Status: Active, I wrote the beginning of the next chapter on my ipod and now I have to take that to the apple store where they'll delete EVERYTHING off of it :(



"Are you ready or do I have to drag you out of your own house?" Kari spoke pulling at Ryleigh's arm.

It was Saturday and John called Ryleigh demanding, yes demanding her to be at his house by two and bring a friend so it won't be as awkward for her. At first, Ryleigh was excited but then she thought about if she would do something stupid and Pat wouldn't take a liking to her.

"I'm not sure anymore. What if he thinks I'm prudent?" Ryleigh asked shrinking, bending at her knees.

Kari laughed patting Ryleigh's back, "Well considering you barely had your first kiss yesterday; I would say you're kind of- hell- are prudent!" Kari loved how naive and innocent Ryleigh was.

Ryleigh sighed knowing Kari was right. But she had a very hard time facing the truth and it was always a known weakness for her.

"Fine." Ryleigh gave up letting go of the wall she was clutching to. She was going to face Pat and hopefully he'll think she was cool. She smiled thinking of yesterday and how she ran into him. Know the only person standing in between her and Pat was his egoistical best friend.

Ryleigh shuddered thinking of John. She definitely had enough of him yesterday and that was only within the first five minutes of actually talking to him.

"Well come on." Kori said pulling at her starting to go through the front door and to her car. "He only lives about five minutes away by car." Kari said chuckling thinking of her screwed up past with the O'Callaghans. She shook her head not wanting to think of her dreadful past.

"Seriously?" Ryliegh said in shock.

Not only did Pat live near her but now John. Was this little deal going to go sour? Ryleigh thought on the way to John's house. Not only was she doubtful about getting Pat but she was curious, curious about how everyone was so connected.

"Home sweet home." Kari laughed looking at the house. She thought of when she actually had the privileged to say that. Dammit, she thought shaking her head. This is part of reason she stayed away from the O'Callaghans.

Ryleigh took it as a joke and smiled. Kari lead the way to the front door.

"He always keep a key taped under the porch table." Kari said as she reached under the small table.

Ryleigh wondered how Kari would know something so personal to the household. It was sort of stalker-ish but once again Ryleigh didn't speak of her curiosity.

"I think we could go to jail for breaking an entry or something like that. I saw it on Cop's once." Ryleigh whispered once the door slowly creaked open.

Kari smacked her lips and put a hand on her hip. "Do you really believe they'll even find out? Plus as long as you're here John would be too satisfied to even think about pressing charges against me." Ryliegh looked at Kari's doubtful face.

Ryleigh knew she was being a bit too childish but she was just so nervous that she was actually going to hang out with a guy she liked-Pat. If she was back in Iowa she would never have thought of doing everything she was in Arizona. Arizona was making her a bit bold or brave every day that passed.

"Where are they?" Ryleigh said looking around.

Kari shrugged, "Most likely in the garage playing around with their toys."

Toys? Ryleigh didn't have a vulgar mind but she couldn't imagine them playing with action figures. When Kari opened a door that Ryleigh assumed that went to the garage she was surprised. There sat a girl on a worn out sofa, John holding a mic, Pat behind a set of drums, and two other guys that were still unknown to her.

"Kari?" One spoke in surprise. The others just stared at Kari and Ryleigh, well everyone but John.

"Hey you guys, that is Ryleigh. She's a new girl at school." John introduced her. "Ryleigh, this is Garrett, Dia, Kennedy, Jared, and-"

"Pat." Ryleigh blurted out.

"Oh," John said giving her a what-the-hell-are-you-doing? look. She wanted to smack her forehead in front of everyone for doing such a lame thing. Everyone else looked at her and Pat with raised eyebrows. Ryleigh swallowed with frightened eyes.

"We bumped into each other yesterday evening. Dick took a liking to her." Pat said clearing his throat trying to cute some of the tension and suspense in the room.

"So, he does have good taste." Jared said chuckling.

"We wouldn't want a Garrett replay." Kennedy said.

Once he said that everyone went dead quiet and they gave Garrett and Kari small glances like one of them were going to burst out with harsh words. Ryleigh was a bit uncomfortable with all the small secrets around this group of people- especially Kari.

"What the hell?" Kari said, "I haven't been around for almost a year and I get no hugs?" Kari truly didn't care for any hugs. She actually didn't want a hug from a certain person but she was trying to make it a bit less awkward.

