Status: Active, I wrote the beginning of the next chapter on my ipod and now I have to take that to the apple store where they'll delete EVERYTHING off of it :(



Ryleigh sighed walking through the school doors. She didn't talk to John or Kari since Saturday after her and John had their intense make out session. A shiver ran through Ryleigh's body as she thought of their moment in the kitchen. The thought of his hands running up her thigh made her swallow hard.

Ryleigh shook her head as if she was fighting the temptation to remember each detail and the feeling of John's hands pressed between her legs. The abundant heat that grew wherever his hands touched. Ryleigh threw her head against her locker scowling at her body for wanting to feel the heat again.

Suddenly she remembered she was doing this for Pat. Then her mind wondered how would it feel with Pat's hands on her body?

"Are you purposely trying to kill brain cells?" A voice said dripping with sarcastic humor.

Ryleigh turned sharply as she gasped. She saw Pat's bright warm eyes that held so much kindness and amusement but not like John's dangerous amusement.

"Pat, it's nice seeing you especially when my brain decides to be so persistent in the worst way." Ryleigh said holding her hand to her forehead.

Pat chuckled and Ryleigh started walking away from the lockers. Naturally, Pat followed her.

"So, it wasn't as entertaining after you left. John told us what was wrong."

Ryleigh's eyes widened and she came to a halt. "What exactly did John say?" Ryleigh asked hesitantly.

"Um... You know," Pat shifted his feet. He didn't want to make Ryleigh uncomfortable.

"He said you ate something bad in the kitchen and went home with diarrhea."

Ryleigh's mouth dropped and a red blush crept up her neck. John had no right to say something say something so embarrassing and disgusting! Ryleigh had to find him and quickly. She plastered a stiff smile on her face and looked towards Pat.

"Where is John?" Ryleigh asked with a sweet voice. She wasn't going to take her anger out on Pat. She was saving all her outrage for John.

"He went to sit with Ginger and the rest of the cheerleaders." Pat said looking a bit confused.

Ryleigh smiled and thanked him walking outside towards where John sat.

When she approached them everyone was laughing at something John said. She stood there unnoticed until she cleared her throat.

Ginger turned and looked at Ryleigh,"Is there something wrong with your throat? You know the swine flu is going around."

Ryleigh was immediately annoyed that this girl, Ginger, didn't know her and had the audacity to insult her.

"Then I would hate to tell you but your little boyfriend right caught it over the weekend." Ryleigh looked at John with false tenderness in her eyes. "I'm so sorry John. I know you didn't want me to tell anyone but I'm worried that somebody else would catch it!"

Ginger had wide shocked eyes and John just smirked with amusement. He thought this was funny! He was enjoying Ryleigh making a fool out of himself and it pissed her off.

Ginger inched away from John and stood. "Um, I remembered I had to do something in the library," She turned to one of her lackeys and whispered loudly, "Is there a library?"

The girl shrugged and whispered something on her ear.

"We'll see you when you get over your Illness." Ginger said walking away and her crowd followed her.

"Want to tell me why you did that?" He asked leaning forward. Ryleigh took a seat directly in front of him.

"Want to tell me why you told everyone that I had diarrhea? I mean you couldn't say I was nauseous?" Ryleigh harshly whispered trying not to make a scene.

John chuckled shaking his head,"Where's the fun in that?"

Ryleigh was so frustrated with John. Was even really trying to get Pat to like her? Apparently not if this is his way of doing it.

"What fun John? All of this isn't for fun. It's to bring me and Pat together!"

"Okay, okay calm down. Pat isn't going to judge you because of a problem caused by nature or whatever they call it."

Ryleigh crooked her neck and gave him a suspicious look. "What about his ex? Did they..." Ryleigh trailed off biting her lip.

John rolled his eyes annoyed that all she thinks about is Pat. Seriously, even if the world was going to fall over her head she would only be worried about Pat and John didn't know why that pissed him off.

"Get back together? Enjoy pondering about it." He said getting up walking away.

Ryleigh stood up letting a frustrated moan out, "John O'Callaghan!" She shouted stomping her foot.

He just got to her like no other. It was seriously starting to piss her off. Not only do he enjoy toying around with her but he knows he can use anything that has to do with Pat against her.

"Whoa Ryleigh, don't have a breakdown in the middle of gossip hungry eyes." Kari said looking around at everyone who was staring at us.

"Hey Lily, what are you staring at us for? Checking me out? Sorry but I like mine fresh and sticking up." Kari said laughing.

The girl, Lily, didn't take too funny. She scoffed and threw her nose in the air, "Whatever Kari, we all know you like virgins and I am fresh considering I'm a virgin."

Ryleigh looked around as everyone that was eavesdropping started to giggle. The girl sure didn't look like a virgin to Ryleigh. With her make up caked on her face, a shirt two sizes too small for her, a mini skirt, and heels that can be seen on a hooker. Who wore heels to school anyway?

Kari smirked shaking her head. The girls were starting to become way too easy to mess with. Even the guys. She would give them bait and they dived on it like sexed crazed animals fighting over one piece of tail.

"Are you suggesting that you want me to take you? Then I guess I should have put it like this- I like virgin boys. So, that's a no to your offer."

Lily faced twisted in disgust. It's obvious that she thought of Kari's little comment as a crude one but Ryleight sort of agreed. All of Ryleigh's old friends were never so out spoken and rude yet funny. It almost made Ryleigh admire Kari.

"Whatever! I don't have to stand here and taken this!" She whined stomping her foot to the ground about to head off.

"By the way Lily, we all know about your Monday closet action and the empty classroom at lunch. Different guy every week? Yeah, you're just the Virgin Mary aren't you."

