The Angel + the Butterfly.

Welcome to Barrington Highschool, Freshblood. Oh, sorry, "Freshblood" is slang here for new people who've transferred to B.H.S. Hehe. Well, like I was saying, Welcome to Barrington High School. Now, I'm not here to give you the, "These'll be the best years of your life speech," because I guarantee, these won't. I'm here to tell you about the greatest thing that had ever happened to any of us. It was the relationship between a Prince and a Pauper. Only this time, the Pauper was the most unpopular and outlandish girl named Jamie, and the Dashingly Handsome Prince was named William Beckett. Who knew that these two vastly different worlds would collide and flow together so harminously...and who knew that it only took two small words to test it's strength.

[NOTE:: Taking place before the Almost Here... EP came out. So yeah, keep that in mind. :) ]

All Rights Reserved © 2009 - 2010 Skyler Kamikaze.
  1. Chapter 1: The Land of Lincoln.
    From LAX to O'hare.
  2. Chapter 2: Neighbors.
    "They should have shown up by now with a knock at the door"
  3. Chapter 3: Freshblood.
    "We'll give 'em hell."
  4. Chapter 4: About A Girl.
    The Survival Guide.
  5. Chapter 5: Between the Comforter.
    "What a wretched, twist of fate."
  6. Chapter 6: You'd Think that Nobody Noticed.
    "Well *** you William Beckett, *** you."
  7. Chapter 7: Liar.
    Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.
  8. Chapter 8: Let It All Burn
    "and we fall apart in parts."
  9. Chapter 9: The Audition.
    "You Can Do This."
  10. Chapter 10: Rehearsal Reversal.
    "Because I like you."
  11. Chapter 11: World War III
    It's on, folks.
  12. Chapter 12: There Is Love.
    "don't you ***ing understand what you're doing?! You're killing me faster!"
  13. Chapter 13: Until We Bleed.
    "Please Jamie, I'm sorry, I really am. Just please, don't keep hurting yourself like this."
  14. Chapter 14: King of B.H.S? More like B.S.
    "You're not the King of Barrington William,"
  15. Chapter 15: People Are Strange
    "Quit trying to make an excuse to fight her."
  16. Chapter 16: Nights Filled With Longer Hours.
    "Can't I have a normal life?"
  17. Chapter 17: Rise, Rebel, Resist.
    "Whoa wait! The *** was that?!"
  18. Chapter 18: The Concert.
    "Thanks for needing to be rescued,"
  19. Chapter 19: Welcome Home
    "Take me away, please,"
  20. Chapter 20: A State of Emergency.
    "Will, please, stop it,"
  21. Chapter 21: This is Halloween.
    "So, I turn you on, is that what you're saying?"
  22. Chapter 22: Versus.
    "Why don't you just go and cut yourself?"
  23. Chapter 23: YouTube is Evil.
    "We've got to find her! WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!"
  24. Chapter 24: Oh Doctor, Doctor.
    "I wanted to tell you, really I did. I wanted to tell everyone."
  25. Chapter 25: Change is Inevitable.
    "Jamie! Jamie?! Are you okay?!"
  26. Chapter 26: The Fear.
    "She's...She wants to break up with you."
  27. Chapter 27: Happy Holidays.
    "I’m glad you’re still here with me,”
  28. Chapter 28: Holiday Radio
    “Are…a-are you…proposing to me?”
  29. Chapter 29: A Holly Jolly Christmas.
    “We’ll have CD’s out and be famous!”
  30. Chapter 30: You Up to Hang Out With Some Friends
  31. Chapter 31: Yule Shoot Your Eye Out.
    “I’m not trying to scare you Will,”
  32. Chapter 32: I'm Yours Tonight.
    "And this one is for my darling, my angel who's here tonight."
  33. Chapter 33: Razia's Shadow: A Musical.
    "Welcome to Razia's Shadow, a musical proving that love can overpower any scope!"
  34. Chapter 34: Spotlight.
    "Great work! Great work! Let's keep it moving people!"
  35. Chapter 35: A Hundred Year, Minute Long Intermission.
    "You sang beautifully,"
  36. Chapter 36: It Won't Be That Easy.
    "We're taking our daughter home,"
  37. Chapter 37: Scooby's.
    "Well I’d love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch. See ya."
  38. Chapter 38: Chokehold.
    "Feel your heart, I feel your heart, I feel your heart..."
  39. Chapter 39: The Phrase That Pays.
    "Shiiiit, what have I done?! No! This wasn't supposed to happen!"
  40. Chapter 40: Not Some Average Bones.
    ”I need some sleep,”
  41. Chapter 41: Forgive in Me.
    "If it were me, I woulda dumped your ass right then and there."
  42. Chapter 42: Happy Birthday.
    "But to be honest it must be something kinda petty, right? Something like our 1 year 2 week anniversary thingy, right? I mean it's not like it your birthday or anything."
  43. Chapter 43: Surprises.
    "He basically wants to sex you when he gets home,"
  44. Chapter 44: Up In Smoke.
    "How the *** do you even french something?!"
  45. Chapter 45: You & Me = We
    "Will we love each other to the end?"
  46. Chapter 46: Liquor's a Kicker.
    "Welcome back to hell, everybody,"
  47. Chapter 47: Stupor.
    "I'm never drinking again."
  48. Chapter 48: All I Want Is You.
    "I'm not gonna be the one to do it. Hell, I don't want my head bitten off."
  49. Chapter 49: Scimeca's and Sex Slaves.
    "Oh my god, are you seriously doing this in front of me?"
  50. Chapter 50: Steaks, Shakes, and Quakes.
  51. Chapter 51: This Is My Deepest Dream.
    "Maybe I like it this way! I can do whatever the hell I want now with no girl to tie me down!"
  52. Chapter 52: My Love, My Life.
    "You broke up with me, remember? Not the other way around."
  53. Chapter 53: Give It A Rest.
    "Now wipe your tears, brush your hair, and goddammit go get her!"
  54. Chapter 54: Have Faith In Me.
    "I've missed you,"
  55. Chapter 55: Party Crashers and Penny Snatchers.
    "Guess, guess what bitch just showed up at my party?!"