So Much More Than Decoration


“Watch out!” A voice shrilled.


“Ow.” Amberlyn wailed meekly rubbing the back of her auburn hair where the volleyball had hit her. Heat instantly rose to her cheeks intensifying the previous tone of pink she held. The other girls laughed at the absentmindedness Amberlyn possessed while playing volleyball. Her nervous habits came into play, as she shied away to the back of the court letting the other girls play while she hid in the back, where she felt she belonged. Chloe on the other hand had no problem playing in the front, leading her team along side the new friends she made in the short while the girls had been at the school.

Five days have passed since the girls started at their new school and Amberlyn has yet to make one friend. She couldn’t even manage to track down the boy she met the other day, Josh. Its not like Amberlyn would be bold enough to do or say anything, but a friendly face would be nice- seeing as he was the only one welcoming to her. Well, besides the people who mistook her as Chloe.

Amberlyn watched the clock located on the far end of the gymnasium as if her life depended on it. Five. Four. Three. Two. One- Mrs. Greenwald blew her whistle indicating the class was over, and the girls had ten minutes to shower and change before the bell. Amberlyn was the first to chuck the volleyballs into the bin and dash through the doors into the ladies change room.

Opening her gym bag, and pulling out her fresh clothes folded neatly inside she began changing in her corner. Amberlyn set her belongings on the bench furthest away from any of the other girls for more privacy, she may have gone to an all girls school- but that didn’t mean Amberlyn was comfortable changing in front of them. Amberlyn kicked off her runners and untucked her loose gym shirt, letting if hang off her thin frame while she shimmied her shorts off. First she slipped on her white lace stockings before pulling on her greyish-blue wrinkled skirt. Quickly, she tossed her gym shirt off and replaced it with her black and white stripped tank top which she tucked into her high waisted skirt.

Adjusting her clothes and digging through her bag to find her feather and leaf pendant necklace she heard Chloe.

“You okay?” Her sister sat down on the bench beside Amberlyn’s bags.

“I’m fine.” Amberlyn responded, pulling her lengthy hair back to put on her necklace.

“Just making sure, I know how you get when people laugh at you.” Chloe informed her sister, now standing to clip on the necklace for Amberlyn.

“I’m okay, it was my fault. I should have paid more attention.” Amberlyn shrugged, giving her older sister a half smile, indicating she was fine.

“Alright.” Chloe smiled. “Listen, I’m not going home with you today, okay? “

“Oh?” Amberlyn paused from packing her bag.

“I’m going with some of the girls to the shopping center to hang out. If mum’s home, tell her I have my mobile and not to worry. Yeah?”


“Thanks Amber. See you at home.” Chloe stated before returning to her friends and belongings.

Amberlyn let out the breath she had been holding in, letting out a sigh. She wasn’t too pleased about Chloe ditching her to walk or take the metro alone, it was bad enough she didn’t have any friends- but now she didn’t even have her sister, no, her twin to keep her company. Amberlyn quickly slipped on her grey ballet flats, matching her thin cardigan sweater and tied the ribbon around her ankle in a rush, for she had four minutes to get to her next class.

At a quick pace Amberlyn directed herself towards the Science hall where her physics class was located. It was her fifth day here and she had already memorized the blueprints of the school, not wanting to be lost or take the longer way to any of her classes resulting in a tardy. Opting out of stopping by her locker to drop off her gym bag, she brought it with her to class.

Slipping into class with a minute or two to spare, Amberlyn sat herself in the lab desk near in the back beside the window. Dropping her bags and pulling out her proper material she began to space out, envious of all the kids outside the window still walking and hanging out with their friends, friends Amberlyn wished she had. Amberlyn watched in despair as Chloe passed by with her new friends towards the portables, still in a bit of distraught that the administrations office had separated the two sisters.

“So which twin is this?” Amberlyn heard a voice call.

“Sorry?” She said, breaking her gaze from the window and to her left where the voice was found. Her eyes were met with a boy adorning a familiar cheeky smile upon his lips. Amberlyn discretely bit her bottom lip to keep a silly smile from covering her face along with the flush of pink which was now faintly covering her cheeks.

“Let me guess,” He paused. “... Amberlyn?”

She could help but stop biting her lip as an infectious smile spread across her lips, brightening her pretty face. He remembered her name.

“Josh,” She continued to beam. “You’re in this class?”

“Yeah, just switched in today.” He smiled, eying the lab seat beside Amberlyn. “You’ve got a partner?”

“Wh- Oh, no.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if I sat here then?”

“No, no. Go ahead!” Amberlyn responded eagerly, grabbing her books off his side of the table, happy that she was lucky enough for him to offer to be her lab partner before the teacher would have to assign someone to work with her.

Amberlyn smiled like a loon throughout the rest of the class, content with just sitting beside Josh. She felt entirely ridiculous though, he remembered her name and offered to be her lab partner and now she was completely crushing on him. In her defense, he was really cute- but still, Amberlyn felt childish for her tiny crush on him. She knew it was more admiration for Josh than a crush though, it was only because he was being so nice to her that she figured she had these feelings, hell- she didn’t know anything about him.

“D’you know what’s going on?” Josh whispered, his face now uncomfortably close to Amberlyn’s, as he spoke quietly in her ear.

Startled by his voice, she turned to him, and simply nodded- indicating a yes, since her voice would have squeaked if she had spoke.

“Mind explaining it to me later, I’m lost.” He continued, still invading her personal space. Not that she minded though.

Again, she nodded in response continuing her note taking but not before scribbling a little note to Josh on the corner of her sheet. Amberlyn ripped off the corner where the note was written and slid it to her left, catching Josh’s attention.

I learned most of this last year in my other school, did you just want to borrow my notes?

The note read. He read it quickly than flipped the paper over to write a message back, sliding it to Amberlyn on his right like she had done to him.

Sweet! Now I’m totally stoked I partnered with you for this. (: 
Mind if you actually explain it to me, I’m crap at this stuff.

Smiling at his note, she responded with:

Sure thing! Just let me know when, I don’t have much to do- so I’m usually free.

Instead of writing another note, he leaned in close to Amberlyn as Mr. Flanger had his back turned.

“You doing anything after school?” He whispered, tickling the stray strands of hair against her ear. “I know its a Friday, but I hope you wouldn’t mind an hour or so.”

If Amberlyn didn’t know any better, she’d assume he was flirting with her judging by his action, she did watch a lot of romantic comedies after all. A smile spread across her face as she shook her head to say she didn’t mind. In fact, it was quite the opposite- she was thrilled! For once she had something to do on a Friday, besides homework and watch old re-runs of the American sitcom, Friends with her mum.

“Cool, meet me in the back lot after school, yeah?” His voice began to fade as he pulled back to his seat, smiling in a coy fashion at her.

The bell rang, as she smiled, letting a weak “Yeah,” escape her mouth as she packed her messenger bag, stuffing her belongings into it in a hurry. She will most definitely meet him later.
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Amberlyn's outfit