So Much More Than Decoration


Amberlyn walked aimlessly around the halls of her new school after losing her sister in a new crowd of people. Half the day had gone by, and already Chloe managed to surround herself with new friends like the little social butterfly that she was. Amberlyn on the other hand had yet to speak more than ten words to anyone, excluding teachers and staff that is.

It was now lunch, and Chloe found herself chatting away with the new friends she made, enjoying herself as she usually did. Amberlyn, directed herself towards the doors leading to the back of the school. From what she gathered, it seemed like that’d be the quietest place to eat her lunch. She walked through the doors noting a lack of human life around her, and sat on the second last step deeming it the cleanest. It was peaceful there, and after quickly establishing the title as the other Finch much to her dismay, she just wanted time to herself.

Amberlyn faced two main problems upon arriving at this school. The first, was that the administration office separated the twins, leaving only two classes they shared together rather than the usual full day. Ever since Amberlyn was a baby, Chloe had always been there- Chloe was always the one to guide her like the big sister that she was. As expected, Amberlyn was a bit distraught knowing she wouldn’t have Chloe there all the time.

The second obstacle Amberlyn faced, were boys. The girls mother had always sent them to all-girls school in hopes that it would keep the girls focused on their education. Their mother’s decision impacted the girls, but not in the way she had intended. Chloe reacted in the opposite manner, instead of being reserved and surrounding her self socially with girls, it seems Chloe had more males in her social circle than girls. Always having a boyfriend since the seventh grade. Amberlyn reacted in a slightly peculiar manner- unlike her sister, Amberlyn found it extremely difficult to fraternize with boys. She always found herself instantly becoming nervous and tried to avoid them as much as she could. The worst would be when Amberlyn had a crush on a boy. Instead of flirting and aiming to be closer to him, like any other girl would do, Amberlyn would hide- making sure there was a good distance between them at all times.

Munching on her tuna sandwich, Amberlyn lied back resting against the stair railings for support. She let her sun-deprived legs tan under the occasionally warm sky enjoying the pleasant weather as much as she could. Her thoughts consumed with a variety of worries now numbed by the calming of the leaves rustling in the wind, and the faint sound of traffic humming mixed with the clash of skateboards on the pavement.

Her pale blue eyes fixed on the group of boys down the alley as she ignored everything around her like she normally did. Even the sound of the door behind her opening was brushed aside as she watched one boy attempt a kick-flip off the benches.

“Changing outfits in the middle of the day?” She heard a voice behind her. “That’s one way to make a first impression here.”

Amberlyn ignored the voice, assuming it wasn’t directed towards her and continued to watch the another boy attempt an Ollie off the same bench the previous boy did.

“Oh, you’re just going to ignore me now?” The voice chuckled. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”

Okay, so maybe the voice was talking to her.

“I beg your pardon?” Amberlyn spoke quietly turning to face the voice. She turned to find a boy, he was relatively tall and sported a goofy smile along with a trendy baseball hat. Upon meeting his blue eyes with her own, Amberlyn swallowed hard. It wasn’t everyday a boy would acknowledge her, a cute one at that.

“Your clothes.” The boy smiled, taking a seat beside Amberlyn on the step above her. “I know your new and all, but really you don’t need to change in the middle of the day.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Amberlyn asked, confused as ever.

“Don’t get me wrong, you look lovely. I was just making a joke, you know- trying to be funny.” He laughed, trying to break the ice.

“I’m sorry, I haven’t the faintest clue as to what you’re talking about... umm...”

“Its Josh.” He said a little taken back. “Remember, I sat next to you in English earlier today?”

“But I haven’t had English class yet--”

“Amberlyn! Are you out here?” Chloe interrupted, popping her head through the door looking a bit frazzled, before smiling cheekily. “We have gym together next, let’s go.”

Amberlyn? Wha-- woah, t-there’s two of you?” Josh gaped. His stare bouncing between the two sisters on either of his sides, to make sure he wasn’t mistaken.

Amberlyn looked between Josh and Chloe as she pieced it together. Josh thought he was talking to Chloe, he had no idea there were two of them. Her confused expression faded into a disheartened one. Her luck, the first time someone has shown any interest in her today, beside an “are you lost?” or “are you new?” was because he thought she was her sister. Lovely, just lovely.

“Fancy running into you again.” Chloe smirked, turning on her flirtatious charm. “ Josh was it?”

“Yeah.” He said, still looking between the twins. “I just met your sister, Amberlyn.”

Amberlyn marveled at Josh, impressed that he remembered her name, despite the fact that she hadn’t even formally introduced herself yet. A faint smile twitched onto her lips at the small acknowledgment by Josh.

“Well maybe you’ll get to know her another time, yeah? We’ve got gym next and I heard if we’re late we have to run laps. Amber, I am not running laps.” Chloe smiled at Josh before hinting she wanted her sister to hurry up.

Closed the container her tuna sandwich was held in and placed back into her leather messenger bag. She was about to stand up when, Josh did first, extending his hand for Amberlyn to take. She stared at it, for a split second before accepting it, admiring his mannerisms. Amberlyn dusted off her cream coloured skirt and hauled her bag onto her shoulder ready to join Chloe.

“I’ll see you around, yeah Amberlyn?” Josh called, as she followed Chloe who was already making her way down the hall. The doors closed behind her, leaving Josh outside and securing a bubble of silence before Amberlyn replied lowly, knowing he couldn’t hear.

“Most definitely.”
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Umm. I won't be able to update for a while, because I'm going away. But I'll update when I get back! (:

I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I know its just the second chapter but still. I hope you're liking it.
And, I'd love to know what you think! :'D
