Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 5

I came back home and felt instantly better at my earlier actions. Marmar had been quite an enjoyment. Even down to those last moments of life. There had been no screaming, only struggling and pain for the woman, apparently too lost for any type of vocal evocation. The only thing that I wished I could see was little Jakey's face when he got his special present.

I entered the house and locked it behind me. Searching the upper level and finding no one, I realized I could, however, hear things coming from the basement area, which signaled that J was here. He knew not to send many people here unless it was a necessity. He kept few followers, as they died off very quickly. It was an extreme situation of don't ask and don't tell.

I worked my way towards the direction to get to the basement and followed normal protocol. No, it's not a case of a trick bookcase, but if you pushed a few items in the library, a door opened in the brick wall. Tricky ducky, right? Not many people would think to look here for that entrance.

My ears were instantly hit with a voice that sounded dreadfully full of hatred. No second thoughts were needed, it was J and boy was he not happy.

I furthered myself down the dark walk way and came out in one of the main rooms of the basement. There stood J and below him, located on the floor, lay a very upset looking Harley. She was holding onto her face and looking at J pleadingly.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, she should know by now that he absolutely hates those sort of looks.

His look hardened and he started to drag her away towards another set of doors nearby, until I spoke up. "You do know if you keep the noise up, it might start to raise suspicion. I suggest you tone it down just an eency weency bit."

J looked at me and fury filled his eyes but I knew he understood. He continued dragging the woman away and noticed she had tried to escape, which only raised his anger.

I sighed audibley and left to go and take a nice warm bubble bath.

Bubble baths simpley make everything better. That's just my opinion, because obviously I feel just about the same about going on a terrorizing rampage as well; to each their own. I dried and dressed and brushed my hair. This is a hard task, I must tell you, because it's incredibley long and just insane sometimes. On occasion, I look into the mirror, and I find my hair reminds me of a lion's mane with all it's various shades of yellow, gold and brown. Of all the most absurd things, a lion, but I suppose it fits, because lions just happen to be vicious man-eating fiends when provoked correctly.

I left my room and worked my way down into the basement once again just to peek in on things since I hadn't stayed long last time. I crept my way down the hallway and checked into the rooms, they seemed fairly bare. J did have his own warehouse as far as I knew, but some of his more bloodier adventures occured here. Going down the hallway, there are four private rooms fully equipped with drains in the floor and one room at the end that was much more open and even had a television that was ended with the door to the final tunnel leading out and away.

He also came here when he felt threatened, even though he would generally refuse to ever admit that and probably want to beat the life out of me for thinking it. Very few of his followers came here either or knew of its existance. Harley, Johnny, Mike, and the occasional man who was blind folded on their way here. Marc being one of those examples. Any of his other men who were with him stayed back at wherever their other location was. I never bothered to keep track because it rarely stayed the same for long.

Coming up to room D, my heart dropped in my chest and a sense of longing entered my being. I walked into it and tenderly touched where my pet had laid for the past few months in a coma. Her name was Olivia.

No no no no no, her name is still Olivia.

I laid down in the spot and stared aimlessly at the ceiling, finding meaningless things etched into its random patterns. I used to do this when I was younger and it calmed me; luckily, it still has the same effect. My mind started to wander to Olivia. She was absolutely stunning in every possible sense of the word.

Her hair had been long and dark, bordering black, and extremely wild like mine was. Her eyes were a striking shade of bright blue, like ice. Unlike her eyes, she was never cold to me.

She had been an orphan and we found eachother at the right place at the right time. I had been out running from some of Gotham's finest police, when I had been grabbed and dragged backwards. I thought it had been someone trying to capture me, but I had been completely wrong. It had been Olivia coming to my rescue. She hid me in her home until all suspicion fell dormant.

She even offered me a place to sleep for the night, on her bed, but I had insisted on the couch. It went on from there and things escaladed into better forms of expression. Eventually, she agreed to share my home with me when I asked. She had been with me until the end, but I had failed her. She had been kidnapped by someone I truly hate.

A very long time ago, I met a man by the name of George Sterling. He had said he was a painter and wanted to paint my picture. How I met the man was simple as well, he had been a patient. Cancer was claiming him, but eventually, trust me when I say, much to my dismay, it became beneign.

I went to what he claimed his studio and allowed him to take his time in the portrait. I stayed still, but he had neglected to tell me he had anyone else in the house. I was under the assumption he lived alone. This was not the case, as another man came up behind me and I had soon tasted chlororform. The things that happened were something I choose not to let anyone else know about. I can only guess what happened to Olivia, but there was one thing I did not need to guess about. Marc was closely tied to Sterling and since I had very hastily killed the man, I didn't have the time to get anything from him. I did have his phone though, which carried some interesting news for another time.

I felt like I was being watched and I looked towards the door way. J stood in it's frame and I almost grinned. He was a very peculiar man, but brilliant nonetheless. I could tell by his smirk that he held something interesting up his sleeve.

"Well Doc, how'd you like to join in on a little play time?"

My grin widened quickly.
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Piece by piece, babe. Lend me your criticism.