Status: Sorry I haven't been updating lately, my lovely readers. I've been caught up with classes, the start of the new school year, and a bunch of unwanted drama. I will be posting as often as possible and writing in my free time.


Chapter Nine

"Melacia! Melacia, wake up." My eyes opened the slightest and I cringed away from the sunlight pouring into my bedroom. My hands flew up to wipe my eyes, trying to get them adjusted to the light.

"Did you seriously open m curtains?" I looked up at Annika's 'innocent,' grinning face as she nodded. I sighed and let my arms fall to my side on the bed. "What time is it?"

"Close to noon." My eyes shot open wide at this.

"What?!" I sat up quickly turning to my bedside clock. "How did I sleep that long?" I asked, more to myself, in amusement. She shrugged. Then I remembered, I'd stayed up pretty late contemplating on what I was going to do about going to see my Auntie before my parents talked to her and discovered my little lie. I fell back on the bed and looked up at Annika's slightly confused face before smiling. "Are you hungry, darling?" She nodded, grinning.

"Alright, well, I have pop tarts and doughnuts, but that's about it. Is that good or do we need to go out for breakfast?"

"Doughnuts sound good, can we go out for lunch?" She asked hopefully. I smiled as I swung my feet over the side of my bed.


"Your room is huge." She said, as she took it all in while I was stretching and throwing my hair up in a clip. I grinned.

"I know right? How did you sleep last night?"

"Amazing." She smiled enthusiastically. "Can I stay again tonight?" I sighed as I stared at her and gestured for her to get to the kitchen.

"I don't think Mom would like that too well."

"So?" She shrugged, sitting down at the table. "Dad wouldn't mind." I smiled.

"We'll see."

Janet's Point of View:

I had already planned on trying to get the truth from Michael, I just didn't know how easy it would be. I half expected him to lie his way out of this one, but then I couldn't have been completely oblivious. After all, we had a pretty close bond, he came to me often.

I made my way past the security guards and to his front door. I rang the door bell and before long, I was greeted by the lovely maid who I became so used to seeing.

"Hello, Michael's home?" It was more a confirmation, than a question. She nodded.

"In his room, dear." I smiled and nodded at her thankfully. I made my way to Michael's room with ease and knocked on his door. I didn't get any answer at first.

"Come on Mike, I know you're in there." I continued to harass him until the door swung open before me and a very distraught looking, weeping Michael stood before my eyes. "Michael.." I murmured as I stepped in and closed the door behind me, leading him to the bed where I cradled my brother in my arms. We stayed like that for quite some time in silence as I just let him cry into me. It wasn't until his sobs had silenced that I drew him gently away from me, and asked him what was wrong.

"Everything." He murmured, barely audible.

"What's everything, Michael?" I asked, staring at him intently. He sniffled before he brought his gaze up to meet mine.

"Billie Jean left again." He stated simply. I sighed and shook my head.

"Michael I wish you'd realize that this is for the best and-"

"That's not the problem, Janet." He looked like his heart was breaking all over again.

"Then what is it?"

"Melacia." My heart nearly stopped. Though a suspected this was part of his problem, I didn't expect him to come out with it like that.

"What about her?" I asked, after I'd gotten past my moment. He sighed slightly rolling his eyes.

"Everything!" I couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Michael, sweetie, you've gotta give me more to work with here. If this is all you keep saying we'll never get past this." He stayed silent as he kept his gaze locked on his absentminded hands. He took a deep breath then.

"She told me she loves me. That she's in love with me, before I left." My eyes nearly popped out of my head. So that's why she'd been acting so strange. Well this explains part of it, but not all of it. I intend to know all.

"A-and what did you say?"

"What could I say? I asked her why she didn't tell me sooner. She said Billie Jean. Then I told her I was going on tour and somehow I dunno it just happened that way!" He started getting frustrated and running his words together.

"What just happened that way, honey?"

"I kissed her - sort of." He made a face at the remembrance. I couldn't hide the way my face visibly brightened up.

"You swear it?" I asked, enjoying this now. He looked at me like I was unbelievable. "Sorry." I mumbled quickly. "But seriously, you kissed her? I mean, she's been waiting for that for a while."