Dia laughed standing to give Kari a hug. Ryleigh juts stood there smiling at the girls in front of her. She always liked the warmth of happiness and I guess that's what made her a nice girl.

"Ryleigh you don't have to stand there. Come sit." Pat said pointing go the chair next to him.

Ryleigh glanced at John who looked taken back that Pat even said something to her.

Kari giggled seeing John's reaction and moved from Dia to John elbowing him in the side, "I guess Dick wasn't the only one who liked her."

John rolled his eyes ignoring Kari. He didn't care about that damn virgin. She couldn't even kiss him properly so even if she and Pat hit it off today he nothing to worry about. He decided to sit on the other side of Ryleigh to observe her and Pat , after all he is like her coach in a way.

Ryleigh saw from the side of her eyes that John sat next to her and shrugged not caring. Then her attention was immediately back on Pat.

"So, I would never have guess you and John were in a band." She said smiling.

"Yeah, we're writing new stuff and hoping to get discovered soon."

"What do you play?" she asked looking around the room at all the instruments.

Pat stood and Ryleigh figured he wanted her to follow him so she got out her seat and left poor John alone. Everyone else was engaged in a conversation except Garrett who sat playing his guitar taking small glances at Kari.

"The drums."

Ryleigh lit up. She always wanted to learn the drums but never had the guts to ask her parents for the lessons. They would probably told her it was very unladylike to play the drums and only hoodlums played that sort of instrument. The only let her take singing lessons and something that was in an orchestra with strings- a violin.

"I always wanted to learn how to play!"

Pat smiled, "Maybe I'll teach you one day." he winked.

Ryleigh shifted her feet and crossed her arms.

"I sing." Came a voice.

Ryleigh turned to see John. What was he doing? She was having a very good conversation with Pat and he's on the verge of ruining it for her. That wasn't part of their deal!

"That's cool, I guess." She shrugged nonchalantly.

John licked his lips and crossed his arms. He couldn't believe she was brushing his off. For some odd reason it was getting to him. Maybe because he's the one helping her get Pat. Well, at least from her point of view.

"Cool? It's amazing and takes much more work than strumming strings or banging sticks together.

Everyone looked at John unsure what to say. They looked at Ryleigh expecting her to react. What really shocked them was that John never said anything like that. He was never offended easily and a little comment from Ryleigh made him like that.

"You mean just opening your mouth and talking with rhythm.? Playing drums and even a guitar takes much more concentration and heart. You have to put your whole body in it- sweat, blood, and even bones."

Ryleigh knew she was sprouting nonsense. Everything she said would go great with singing. It takes an abundant amount of emotion and soul to sing even the smallest lyrics. She wasn't going to tell him that just because he was so cocky and insulted Pat and his others friends although they didn't look insulted.

John didn't know how to respond so he turned and walked into the house slamming the door-hard.

"Whoa." Jared said with wide eyes.

Kennedy nodded his head agreeing, "I think I just fell in love."

Ryleigh was a bit confused. Why were they praising her when she just went off on their best friend. She was scared of what Pat's response would be.

"No one really stands up to John besides us. Especially someone from the opposite sex. You just be too good to be true."

Ryleigh smiled happy that Pat was impressed with her.

"No, no one has the balls to say anything to him. I'm, personally, satisfied with his reaction." Dia spoke smirking.

Ryleigh looked at Garrett who hasn't spoken a word since her and Kari came. Did he not like her or even Kari? Ryleigh shook her head not wanting to think of it. Instead, she beamed of the rest of them accepting her. Life was definitely starting to see much better than she imagined it would be.

Ryleigh and Pat went back to their original seats and talked about a million things as Ryleigh would say. Even when John came back she ignored his presence. He kept glancing at his phone and her and Pat with a that damn smirk on his face. He was definitely up to something.

Then all of the sudden John jumped up and hurried into the house. Pat looked at the door and back at Garrett who was obviously staying away fro Kari, Ryleigh now realized. Every time her and Dia moved a little closer he went to the opposite side of the room.

Garrett shrugged, "You know how stupidly suspicious John acts sometimes."

Kari snorted, "He's not the only one."

Garrett raised his eyebrow, "Are you referring to me?"

Kari shrugged, "Were you the first person to pop in your head? That must tell you something."

Garrett opened his mouth about to say something back but Dia stepped in. "Come on guys! You were doing so good so far. Stop making it so difficult for the people who wants to be around both of you."

