Status: Active, I wrote the beginning of the next chapter on my ipod and now I have to take that to the apple store where they'll delete EVERYTHING off of it :(



Ryleigh stared down at her notebook as if it was the most interesting thing she ever saw. It was Friday, which meant her first week in Tempe, Arizona was going to end. The move was something she dreaded. Who would want to leave their friends, school, and city they grew up in? Exactly, no one at least that's what Ryleigh assumed. Her Algebra 2 teacher was going on about imaginary numbers but it was two guys walking in late that caught her attention.

The teacher continued to write on the board saying, "John and Pat, what are your excuses this time?" She asked finally turning to them.

Ryleigh's eyes only looked at Pat. His innocent face and long hair made her want to touch both. He may not realize it but every since he helped her the first day of school-while every one else ignored her- she wanted to talk to him more and get to know him. The only problem was his good-for-nothing friend- John O'Callaghan. He never left Pat's side and it was starting to tick her off.

"He's something right?" A girl named Kari asked Ryleigh.

Kari Gioni was the only girl that wasn't stuck up or too good to talk to Ryleigh. They actually hit it off soon after they met. Ryleigh learned that Kari was outspoken, loud, and sort of a bitch to all the other girls- or at least the ones who gave her dirty looks.

"Huh?" Ryleigh asked confused.

"John. He's really hot, yeah?" Kari asked suggestively wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Ryleigh shook her head vigorously, "I was looking at Pat."

"Oh. Why? He's nothing compared to John so what's so good about Pat?" Kari laughed.

Kyleigh had to disagree. Sure, John had the looks but his personality and whorish ways was not something she liked in a guy. Innocence was a quality that she definitely liked. Whether Pat was innocent or not was still unknown but just one look in his eyes screamed it.

"Look at him he's perfect." Ryleigh whispered.

Kari shook her head not believing this girl was actually resisting John's charm. Almost every girl at school was obviously dieing to have his babies. Kari sighed saying, "So go talk to him."

Ryleigh's eyes widened and she shook her head, "I couldn't possibly do that."

It take guts to make the first move and Ryleigh was too shy to do it. She haven't did anything a sixth grader has. Of course she had boyfriends in the past but it only led up to hugging and holding hands. So she was the ultimate virgin you could say.

Kari sighed disappointed that Ryleigh wouldn't take a stand and have guts. Leaning towards Ryleigh she said, "Not unless you try."

"Kari and Ryleigh would you like to join Pat and John in detention?" The teacher asked putting a hand on her hip.

"Well I would say yes but the fact that I have a life would just spoil that." Kari said smirking.

Ryleigh shook her head giggling looking down at her desk. When she glanced up everybody's stare was on her and Kari, including Pats'.

"Well I hope your life will forgive me when you and Ryleigh are sitting in detention."

Kari rolled her eyes as all Ryleigh though about was the fact that Pat was going to be there too. She smiled to herself and let her mind wonder.

When lunch came around Ryleigh was making her way to the cafeteria. She paused by a window seeing Pat's face of laughter. Why couldn't she be more like Kari? Or any other junior in the school? Being shy really sucked and Ryleigh couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Nice view, eh?"

Ryleigh turned to in the direction the voice came from. She was a bit surprised to see John standing right there with his smug look.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." Ryleigh spoke standing up straighter.

He smiled moving closer which made Ryleigh move backward until her back hit the window. John moved his head sideways and looked at the view behind her.

"So it's Pat." He smirked looking down at her.

Ryleigh couldn't believe it. She didn't want Pat's friend to know about her crush. All he would do is ruin any chance she would have with him. Ryleigh crossed her arms and and turned her head making her look in the opposite direction.

"You don't even know what you're talking about." Ryleigh said still denying anything John said.

"Come one any person besides Pat can see it. I mean you're practically drooling over him every time he comes in the room." John chuckled staring down at Ryleigh.

She met his stare raising an eyebrow, "And how do you know I'm looking at him?"

Ryleigh couldn't believe she just said that. It made sound like she was trying to flirt with him and she was definitely not doing that.

John laughed confusing Ryleigh. He thought it was so cute how naive she was. She looked like a seductive saint. She was a natural beauty but a dumb one who bruised his ego.

"At first I thought you were looking at me because- let's face it- there's not another girl at this school who wouldn't want me."

Ryleigh scoffed rolling her eyes. Was he always so arrogant?

"But then every time Pat left my side your dreamy stare became a frightening glare. I have to say, you hurt me Ryleigh."

Ryleigh bit her lip as she thought of Pat. She turned a bit to look out the window. There was Pat laughing and talking to some girl. It upset Ryleigh to see him like that with another female. She should be right there making him laugh.

John didn't know why her sad face irritated him. She was just some pure new girl who didn't want him which made him want to dirty her up. He smirked getting an idea how to take advantage of the situation. He brought his fingers to her chin bringing her eyes to him.

"Do you really want him?" He asked slyly.

She nodded her head vigorously saying, "Yes."