"Yeah, well, apparently not because she made me leave." It took him a second to process my previous words in his head. "Wait a second, you knew? For the last three years, you knew how she felt and you didn't even tell me?" I held up my hands in defense.

"It wasn't my place."

"But you knew."

"Michael, chill. Why did she make you leave?" I asked, trying to distract him from the fact that I'd kept this from him as well as she had. He shrugged and shook his head.

"Last night she said if I was smart I'd have known she didn't really want me to go."

"Whoa, wait a second. Last night?" He nodded.

"Yeah, when I got up and went after her when she went to get Annie." I nodded remembering.

"Did you kiss her then?" I asked, grinning.

"No, Janet, stop." His soft voice couldn't be angry. I laughed lightly.

"Well you obviously tried to kiss her for a reason, what would that be, Mikey dearest?" He looked away then.

"I-I've started falling for her ever since we were kids. But I tried to train myself out of that state of mind because I 'knew' she'd never want me as more than a friend. Apparently I was wrong." He huffed to himself.

"Oh yeah, you were way wrong." He shot a glare at me.

"I know that now, Janet. what am going to do?" He whined.

"We're going to go over there and fix this. Perfect timing, too, while Billie Jean's away." He sighed and slapped his forehead.

"I can't face her."

"You can." I stood up and grabbed his hand dragging him along with me. "Be a man." I grinned and huffed out my chest. He crossed his arms staring at me, before long a smile broke out over his face and I knew I'd won. "Great to see you smile again! Let's go."

Normal Point of View:

"Melacia! Someone's in the drive!" I heard Annika shout as I was blow drying my hair from getting out of the shower. I sighed knowing well who it was.

"It's probably just Janet, can you get it?" I got no response so I knew she would.

Once my hair was completely dry, I walked to my closet to pick out a good outfit. It didn't take e very long and I had something picked out. I gave myself a once over in the mirror before brushing through my hair again and walking out to face Janet.

I walked into the kitchen to see Janet and Annika wrapped up in a deep conversation. The minute she heard my heels click on the linoleum floor, her head shot up and she smiled at me. "Hello, Melacia."

"Hey, Jan." I gave a small smile before walking to the fridge to grab a root beer. "You want something?"

"You got anything besides root beer?" I laughed lightly and tossed her a coca cola.

"So what's up?" I asked, popping my can open and taking a drink. She grinned at me and I knew what I was in for.

Previously Janet's Point of View:

"I don't even know what to say to her." Michael continued to rant as I drove to Melacia's house.

"You'll simply talk this out with her." I shrugged.

"Janet, you, of all people, should understand that's not the easiest thing in the world for me to do." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Okay look, would it make you feel better if I talked to her first? Kinda got her side of the story?" He thought about it for a minute. "I mean, what exactly is it that's keeping you from talking to her?"

"The way she reacted last night! As if I'd hurt her. But I didn't do anything. She told me to leave, I can' read minds." I laughed at this.

"No, guys are just stupid." He shot a glare my way and I grinned. "I'll talk to her first, make sure she doesn't totally hate you."

"But she'll freak when she finds out I'm there."

"No she won't." I smiled as we turned down the road to her house.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because you're waiting in the car."

Normal Point of View:

I sighed as I plopped down on my bed and Janet took a seat on the couch to the left of me admiring my room, taking in every detail.

"Did you honestly come here to stare up my room?"

"Just taking it in, first time I've actually seen it."

"Can we get on with this?"

"We've got time." I sighed fidgeting with the comforter and anything else I could find to mess with.

"Melacia." She laughed lightly. I looked up. "Calm down, you're not on trial for a murder case here."

"Might as well be." I muttered under my breath.

"So what exactly went down between you and Michael?" She asked, and I released the breath I didn't realized I'd been holding as she got to the point.

"He came over, the day I moved in. All was great. We were great. But I started revealing my feelings about him, only expressing them as if I were talking about someone else. And then he just put the puzzle pieces together from there and figured out I was talking about him."

"And you didn't deny it when he confronted you?"

"Could I? The proof was right in front of his face! And.." I trailed off looking down at my shoes.

"And what?"

"And I don't think I really wanted to." She smiled.

"I didn't think so. Tell me more." I cringed.