The door opened showing John leading a girl with bronze skin and long, dark hair that sun-kissed with gold highlights. Her pouty lips and slim body made Ryleigh feel like she was a guy compared to this beauty. As Ryleigh looked around everyone looked dumb- founded and there was even more tension circulating around the room.

"Who's she?" Ryleigh asked confused by everybody's silence.

Kari shook her head. John proved her theory right. He wasn't actually going to hook Pat and Ryleigh up but the opposite.

"Ember Ferrar is Pat's ex-girlfriend." Kari said turning back towards Ember.

Ryleigh paled snapping her head towards Ember and John who were staring at every one.

"John?" She said breaking the silence, "Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" she asked grinding her teeth while standing.

John looked confusedly at her but despite that he followed her lead out the door.

"Now what is it Ms. Ignore-and-make-John-look-stupid-when-Pat's around?" he said crossing his arms.

Ryleigh rolled her eyes. Was he seriously being this childish? Well, he was John O'Callaghan.

"You sound really stupid right now." Ryleigh spoke leaning against the counter. "Don't you remember this whole thing was for me and Pat. Why in the world would you invite Pat's ex-girlfriend?"

John shrugged smirking, "Me and Ember are just really close friends."

Ryleigh heaved a very heavy sigh, "Is that your excuse or just your way of telling me you slept with her too?"

John still held his annoyingly, charming smirk and moved towards Ryleigh. She shifted her feet and turned her face not wanting to look him in those damn eyes.

"Ryleigh, it's barely day two and you're starting to sound like a jealous girlfriend." Placing her chin between his index finger and thumb turning her to face him.

She scoffed pushing his hand away, "That's funny because you sounded and acted like a jealous boyfriend when I was with Pat."

John furrowed his eyebrows. There was no chance in hell he actually acted like that. He was just annoyed that she was criticizing his talent. How worked his ass off writing lyrics and finding his voice.

He chuckled placing a hand on her hip, "That was just an act. You should really know the difference."

Ryleigh rolled her eyes not believing him for a second. She pushed his hand off of her once again and sat on the counter so her body wouldn't be pressed against hers. It was a mistake that she regretted. John took it as an invite to push her legs open and settle himself between them.

"John, seriously not here. Everyone is in the garage. Any one could walk in and we're in the kitchen dammit!" Ryleigh protested.

John's hands grasped her knee and ran up her thigh. "Ryleigh, this is your second lesson. Isn't your adrenaline pumping. Aren't you worried Pat would come through the doorway any moment?"

Ryleigh didn't know what he was going with this. She really didn't want Pat to walk in and her heart was beating a mile per second. Then John caressing her thigh was making her feel a bit weird. Her breathing was a bit off and her hands were unsteady.

"Give in to it." John whispered moving his lips against her cheek .

Not knowing what she was doing Ryleigh moved her head back so John took that as permission and placed is lips over hers. First, they moved slowly but then John gently gripped her hair, tilting her head swiping his tongue against her lips. Ryleigh didn't know why her body was so hot every time John touched her, She didn't understand why it was reacting to him in such a manner. Their bodies rubbed against each other and John groaned in pleasure.

She moaned wrapping her arms around his neck, opening for him. His warm tongue moved against hers as she felt his slide up her dress. She thought nothing of it and continued to move her tongue against his.

John broke the kiss moving down her neck nipping at it. Ryleigh moaned feeling as if she was being washed with pleasure. Then she felt his fingers against her.

"Are you that excited for me?" He whispered huskily.

Ryleigh then felt ashamed. She really liked Pat and yet she was feeling hot and bothered over his friend. She shook her head and pushed John away.

"I'm not ready for all that. You're going way too fast." Ryleigh said moving off the counter.

Ryleigh tried to fix her clothes and hair moving away from John. She started to walk away heading for the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" He asked following her.


"What am I going to tell everyone?" He asked knowing it'll look fishy since they were in the kitchen for ten minutes.

"Just tell them I ate something bad while we were in the kitchen." She said walking out the door.

Ryleigh took a long,deep breath of fresh air and started walking home. She couldn't believe what just happened with John. He was so passionate and knew how to touch a girl. Then Ryleigh wondered, just how many girls have he touched?
♠ ♠ ♠
Long Chapter For The Long Wait.
Sorry, It Took Forever, I Hope You All
Liked It. Tell Me What You Think About
Everything So Far
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