His smirk deepened and he knew he could get to her, "You'll do anything?"

She bit her lip before replying. "Yes."

Ryleigh didn't know what he was up to but she had a feeling it wasn't something she was going to like. John was a like a devil who could persuade someone into anything.

John clicked his tongue before letting her chin go. He shrugged and backed up.

"Then I hate to tell you but he only likes experience women."

Ryleigh cringed. How did he know she was so inexperienced and how could sweet looking Pat like a well sexed woman? Was he even a virgin? Well maybe she could lie herself out of this one.

"What are you- I'm experienced." Ryleigh scoffed.

John looked at her raising an eyebrow, "Be legit." He said not believing a word she said.

Ryleigh furrowed her eyebrows and looked behind her at Pat again. She wanted to be with him so bad she couldn't believe what she was going to do next. It wasn't something she would normally do but she was desperate.

"Could you help me?" She hurried and spit out.

John looked at her with that damn smirk which was starting to piss her off.

"You mean become experience?"

Ryleigh put her hands on her hips,"Yes."

John couldn't believe her just suckered her into this. I guess when he thought he was good he was way better-he was god.

"That's one thing I could definitely do."

Ryleigh breathed in and out trying to make of what just happen. Did she just make a deal with the devil? She nodded her head thinking it was the best time to get away from him.

"Well, I'm going to...uh, go." She said starting to move away from the window.

As she turned a hand-who she assumed to be John's- grabbed her upper arm bring her back to where she just stepped from. Ryleigh gave him a confused face.

"Step one: you give me a kiss." He said moving closer to her body.

Ryleigh started to panic. What in the hell was he talking about? They were at school and any one could see them. Then she really wouldn't have a chance with Pat.

"We're in the middle of the hallway." She whispered looking around.

"It's okay no one comes down these hallways at lunch. Believe me, I have done some pretty amazing things in this hallway without interruption. If you know what I mean."

Ryleigh grimaced at the thought. Great! She just made a deal with a top-notch man whore. He probably had AIDS or something.

"Fine." She stood on her toes and placed her lips on his quickly and moved back. Ryleigh sighed thinking it was easy. That's until she saw John's face.

"What kind of kiss was that?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well I think you would know. But a kiss is when one's lips is placed on another's. Well according to the dictionary."

"What kind of dictionary are you looking in?" He asked.

"The American one." She said shaking her head. What was he expecting? She never did things like he has.

"Well start looking in the French's dictionary." He said moving closer to her.

Ryleigh placed her hands on his prepared to push him off of her. "French? Are you trying to hint that you want me to french kiss you?" She finally got what kind of kiss he wanted. "I just gave you my first kiss! How in the world do you think I'm going to put my tongue in your mouth?" She asked nudging him a bit but not to where he moved.

John laughed a bit then looked at her, "So I was right. You're completely and utterly inexperience."

Ryleigh blushed putting her head down. It was a bit embarrassing, especially since it was coming from his mouth.

"Don't worry I'll lead." He mumbled bringing his head down to meet Ryleigh's mouth.

At first, Ryleigh stood there with her lips spread a bit apart. John wasn't lying when he said he'll lead. His mouth moved over her's bringing her bottom lip between his. His hands wrapped around her waist which brought her body into his. Ryleigh began to move her lips going along with him. It made her wonder of the things he could do with that mouth which made her want to slap herself.

She was only going through this for Pat. But Ryleigh couldn't deny that it didn't feel good. Then John's tongue skimmed along her bottom lip bringing Ryleigh to gasp and he took the chance to dip his tongue in her mouth. She never felt such pleasure that made her body want to drop limply to the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck as her tongue met his and curved around it. She couldn't help but let a moan out which brought them both to reality.

John moved back after placing a small kiss on her lips. When she opened her eyes she just saw him smirking.

"Now that's called a kiss." He said before handing her a card.

She looked down to see it was printed. It had his name and cell on it. Ryleigh shook her head knowing she should have expected something like that.

"Do you just pre-make these and hand them out to any girl that wants to jump into bed with you?" She asked looking at the card and back at him.

"You never know when you're going to need it." He said smiling, "Call me tomorrow if you're free and I'll introduce you to everyone."

Her frown suddenly turned to a smile at the thought of actually talking to Pat in person. She was tired of talking to him only in her dreams. John turned and walked away giving her a wave with his back turned to her.

"What in the world was that?" A breathless voice spoke.

Ryleigh turned to see Kari standing there with a smile on her face.

"A kiss?" Ryleigh asked unsure of what to say.

"No shit. I thought you weren't into John." Kari said walking up to Ryleigh.

"I'm not. It's, I guess I have to explain." Ryleigh sighed defeated.

"A kiss like that from John O'Callaghan. Of course and you have to give me every detail about that kiss." She laughed wrapping an arm around Ryleigh.

Ryleigh has only been in Arizona for a week and she's starting to think that her life has became an amusement for an egotistical, horny guy.
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