Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 10

I closed the door behind me and was a little upset to remember that the showers down here don't have any locks. I was equipped well enough though that I really wouldn't want to be messed with. My gun was still placed securely behind my back and wouldn't go far from me. Neither would my knife.

I walked over towards the sink and pulled out a kit. I took a grim look at myself in the mirror to assess the damage. I had a gash on my forehead and bruising, but the worst part was my nose, that I'd have to fix.

I placed my hands next to my nose on either side and took a deep breath in. I let out a low yell as I set it back into place.

"God, that fuckin' hurt."

Now that that was better, more blood decided it was time to pour out as well. I shed my clothes, unaware of the eyes following my movement. I stepped into the shower and turned the water on to a slightly chilly level and bathed happily. The blood that ran down my body mixed with the water at my feet before swirling down the drain gently.

When I finished, I pulled my hair up in a towel and patted myself dry with the second. I got out of the shower with the towel wrapped around my body and got to work. I bandaged up the small area on my forehead and checked my nose to see that the bleeding had quit. It was definitely still sore and I made a mental note to get J back for it another time.

However, as I took my towel off and inspected my torso in the mirror, I noticed another problem on my body. I had neglected to change the bandages of a wound I had gotten only the other day.

I literally smacked my forehead for forgetting and then winced when it hurt from my accumulated injuries.

How could I be so stupid?

I winced as I pulled off the extremely stuck bandage.


I watched from the cracked doorway that lead into the bathroom Doc was in. She was fixing herself up from our little brawl earlier. I loved the fight that she held in her. It never mattered who she was against, she kept it up and accomplished what she wanted to. I admired it in her, maybe not at first, but over time I have.

She looked angry as she tried to pry something from her side. It unstuck itself very unwillingly as she pulled on it. It appeared to be a rather infected wound that emitted a sort of yellow substance from it and the surrounding area was red and swollen.

How did she manage to get that one?

The thought plagued me a little and I continued watching. She took another kit from under the sink, except it was farther back. She took a needle and filled it with a substance. She pushed the plunger to expell some of it onto the wound and I heard her hiss before she used a cotton ball to clean an area on her arm and she gave herself the shot. She stuck a tiny round bandaid over the injection site and wrapped up her wound with fresh dressings.

I looked at her and watched her body move with the elegance she's always held. Not that I haven't seen her naked before. She wasn't ashamed of anything she had, but this was the first time I could let it really sink in. She was something to see and Olivia had been a very lucky girl.

They never hid their relationship and they never had a reason to. They were something to see together, no matter what they were doing and it was a horrible blow to Doc when she was killed. Not that she'd let anyone see that. If you really tried to figure her out, you got completely twisted into the wrong direction. She was a woman that let you fall into a false sense of security to believe anything she told you.

I knew though, I knew quite well what she was feeling.

Something different about her body hit me that I hadn't noticed before. It was something big to not notice before this time. She had a very large number of tattoos over the middle of her torso.

I could clearly see the body and tentacles of an octopus and the rest were hidden as she turned. However, I got a full view of the front of her as she looked towards the crack in the door. Her body was a curvy hour glass shape. Her hair hung low over the tops of breasts that were full and set perfectly on her chest; her small nipples were a soft pink color and stood at attention while her stomach was lightly toned beneath the tattoos. The skin around her hip bones hugged them tightly and proved so by protruding slightly while her legs seemed perfect and toned like her stomach.



Doc's POV

I heard a small sound come from behind me and I casually leaned forward to grab the closest weapon to me, my knife. It was unsheathed and I turned, ready to throw it when I caught a glimpse of who it was peaking in at me.

"J?" I questioned.

The door parted from the wall as he pushed it open and I smiled at what he was left dressed in. His upper torso was decorated in a wife beater and he had on his normal pants. I had no complaints nor was I ashamed of my body. I had no intentions of walking closer though.

His arms were well shaped along with his upper torso where the shirt neatly clung to him. His face still held his make up, only barely, with large patches fading. He advanced towards me and I made no move to back up.

As his body pressed up against mine though, I felt myself being pushed against the sink. The coldness of it hit my skin and made me break out into goose bumps. He placed his arms on either side of my body and we stared at each other intently. His lips moved and I barely caught what he had said while his breath hit my lips and my nose. He smelled of bubble gum, strangely enough.

"You should learn to listen more carefully, pet. What if it had been someone with much more ill intentions than I behind that door?"

"Then you know they would have ended up with this in their head rather than getting anywhere near me." I spoke as I pulled my knife up enough for him to see clearly.

"Be that as it may," his head leaned towards the side of my neck and continued speaking softly against the tender skin there, "you ought to be more aware of..." he trailed off.

I heard my knife clatter as it hit the floor; he had begun to place soft kisses along the side of my neck, making my entire body tingle with the attention he supplied, "Of what?"

I barely spoke above a whisper before letting out a small moan.

He pulled away and his arms moved a little closer to the sides of my body, "Of all the monsters out there."

His eyes were just wild and I allowed myself to get completely lost into them at that moment. Who knew he could be so gentle with what he just did. The look soon changed back to something unplaceable and I just leaned my head onto his shoulder, staying there for as long as he'd allow me.

My face was hot with the feelings that kept errupting from my body in all the right places and I felt his hands gripping onto my hips as he lifted me up onto the sink and making me lift my head; all the medical materials fell into the sink barely noticed.

His breath was on my lips once again, but that kiss was so far away. I knew he was just toying with me, and it almost riled my feathers enough to want to headbutt him again, but I decided against it for the sake of my nose and forehead.

What happened next was anything but normal. He dipped his head to the other side of my neck and I could hear him inhale slowly and deeply.

Is he smelling me?

He mumbled something along the lines of 'coconuts', but I couldn't be sure. As quickly as the action had happened, he was gone and I was alone, completely naked, on the cold sink.

I leaned my body back and rested against the mirror.

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Thanks to the one single reviewer - XxFreeStylexX.