"I feel like I'm being evaluated by a therapist here." She grinned, but didn't say anything as she waited for me to go on. I sighed. "He kept asking me questions like how long have I felt like this, and why didn't I tell him sooner. I wouldn't answer at first, but then I told him it was because of Billie Jean, I didn't want to come between that." I sighed as I thought back to Michael and I in the living room that day.

"What else?" She asked, interested.

"He tried to kiss me. I mean, like, it was almost as if he had but - I can't explain it." She smiled and nodded.

"I understand."

"But then I made him leave. I just, I didn't want him betraying Billie Jean because of me, no matter how much I don't like her. Nobody deserves that. I wanted him to stay, I did, but I told him to leave, and he did."

"What about last night?" My head shot up. How did she know about that?

"What about it?"

"Last night, he got up and followed you when you left the room." She smiled. "I'm not stupid."

"Oh." I sighed. "He caught me on the stairs on the way to get Annika, and he told me hadn't ever stopped thinking about me while he was away and that he knew I felt the same because he talked to you and you told him I was torn up, missing him." I shot her a look at this.

"Hey! I didn't know, you could've told me all this sooner." I shrugged.

"So I set some facts straight."

"That's it? You just "set some facts straight" is all?" I nodded, thinking back to the staircase. She nodded.

"Sure, honey, sure."

"Shut up." I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"It's nice out for a fall day, we should sit outside." She commented. I shrugged.


"I'll meet you out there, I have to use your bathroom." I nodded and made my way out the bedroom door and to the patio doors.

"Annika, we're gonna go sit outside, you wanna come?"

"Maybe in a few." She said, not taking her eyes from the plasma TV imprinted in my wall. I smiled and walked outside.


"Michael.." Janet spoke lightly into the phone. "We're coming out back now. She definitely doesn't hate you."

"You're sure?"

"Positive. Come around in a few."

"Alright." He sighed.


"Whew, what a nice day." She said, taking a seat next to me. I nodded. "So have you enjoyed having Annika over?" I nodded, grinning.

"She wants to say again tonight, but I don't think Mom's gonna go for that."

"You're dad will." She pointed out.

"Okay, now you just sound like her." She grinned. I didn't notice the way her eyes trailed off to the side and got slightly wide, or the way she made a slight gesture for someone to wait a second.

"Oh, Melacia!" She jumped up.

"Yes?" I looked at her oddly.

"Someone would like to talk to you." I looked around for a phone.

"Okay..?" She turned around then and waved someone out from around the side of my house. My eyes bugged as Michael came into view. He gave a shy wave and nod. "Uh, Janet, could I talk to you a minute?" I asked, nodding towards the kitchen.

"Actually, I'd love to hon, but I have to run. Latoya and Rebbie needed me to meet them in about thirty minutes. But I'll see you guys later." She grinned as she ran off. I wanted to run after her and tackle her to the ground for leaving me in this position.

"Hi." I spoke quietly.



"Look Melacia, I have to talk to you about something." He said, completely forward about it. I looked up at him.

"Okay then.."

"Can we go in?" I nodded and led him into the house.

"I'll be back in my room if you need me, Annika." I called, leading the way. When we reached our destination I let Michael in first and closed the door after myself.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"You." I stared at him.

"Me?" He nodded the slightest. "What about me." He sighed as I sat down next to him on my bed.

"I'm sorry I left you that day. I didn't know you wanted me to stay, you - you told me to leave." He spoke, helplessly. I sighed and nodded.

"Michael, as much as i wanted you to stay it was only right for you to leave. My right state of mind over powered my weakness and that's the only reason you were able to leave when you did. It wouldn't have been right, to go behind Billie Jean's back."

"You don't like her." He stated all too quickly.

"I never said that."

"I can see it." I looked away. "I love you, too, Melacia." My heart nearly stopped beating at his words. I forced my eyes to meet his.

"Don't say that."

"What?" he looked genuinely confused.

"Don't lie to me. Don't tell me what I want to hear because you think it'll make me feel better, it only makes it worse."

"I'm not." His tone was sharp and he looked hurt.

"You love Billie Jean. You adore Billie Jean. You uphold the very ground that Billie Jean walks on. That's why every time she leaves you, you run to me so that I'll run to her, and bring her back to you." My rambling accusations were cut short by him pulling me close to him in a tight grasp and clasping his hand over my mouth momentarily.

