his face. "Why do you stress? Worry?" I ran my hand, gently, gently along his arm as I watched him sleep so peacefully. Breathing even, eyes unmoving. He was beautiful. "I love you, Michael." I spoke gently, just above a whisper before I bent down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. I began to remember how close we got, just earlier that day. How his lips were just a breath away from mine and should either of us had dared to move, we would have basically kissed.

I sighed as I closed my eyes. "If you only knew, Michael." I spoke my thoughts aloud. I felt shift and movement on the bed then and I looked over to see Michael working to prop himself up on his elbows. His face held a look of confusion.

"Knew what, Mel?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! I was surprised at how long this one got! I just loved all the emotional stuff in it. <3 I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll definitely be updating again soon!

Can I change it for the better for you:
