Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 4

Many teenagers crowded into the cafeteria and ambled around to get to either friends or food. The noise level roared and the other people only spoke louder to be heard. Where was the proper authority figure to hush the noise even a small amount? She was no where to be found and no one seemed all too intent on locating her.

Numorous tables were stock piled into the room and various stereotyped groups sat at different ones. The darker crowd was over towards the right and the more luminous people were to the exact opposite direction. In the middle of it all were the general normal ones. Average typical people. This is exactly where one girl sat every day for lunch, in the same exact seat, by herself. Dee Zolotov ate her food at a continuous pace and took her time. She rarely glanced around the room and didn't feel the need to.

Once she was done, she threw her garbage and tray away and left. Her long wild hair hung close to her hips as she walked and the sun sparked high lights throughout its shades of blonde. The under-layer was dark but the top was naturally brighter; all of it was healthy and shiney.

No one paid close attention to the girl and she again returned the favor. Dee continued that general routine her entire day, nearly everyday. Later that afternoon she stepped off the bus and walked up her road to her driveway. The sky had started to darken and she decided an afternoon nap was in order. Which is exactly what she did.

After a groggy feeling washed over her, she got up to glance around her home more thoroughly. Her main goal was to find her mother. She succeeded and found her on the couch, completely knocked out. In her hands were a still lit cigarette and the other held a glass of some type of liquor.

Just the thing we need. Mom would sooner set the whole house on fire than buy any bread.

She took both objects from her mother's hands and extinguished the cigarette and poured the drink down the sink. It'd be rare if her mom remembered what she fell asleep with, so there was no harm in disposing of the liquid.

Another monotonous day, lead by Dee. She would always regret not having more things done before she went to sleep, but she did nothing anyways. Perhaps the next day would be different.

Shock set into Dee's system when she came home the next evening. Sure, everything had been just as continuous as the day before. However, she was now standing in front of her mother and another man. His name was temporarily unknown, but he seemed to be a decent fellow. He turned out to be a cop named Drew. Mom had normally only gone for the nutjobs.

The nice thing about this one was that he taught Dee how to shoot. He was an arms fanatic and took her to the range when he had the time. It made her feel much more safe and strong willed.

Three months after the initial meeting, she came home again, only this time, to a very horrible sight. Her mom was huddled up in a corner with a gun next to her. Dee recognized the gun very quickly and knew it was Drew's. The question was, where was Drew? That particular question was answered quickly when a copper smell filled her nose and she moved into the kitchen. Drew laid on the floor, eyes kept wide open in fear, even in his lifeless state.

"Mom," Dee's trembling voice yelled, "what happened?"

Dee rounded the corner slowly, but started to run towards her mother once she realized what she was doing. Her mother had the barrell of the gun in her mouth. Seconds before she got there, she pulled the trigger.

"NO! MOM!" was all that left Dee's lips until she started screaming. She heard sirens coming, but failed to care. All that had meant anything to her laid scattered across the house's floors.

Ambulance arrived as did law enforcers. They tried to get the story out of Dee, but she refused to speak. How could she, when she had seen what had just happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a little bit of confusion to butt into your previous conceptions. Dee is important, you'll find out why.

Confused? Goooood.