So Much More Than Decoration


Eleven steps, she counted. Just eleven steps and she was in. Or she could just turn around and march back home, tell Josh she was sick- if he even noticed she wasn’t there. The queasy uneasy feeling rampaging her stomach from all the nerves were coaxing her home. Amberlyn was afraid, there was no other way to put it.

The party was wild, Amberlyn could just tell from the outside. The commotion of all the people, the smell of cigarettes and other strong, unknown aromas. She wasn’t used to it, nor did she like it. Besides those in school hallways, malls and bus stations- but at least those were controlled. Tame, if you will. All the people littering the lawn wore red tinted, glazed over eyes with a bemused expression dancing along their face, her peers swayed with each step, even as they just stood still. The alcohol and other substances had clearly gone to their heads. Did Amberlyn really want to be apart of this?

“Chloe!” Someone called from behind her. “You look fit!”

Amberlyn turned around, expecting to see her sister walking up with her friends while the owner of the voice praised her. To her surprise, there wasn’t anyone there but a boy- and the people ready to pass out on the lawn, her sister no where in sight. The boy wore a goofy expression and had features that reminded her of a cat for some reason. Amberlyn cranked her neck to the each side scanning closely for her sister, or any girls who may be named Chloe.

“Why are just standing out here, lets get you a drink inside, yeah?” The boy said walking behind Amberlyn, slinging his arm around her waist leading her up the steps.

Before Amberlyn could fully understand what exactly was going on, she was inside the toasty house- where the music was pumping loudly and a large mass of bodies were crammed into. She was led to the kitchen even as she tried to explain to the boy he was mistaken- she was not Chloe, but he merely cut her off layout an array of alcohol bottles for her to pick from. He was not taking no for an answer.

Across the kitchen Josh noticed Amberlyn by the island looking perplexed at the assortment laid out in front of her. While he heard buzz that it was Chloe getting drinks with Max, he knew just after one glance it was Amberlyn. Okay, maybe not one glance but after staring at her for a minute or two -- maybe even three or four, he could tell it was Amberlyn. The way she stood with her hands held together, her posture, the way she bit her lip as she avoided eye contact, all those things were tell tale signs that the girl standing beside Max with his arm around her waist was Amberlyn, not Chloe.

Arm around her waist- wait what? Josh thought to himself as he excused himself from his current conversation making a b-line towards the mistaken girl holding a cup of unknown contents dangerously close to her mouth.

“Is it supposed to smell like cough medicine?” Amberlyn asked.

“Hahah, yes actually. But with the Red Bull you won’t even notice.” Max urged her to go on.

“Jager?” Josh asked, casually interrupting the two. “Never trust Max with drinks, he likes the grossest ones.”

“Josh!” Amberlyn beamed, putting the cup down- all her attention now focused on him. Amberlyn wiggled out of Max’s hold to hug Josh, wrapping her dainty arms around him. “Max here was just about to take me to go find you.”

“I’m sure he was.” Josh hugged her back, narrowing his eyes at Max behind Amberlyn’s back. He knew how Max operated, he seemed harmless with his boyish looks, childish antics and humour, but he was also quite the ladies man. Max wasn’t planning to help Amberlyn find Josh, he was probably going to hit on her shamelessly while getting her drunk at the same time. Max wasn’t a bad guy or anything, he was... well he was just a horny little bastard now wasn’t he.

At Josh’s comment Amberlyn tilted her head to the side wondering what he meant by that. Josh merely shrugged it off.

“He’s also a terrible host.” Josh switched topics, referring to the coat and scarf Amberlyn was still wearing. Josh kept a keen eye on Max while helping Amberlyn out of her coat until his eyes fell on her appearance.

Amberlyn’s legs looked longer since her dress feel less than three inches passed her bum and the addition of her black heeled ankle boots gave her extra height. Her chest was slightly more exposed than usual, but not in such a way that made her self-conscious or uncomfortable. Josh’s eyes could practically trace each curve on her body by the way the dress hugged them, unlike the loose fitting clothes Amberlyn was usually found wearing. Lastly, her pale blue eyes accentuated by the classic smokey makeup she wore making her look more sultry. It was then that Josh realized how much Chloe and Amberlyn really were twins. It sounds stupid, but to him their personalities were what he distinguished them by, to him they could never be confused- but now after seeing Amberlyn like this, he wasn’t so sure. It was like Josh had just noticed that Amberlyn was a girl, a gorgeous one at that. To him, Amberlyn’s looks were more subliminal, they were always there but she somehow managed to hide them behind her shy disposition. How? Josh had no idea, but she did.

“You look lovely.” Josh managed to stammer out after he realized he’d been staring far too long at Amberlyn’s behind following her as she trailed alongside Max to hang up her coat. Averting his eyes quickly, Josh flashed a smile at Amberlyn who thanked him for the compliment.

“So Max told me you were in a band.” Amberlyn smiled, looping her arm into the one Josh extended for her after setting down her coat. “You didn’t mention it before.”

“I didn’t think you’d really care.” Josh shrugged.

“Don’t be daft, of course I would! Max was inviting me to visit one of your band rehearsals if that would be alright with you.”