"Did it ever occur to you, that maybe, just maybe I was sick of Billie Jean, myself, and I thought that maybe you, knowing how much you truly didn't like her, maybe you would convince her to stay away, not come back. Did that ever occur to you?" He asked as he removed his hand from my mouth.

"How could it occur to me when you cried and bawled over her?"

"No, you don't know the full truth. She'd always throw things up in my face, throw accusations at me. Accuse me of sneaking around with you. It hurt because deep down, had so many feelings for you, that nobody understood, that I was even denying to myself for a while, and I did want you as I mine." He shook his head as I stared at him intently. "She's gone now, as a matter of fact. She left last night after we got into an argument at your parents' house." My eyes widened. He nodded. "So you see? I'm not lying when I say I love you, Mel." His voice was so soft.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I want to be with you." I shook my head and looked away and I couldn't help the involuntary tears that found their way to my eyes. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and but softly on my lower lip.

"We can't." My heart broke as I said this.

"Can't be together? Why not?" He demanded.

"It just wouldn't work. Things like this just don't happen for me, so I know it's not right. Something will go wrong, what if something bad happens and I lose you even as a friend forever?" He shook his head.

"I'd never let that happen, I'd never do that to you."

"You say that, but you can't predict the future, and while anything's possible, things change and anything could happen or go wrong." He stroked my face with his fingers brushing the falling tears away.

"Don't say that, you can't think like that."

"I'm moving." I stated simply.

"What?" The shock and worry that crossed his face was unmistakable.

"You heard me talking to my parents about going to stay with my Auntie for a while? Well, I talked to her more this morning and she invited me to come stay with her permanently if I like because of all the bull that's going on with my parents and how can't get a job here. She said her son, my cousin Billie could get me a job easily where he works and that it'd be great for me, at least for a while." I could tell his heart was breaking more and more as I kept talking and he continued to shake his head.

"But this house, and Janet, Annika - you can't just leave it all behind!" He was really getting upset now.

"I'll be back on the holidays. I'm leaving right after Halloween." He stared at me in disbelief as he disentangled me from his arms and scooted himself as far away from me as possible. "It's not the end of the world, Michael. You'll go back to Billie Jean. Things will be normal for you again, and you won't have me there to constantly mess it up for you." He wouldn't look at me. He kept his head facing my window and his jaw locked in an angry set. I bit my lip as my heart was breaking.

I slid over next to Michael and reached out for him, but he jerked away from me at the simple touch.

"Michael, stop." My voice sounded pleading. "Look at me." He didn't move. I grabbed his face between my hand and turned his head toward me. Tears shone through his big, gorgeous brown eyes and I felt like someone had stabbed me twice through the heart. He blinked once and a single tear drop fell from his left eye and onto my right thumb. I gently stroked it away. "Don't cry." pleaded in a whisper. He looked away for a second then back.

"You're really leaving?" He managed to speak. I nodded, mournfully. "Then I'll be leaving." He said, moving away from me and standing. "But can I get one thing before I leave?" I looked at him, not sure what to say. So I stayed silent. At this, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet and close to him. With no restraint, hesitation, or thought about it, his lips were gently pressed to mine while one arm was wrapped around my waist, the other supported the back of my neck. I got lost in his kiss. I slid my hands up his back and grasped his shoulders pulling him closer to me. It seemed like we stood there for hours, yet when he pulled away and left my head spinning, it was all too soon. "I won't be bothering you again, Melacia." He said, while he regulated his breathing.

I stood there, stunned as I watched him walk away. Part of me wanted to run after him, not let him leave. Not take the offer my Auntie had given me. But the bigger part of me said I'd regret it later if I did.

"Melacia, when did Michael get here? And why did he look like he was crying? I think he's walking down the street." Instantly I'd forgotten that Janet had left in the car. I figured he'd call a cab though to get him home.

"He um, he was in the car with Janet, sweetie. He's just going through some things right now." I sighed.

"Are you okay?"

"I will be."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys! Hope you like it. =DD I'm proud 'cause I actually got a quicker update in than usual. =DD Yay me! lol This one was kind of heart wrenching. Sad to write. =( But I've got it all planned out. Keep your hopes up ladies! Smiles!