Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 1

He was a work of art. The way he performed his talents upon others was a beautiful show to watch. He would weave through someone's mind and come out with their entire soul sucked into his own mind, leaving them empty - a perfect people reader or perhaps a soul eater. Some have even remarked him as Death embodied. I call him J.

The gifted man I speak of stood mere feet from me, working his magic expertly. His example a woman who thought she was very high up on the corporate ladder. However, he quickly brought her down to the very bottom rung. She even dug herself deeper with each passing response that left her mouth, honesty finally leading her words for what may have been the first time since she left her adolescence.

But, who would not be honest, in her position? She was strapped down to the table that was slightly tilted to allow anyone in the room to see her; in all her mental and physical vulnerability. Several injuries plagued her body, but her mind was slowly becoming the worst wound of all. J didn’t see it that way though and when you really analyze the woman, it was an improvement.

Her face suddenly twisted and her breaths became increasingly shallow. J was waiting for this moment almost greedily. He took an object from the silver tray next to the table. He plunged the object into her chest cavity and pushed the end down fast.

The reaction took only moments as she sprang to life against her restraints. I couldn’t help but smirk at the mess he was playing with. Her eyes darted around the room like her whole body was on fire and her mouth voiced the same feelings. She screamed for nearly three minutes straight. I don’t mean a gasp in between, but a solid one breath-o-scream. My smirk grew as did J’s.

The adrenaline shock to her system woke the women up, obviously, but that scream that erupted from her throat was unforgettable. Unfortunately, the opportunity to continue watching the magicians show was interrupted, at least on my side of the mirror. I had no doubt that the camera would catch enough to satisfy me later.

“Doc, we got a problem down in room D.” it was Johnny’s voice that came over my talkie.

I frowned; room D had a person that was a fairly high priority, “What kind of problem?”

His voice held a hint of fear once he understood my tone of annoyance. “I’m sorry, Doc, I couldn’t do anything…”

I let out a growl that shook the whole room. Oops, let me correct that. I shook the fucking room, when I threw the table that was in front me of into the wall. My next object to throw was the door, wide open. I rushed down the hall and heard the door smack equally back into a shut position. My eyes followed the doors down the hallway until I reached D.

I gave this door similar treatment and what my eyes fell upon made my anger grow. In the corner was one of J’s men, not one of the smarter ones. He held a needle in his hand, just like J had, but this one was much, much shorter. He was directly next to our patients IV. He had killed MY pet.

My anger boiled further when I walked up to the aforementioned pet. I took in her appearance very somberly; she had always been quite exceptional in our play times. After slowly applying pressure to her neck, I sighed very audibley. My gaze once again shifted to the man closest to me.

His name was entirely unimportant, but it's not like I bothered to ever find it out. It wouldn't matter very much longer. I didn't need any explanation from this coward. He was dead seconds after the bullet left the barrel of my gun.

A gunshot pulled The Joker from his play time and he pushed a button on the remote in his pocket before proceeding out the door and locking it as well. He didn't have to search long to find the noise's point of origin; a crowd had pooled outside of room D. Doc just was not going to be happy, that much he knew.

His suspicions were affirmed when he walked in, only for Doc to walk past him. He grabbed her arm and she spun around with fire in her eyes, which paled only slightly when she realized who held her. Satisfied, he let her go.

Upon looking in the room, things seemed normal, until one's eyes reached the right side to see the walls covered in brains.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." was all that left him before he simply exploded with laughter ranging in all tones.
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First chapter of my first story on Mibba. I've used Quizilla a lot, but I'm finding this place more promising. Just let me know how you find it :D This will be a you (Doc) <3 Joker story on teh rise :]