“Of course Max would.” Josh said under his breath as he rolled his eyes before smiling down at Amberlyn. “And you’re always welcome.”

“Thanks!” Amberlyn beamed excitedly. “Umm, I’m really thirsty where could it be possible get some water?”

“Here, I’ll get you some.” Max offered leading Amberlyn to the kitchen, snaking his arm around her like the little skeeze he was. Josh merely shook his head at the sight wondering if it was a good idea to leave Amberlyn alone with Max. As smart as she was, she was so naïve- jaded really. Josh knew Amberlyn didn’t see Max’s friendliness towards her as flirting but merely took it for what it was- friendliness. That was just how she was, and Josh wouldn’t change that about her.

With a beer in hand, Josh waited a couple more minutes before he decided to rain on Max’s parade and join them in the kitchen again as he chatted with some of his other friends. Placing down his empty beer can Josh excused himself and made his way across the drunken bodies littering his friends house. As he squeezed through the makeshift dance floor, he noted the commotion going on by the front door. Now curiously gearing his attention towards the door, between the stumbling crowd Josh spotted the main attraction. Chloe.

Chloe stood there with a small group of girls, with a drink already in hand. She looked gorgeous as per usual dressed in something that didn’t exactly look her usual style but was none the less lovely. Judging from their pink cheeks, plastered smiles and overly flirtatious behaviour among the crowd of boys they’d manage to attract already, Josh knew they were already smashed.

Almost forgetting where he was originally heading, Josh turned into the kitchen rather than crowding the door to see Chloe. Upon entering the kitchen Josh laughed at the sight, he didn’t know how it happened but there stood Max drenched in what smelled like some kind of alcoholic beverage while Amberlyn fussed over his shirt trying to help clean the mess. Max grinned wildly as he stood against the island counter while Amberlyn stood within a close proximity to him cleaning the stain on his chest. Max wasn’t particularly tall, but in regards to Amberlyn he was a few inches taller leaving him at an advantage as she preoccupied herself with his shirt unaware that her chest was fairly exposed, to Max’s amusement of course.

“What happened here?” Josh joined the pair.

“I spilled my drink.” Max answered casually, not averting his eyes from their present location on Amberlyn’s breasts.

“He wanted to show me a special kind of drink where you balance the shot glass on chop stick and bang the table until the shot glass falls into the big glass but then just ended up spilling it all over himself.” Amberlyn explained focusing on the mess.

“Amberlyn is such a doll, she offered to help clean off the stain.” Max said, raising his brows in regard to the scowl presently on Josh’s face.

“Max, this is your house why don’t you just get another shirt?” Josh laughed purposely trying to ruin Max’s game.

“But this stain will ruin his shirt.” Amberlyn worried, scrubbing the fabric and checking to see how much of the stain was left. Max simply smiled wider, focusing his attention back on Amberlyn.

“Ew Max!” A voice piped in from behind the trio. “Why are you staring at my sister’s tits! Pervert!”

Chloe pushed passed the people in her way, including Josh and grabbed her sister, hugging her protectively. “You are a sick little boy.” She slurred narrowing her eyes, at the boy who just violated her sister with his eyes.

Cradling her younger twin in her arms, Chloe continued to snarl at Max as Amberlyn blinked in complete confusion. Amberlyn was just cleaning Max’s stain, when was he being a pervert? Chloe continued to gulp down her drink in hand as she verbally attacked Max leaving Amberlyn standing in Chloe’s arms confused as could be. Laughing at the sight, Josh cut in taking Chloe’s drink before she drank even more than she already had and perhaps saving his friend from becoming emotionally scarred from Chloe’s viciousness.

“Well, I think that’s enough for you.” Josh interrupted Chloe’s slur.

“--And you!” Chloe pointed, hugging Amberlyn more- stroking her hair. “You’re supposed to look out for her.”


“Then you go and let weird perverts around her.” Chloe continued.

“Chloe!” Amberlyn called pulling away from her sister. “Its okay. He didn’t do anything.”

“Are you sure? Well, you’re not allowed to hang around Max anymore, he’s a little tosser. Okay?” Chloe scowled. “Josh- aren’t like all your mates are here? Introduce Amberlyn to some nice boys, yeah?”

Josh merely nodded in agreement, smiling apologetically for leaving Amberlyn alone with Max, before Chloe continued, “Ohhh... where’d my drink go?”

Deprived of alcohol for more than two minutes, Chloe grabbed both Amberlyn and Josh’s hands pulling them along with her. Venturing to the living room where the drinks could be found, Chloe poured herself another concoction advising Josh to not let Amberlyn drink. Even intoxicated, Chloe tried to control Amberlyn who had still yet to have a sip of alcohol in the first place. Although, after watching Chloe’s sentences blend together while she stumbled around the room- Amberlyn was content with that fact.

