Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 3

Martha Gardner sat in her living room, waiting until her husband would come home. It was well past midnight and she started to worry after he didn't return any of her calls, not to mention he would normally have been home an hour ago.

Mind-numbing facinations danced on the television screen before her, but the lighting in it dimmed, along with the rest of her house. It flickered once more before going out completely. She had all the doors and windows locked, so she busied herself with finding a flashlight.

She found one near the kitchen sink and made her way towards where their fuse box was kept, which meant walking down the hallway towards the front door. She walked calmly, but jumped at a crash behind her. She immediately turned around and heard more crashes as she walked back into the living room.

Peering into the room very carefully, she noticed that all her pictures had been thrown down onto the ground. All of them were broken, every last one. They had ranged between pictures of her and her husband, Marc, to her son, Jake, who was off at college.

She walked more completely into the area when she felt it was safe. A sudden tapping caught her attention and she did everything that one shouldn't, she went to investigate the noise that she deduced was coming from the back sliding glass doors.

She shined the light in the direction she was going and was immediately met with what she felt was a warming sight. Marc was sitting outside on the patio, she remembered the clothes he wore that morning before he left for work. She quickly opened the door and shut it behind her.

"Marc, where have you been? I've been so worried about you." She spoke as she came up to her husband.

As she walked towards him, a sinking feeling filled her stomach while he did not respond to her. He normally would be very sarcastic and even witty. She came around in front of him completely and a scream bellowed from her sinking stomach and all the way through her throat.

There was Marc alright, what was definable from the mess. His hat was on his head and covered the back to make it seem like nothing was the matter, but the upper part, Martha found out, had been completely blown off. His shirt was thrown wide open and bloody words were scratched into his upper torso.

Marmar better start running.

Her pet name that Marc always liked calling her had been Marmar. She paled visibley and her heartbeat thundered in her chest.

She ran back into her home and grabbed her cell phone off of the livingroom table. She quickly dialed 911 and got the police to her home. She did her best to describe the situation and eventually settled on going home to her mother's house. She would be safest there.

Martha kissed her mom's forehead gently as she pulled the covers over her more, "Good night, Mom."

Her mother mumbled a very sleepy reply and her eyes closed gradually. Martha closed the door quietly behind her and went down the hall towards the spare room she was staying in. The cops were going mad trying to figure out who had left the poor dead body on her patio, but were very slim on leads. There had been few people out that night and it was late enough that if someone held enough silence, they could rob someone blind. She stopped thinking about the whole mess and tucked herself in.

In the far corner of the spare room appeared none other than Doc. She eyed the woman before her wearily, but was confident that she was asleep. Unbeknownst to Martha or her mother, Doc had been into a few items of theirs while they both had gone shopping earlier that morning. She had slipped a hard sleeping pill into Martha's vitamins that she kept in an ordered pill box.

However, her mother was not as lucky. Doc had exchanged Martha's two 'bedtime' tylenol for two capsules filled with potassium cyanide. Unlike Martha, her mother would not be waking back up. The dose was far more than fatal.

One duck down and one sleeping. Doc's face lit up with a cheshire cat grin.

While Martha was knocked out, Doc took a few precautions. One was making sure no one else could get into the house and another was making sure that Martha would not have the ability to speak when she would wake. This simple issue was solved by ductape in several areas.

Martha woke up with her head feeling several sizes too small and went to shift in her bed to attempt to calm the ache. That was when she realized that she was completely strapped down and something was over her mouth. A slight pain was also coming from her right arm near her inner elbow.

Opening her eyes, panic struck her like an oncoming semi. Her eyes searched frantically and her whole body tried to struggle against the restraints. She looked at her right side and saw what made it hurt. A small IV set up was strapped to her arm.

"I couldn't have you sleeping all night, could I? You'd miss our adventure, Marmar." Martha once again, paled. "You see, I gave you some sweepy time medicine to take with your vitamins while you were out shopping with Mommykins. I wonder how Mommy is doing anyways, because I just know you're gonna hate what I did. It was something naughty, but that's just my specialty."

Another wide grin split Doc's face while she gazed upon the woman before her. This is gonna be a blast.

Martha's eyes filled with terror as the woman stepped from the shadows. Her voice had been so rough and deep, but so eerily playful.

This has to be someone who helped hurt Marc.

The thought hurt her and tears welled in her eyes, spilling once the realization set in that he was gone permanently.

"Oh now, what on Earth could those tears be for, darlin'? I haven't even begun to play." Doc spoke calmly over the woman's whimpers while she walked up to her and roughly wiped away the trails they left down the woman's face.

Of course, Martha pulled away as she began to do this. This only angered Doc and she pulled the woman's head into attention.

"Look at me!" Doc yelled in a voice so commanding that no one would ever dare to go against it.

Martha did exactly that and tried to calm her shaking sobs to pay closer attention.

"That's much better, Marmar." Doc noticed her flinch at the name. "What, no loving gazes for little old me? I'm sure if I was anything like Marc, you'd be cooing up a storm. However, that is not the case, nor shall it ever be, thank goodness.

I'm sure that you're starting to wonder what exactly is going on." A small indication of yes came from Martha. "Well, Marmar," another flinch, causing Doc to smile," I believe that you and I have some business to take care of, but since I'm sure you're not so up to date on the issue, I will inform you."

Doc came up to a small suit case that had previously laid dormant in the dark room. Moonlight surrounded her and for a moment, Martha realized she looked nearly like an angel. Her thoughts were soon torn from that image when a pain shot through her right leg. A scream tried to rip it's way from her body, but the tape stopped the process.

Doc had taken some sharp instrument from the case and embedded it deeply into her flesh. "Whoops. Looks like a I got a little excited. I got started on thinking about all the exhilarating things that I had planned and it just slipped."

A giggle left her throat and stopped almost as soon as it had started. "But, back down to business. The entire reason little Marcy got hurt was that he took someone from me that he very well should not have. I found out he was very buddy buddy with a person I really do not enjoy knowing.

So here I am, all upset and pissed off, what do you think my natural reaction is? Find out if he has family, now that's logical. Much more than your little hubby bubby was. He killed my pet." Fire erupted in Doc's eyes and Martha's heart nearly stopped because she was only inches from her face.

"Little Marcy's mistake is going to be more than just his downfall. I want you to understand just exactly how my insides feel right about now. Do you want a verbal hint?" Martha made no move to answer the question.

"I asked you a question." Doc's patience level busted right then and there. "Well, I was going to be a bit nicer than usual, but when my patients don't comply, I guess all they understand is a little brute force.

You see, when I found out exactly what had happened, my initial reaction was sadness and I admit, I wanted to cry like a baby, but my over whelming anger took away that horrible reaction quickly. The pain, was still there though. It feels like someone has taken my insides and ripped them from me. Do you know how that feels, Marmar?"

No response.

"Well, you're about to find out."
♠ ♠ ♠
Transfered from Q. So I'm hoping all looks well and flows decently. You be the judge.