So Much More Than Decoration


“But mum! I don’t want to switch schools!” Chloe yelled, kicking off Monday with a bang.

“Love, its for the best. You don’t want to wake up two hours earlier just to go to school every morning do you?” The voice of a rational mother cooed. “No, I didn’t think so. This new school is ten minutes away.”

“But mum! Why’d we have to move in the first place, there was nothing wrong with our flat back in London. And to Weybridge? Really mum- we’re in the middle of no where!”

Chloe Rachel Finch! Your grandmum is sick! Its best that we’re here to look after her! End of discussion. Now go and wake up your sister.”

“I hate you.” Chloe dramatized before storming up the steps of their new home to wake her sleeping twin.

Amberlyn slept peacefully in her room with co-joining bathroom connecting to Chloe’s bedroom. The Monday morning sun peaked through the clouds and weaseled their way between the cracks in the curtains to flood Amberlyn’s room with light. Amberlyn felt the effects of her slumber wearing off as she lazily began to open her blue eyes to a new morning.

“Ugh! Amber wake up!” Chloe’s voice shrilled, as she jumped onto the bed.

“I am up Chloe.” Amber spoke sleepily, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Ugh, I hate mum! I can’t believe she made us move out here.” Chloe started to vent to her younger twin. “And I still can’t believe you didn’t back me up when I said we should move in with Dad instead of moving with mum out here.”

“But Chloe, Dad is always away on his business trips. We’d be alone all the time.” Amber tried to reason with her sister, as she stretched trying to wake the sleep from her body. “Plus we’d starve at Dad’s, he can’t cook remember?”

“That’s true. But still! I was this close to getting Josh Moore to ask me out! Now that skank Katie will get to him.” Chloe whined leaning against Amber.

“Isn’t Katie one of your best mates?” Amber winced waiting for a reply, afraid she might have forgot about a fight Chloe might have had with Katie.

“Yea she is, but she’s still a skank.” Chloe said completely nonchalant about the whole thing before rising from Amber’s bed. “Let’s get ready, we need to make a good first impression, yeah?”

“Yeah.” Amberlyn signed, pulling the covers over her bed. She sloppily made her bed before rushing off to bathroom before Chloe could snag it and waste all the hot water.

“Amber! You twat, let me take a shower first!” Chloe yelled as Amberlyn prepared for a shower. Despite Chloe’s banter from outside the bathroom doors, Amberlyn showered quickly trying to ignore her sister. Although Amberlyn knew her sister had other plans in mind when she said they should make a first impression, Amberlyn wanted to make a good one. She didn’t have as many friends as Chloe did at their last school, well none really, aside from Chloe that is- so a good first impression was definitely a must. Amberlyn didn’t want to be known as the other Finch at their new school, all she wanted was to make at least one friend- one would remember her name.

“Took you long enough!” Chloe yelled slamming the dual sets of doors behind Amberlyn once she stepped out of her ten minute shower.

Amberlyn quickly scrambled through her neatly organized closet to find half her clothes were missing. Of course she knew this was going to happen. The twins only recently moved into their new home, and while Amberlyn was unpacking and settling in- her sister spent most her time on the train back to London to hang out with her old friends. Needless to say, now that Chloe needed to have her things unpacked, she just rummaged through her sister’s belonging to compensate. What else would a twin be good for?

Amberlyn sighed knowing the dress she wanted to wear was already held captive in her sister’s disaster or a room, and she was not willing to waste time looking for it. Typical, she thought as she sighed looking at a few pieces her sister left. Amberlyn decided not to bother with it now and that she’d raid Chloe’s room after school and take back all her clothes then. She pulled out a grey tank top with a floral print decorating it, along with a cream coloured high waisted skirt that hit mid-thigh. Fearing she’d get cold she quickly found her favourite oversized light blue cardigan and threw it on her messily made bed beside her leather messenger bag.

Sitting in front of her vanity, Amberlyn dried her hair quickly letting her dark brown, almost redish coloured hair into a wavy mess, pinning up the sides to let it fall half up- half down. She stared at her fair skin, and blue eyes mimicking that of her sisters and wondered what exactly made them so different. Why didn’t she have the same confidence her sister did? After all they did look the same, so why was it that her sister was so outgoing and she was a quiet little book worm?

“Amberlyn! What in bloody hell are you doing? Hurry up!” Chloe yelled at her sister for a third time this morning.

Picking up her belongings off her bed Amberlyn rushed downstairs to find Chloe borrowed her shoes as well. Brushing it off, she picked out her brown boots and followed her sister out the door.

Here we go.
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Yay! New story! Its got a slow start but it'll get better, promise! ;D

I'd like to thank Danielle for helping me out with the idea. :3

Amberlyn’s room
Vanity in her room
Amberlyn's outfit