The floor shook while the music pulsed through the bodies as the crowd danced around. Amberlyn smiled shyly at the new people Josh was introducing her to. A few she’d seen in classes and others were complete strangers. The introductions were short lived since Chloe pulled Josh to the dance floor once names were exchanged. Amberlyn stood by the table of drinks holding a red cup she filled with water as Josh’s friends Dan and Matt kept her company. They stood in a content silence since the music was too loud to converse anyways, until Matt chimed happily that he wanted a sandwich- dashing off towards the kitchen. Slightly confused, Amberlyn and Dan nodding as they could barely hear his words before he jetted off.

“Don’t party much, huh?” Dan commented, not really knowing what to say.

“I’m sorry?” Amberlyn tried her small voice over the loud music.


“Pardon?” She tried again- but the volume of the music easily trumped her voice.

With a chuckle Dan leaned down, his hand placed politely on the small of her back as his lips were shockingly close to her ear. “Its loud. Outside perhaps?” He suggested, waiting for a nod or some sort of response from Amberlyn before guiding her towards the backdoor.

The night air was crisp but the warmth from the house and the bon fire which Max may or may not have known about in the back yard kept the surrounding area a comfortable temperature. Dan’s hand remained politely on the small of Amberlyn back until he offered her a seat.

“Better?” He smiled, speaking at a decent volume rather practically yelling over the music inside the house.

“Much.” Amberlyn smiled back.

“So how are you liking Weybridge, brilliant isn’t it?” Dan joked.

“Yes. It’s lovely here.” Amberlyn smiled shyly. “Friendly too.”

“If you’re referring to Max- that’s not the kind of friendly you’re looking for.” Dan laughed.

“I beg your pardon?” Amberlyn questioned, confused by what Dan meant.

“You really didn’t notice?” Dan asked, only to see a wide eyed Amberlyn with her head tilted to the side, furrowing her eye brows as she shook her head. “Really? He was... nevermind. Max was just being Max- not everyone is as friendly as him, is what I meant to say.”

Dan didn’t have the heart to tell the refreshingly innocent girl she was being macked on all night by a great con-artist- she was probably too naive to ever notice anyways. Plus, why ruin her night by scarring the poor girl with the notion of Max being a little skeeze? Especially when alcohol is involved on his part- that was never good.

It wasn’t that naive was a bad thing- actually, Dan thought her nature was endearing, and just added to her appeal. Amberlyn was like a child with her wide-eyes full of honest confusion and curiosity towards the world, but at the same time she was mature, polite and extremely attractive. He thought it was cute how shy and modest Amberlyn was. What Dan found most interesting about Amberlyn was how different she was from most girls- girls like her sister especially. It was mind boggling how Amberlyn wasn’t noticed as much as Chloe was- but he wasn’t complaining because he was the one spending one on one time with her now.

“So Josh tells us nothing but good things about you.” Dan smiled, striking up a new conversation.

“Oh r-really?” Amberlyn bit her lip, trying to suppress the smile forming on her face along side the heat that rose to her cheeks.

“Yes, actually. The band was wondering how long Josh was going to keep you to himself before we got to meet his amazing tutor.”

“Oh,” Amberlyn giggled. “He’s so sweet, he always speaks so highly of me I’m worried I won’t live up to all the talk.”

“Rubish! You’re absolutely lovely.”

“Thank you Dan, you’re quite lovely yourself.”

“I only speak the truth.” Dan smiled charmingly.

As the bon fire died down, along with the crowd inside the fall chill began to overcome the warm in the air. The night breeze picked up leaving a trail of shivers along Amberlyn’s exposed flesh. Amberlyn was content without her coat when the pair first sat on the bench outside the air wasn’t as cool as it recently had become- but now, the chill began working its way to her bones so her body couldn’t help but shiver in response. Rubbing her arms for warmth subtly, Amberlyn tried to warm herself up- not really wanting to venture back inside to grab her coat. She didn’t want to see her sister all over Josh as she probably was.

Without a word being said, Amberlyn soon felt the warmth of a cottony fabric over her shoulders. Looking to her right, Dan smiled kindly at her as he adjusted his sweater over Amberlyn’s shoulders.

“You looked cold.”

“Thank you, but now you’re going to be cold.” She frowned beginning to pull it off, only to be paused as Dan put his hands over hers.

“I’ll be fine. Keep it.”


From inside the house Chloe could spot her sister sitting on the back porch with a guy she wasn’t so sure she met before.

“Josh, who’s that with Amberlyn?” Chloe said, her voice slightly raised as she was still clearly drunk and didn’t realize the volume of her voice.

Alarmed by Chloe’s words Josh turned abruptly towards the window squinting his eyes to get a good look. Although Josh saw it was just Dan, that didn’t shake his alarmed feeling- like no other guy should be alone with Amberlyn.

“That’s my mate Dan.”

It wasn’t that Dan was a bad guy- in fact it was quite the opposite, Dan was one of the most respectable guys Josh knew. But around Amberlyn, Josh still wasn’t put to ease. Chloe’s comment did not help either.

“He’s hot.” She slurred tugging on Josh’s arm. “Let’s go bug ‘em!”

Josh nodded, following Chloe’s lead. Amberlyn wouldn’t go for Dan’s type. Would she?
♠ ♠ ♠
And again, Amberlyn's outfit.