Ryleigh snickered at Lily giving Kari the finger and walking off, well more like running off. She shook her head and looked at Kari who was almost dying from laughing to hard.

"Calm down before you drop dead." Ryleigh said placing her hand on Kari's arm.

Kari's laughter calmed down and she wiped the tears that escaped her eyes. "You can never have too much fun in the morning."

"Yeah, I bet." Ryleigh mumbled.

"So, I heard all about your diarrhea. How was that?" Kari giggled.

Ryleigh placed her hands over her face and groaned in embarrassment. She could feel her face warm up and knew her cheeks had to have a hint of red on them.

"Did he just announce that lie to the world?" Ryleigh asked throwing her arms into the air.

"Well my friend," Kari started off placing an arm around Ryleigh's shoulders, "he basically told us all when coming back. I knew he was lying because he always scratches his head when he's fibbing...So what really happened?"

Ryleigh was quiet for a second thinking whether she should tell Kari. Then she whispered it quietly but she doubted if Kari heard her.

"What was that? You need to speak a bit louder."

Ryleigh sighed and said, "We had this intense make out session in the Kitchen that left me light headed and confused, okay!"

Kari smirked shaking her head. She had a feeling John's magic was working on poor little Ryleigh and she knew Ryleigh couldn't do a thing about it.

"What?" Ryleigh asked not happy about Kari's little smirk. It reminded her of when John was up to no good.

Speaking of John. Ryleigh thought biting her lip. She wondered where was John. He could be somewhere ravishing some random chick who wanted him to take her virginity. But wasn't that what Ryleigh was doing?

Wait! Who said anything about John taking my virginity? Ryleigh harshly thought. She was basically losing her mind. John was around just to teach her the basics not to go all the way.

"Ryleigh are you listening?" Kari said waving her hand in front of Ryleigh's face.

"Huh?" Ryleigh asked turning her head to face Kari.

Kari shook her head chuckling. Ryleigh should have a lot on her mind since this plan with John was going to backfire in her face. Kari sighed and just went to her seat observing the class in front of her eyes. Everyone settled in and even Pat and John was on time.

The teacher came rushing in looking like a hot mess. She was obviously in a rush to get to the classroom on time. She looked around her desk and cursed to herself.

"Ryleigh." She suddenly said.

Ryleigh jumped at the sound of her own name. She wasn't used to getting called on by the teachers. She was usually the one the teacher avoided because she was so shy and anti-social.

"Yes?" Ryleigh said eyes opened.

"I left a box of papers in the passenger seat of my car. Can you go get it?"

Ryleigh was still new and she doubted she knew what the teacher's car would even look like. Then Pat and John at once spoke, "I could take her!"

Our teacher looked amsed seeing as the two guys who disrupts her class was the ones being kind enough to help the new girl out.

"Pat, why don't you take her. We wouldn't want John to get lost again like the did last time now would we."

Ryleigh looked at John unconsciously wanting him to speak up and say he wouldn't get lost. But this was good. She would get some alone time with Pat.

She stood up and walked to the front of the classroom to retrieve the keys and then walked to the door where Pat held it open for her.

"Thanks for volunteering." Ryleigh said smiling at him.

He shrugged, "It's okay plus I get to have some one on one time with you."

Ryleigh was surprised he would say something like that. She doubted he really meant something by it. He probably was being his friendly self. Ryleigh thought as her stomach did flips by their arms which was brushing each other.

"Then you must get one on one time with Kari. I don't want her to feel left out." Ryleigh said chuckling at him.

He came to a halt and shook his head with seriousness written all over his face, "That's not what I meant."

"Huh?" Ryleigh asked confused.

Pat sighed with a small smile. "I guess I'm going to have to show you what I mean."

Ryleigh tilted her head still not comprehending what Pat meant. He moved closer to her and then before Ryleigh knew it his lips where on hers.

His kiss was so much different from John's. It was more calm, and relaxed. John's kisses where intense and hot and kept her wanting more. She wasn't going to deny that she liked Pat but her body liked John a bit more. As Pat parted her lips with his tongue Ryleigh opened her eyes and felt awkward. Then she looked up and away from Pat's eyes to see John standing in the hallway staring at them. He had a blank face on and sent shivers down her body.

Was he mad?

Ryleigh mentally shook her head. He couldn't be mad. He went around making out with other girl as a daily hobby. She didn't even mean anything to him besides a game and free sexual activity. She could see as he shook his head smirking and turn to walk away. That proved that he didn't care about her. She was just a game to him and Ryleigh didn't want to admit that it hurt.

She wrapped her arms around Pat's shoulders and moved her tongue against his. He moaned in her mouth and moved Ryleigh against the lockers trying to kiss her deeper. Ryleigh moaned but abruptly pushed him away.

"Wait!" She said trying to catch her breath.

"I took it too far, huh. I'm so sorry." Pat started to rant and Ryleigh shushed him.

"No, it's just that...Ember." She whispered feeling immature.

"Ember?" Pat echoed, "We're just friends."

Ryleigh sighed, relieved that Pat and Ember weren't going back out. But the thought of him having feelings for Ember occurred after he cleared the going out question. Ryleigh didn't know their situation enough to know if they still held each other close to their hearts.

"We better go get the box before she sends someone to fetch us." Ryleigh said wanting to avoid any more conversation. But the thought of John standing in the hallway with a blank face haunted her memory and bugged her to no end.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey go check this hot story out! I wrote the intense scene. Oh you know ;)
so please go support me and my friend and comment it.
What was up with John? Go comment and tell me what you
think was going through his head and what's he's going to do next!

please comment, i love you all for subscribing but comments
usually make me update faster, no lie