Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 6

Dee sat motionless during the entire procession. Memories of her mother, Linda, wormed their way into her mind. Memories of Linda and Darrell, her father, were what she tried to focus on the most. Those were the days she would choose to remember. Those days were not filled with alcohol and miscellaneous boyfriends. All three of them were happy together.

The man's spoken words barely hit her ears to try to even sink into her mind. Her eyes were dazed and her mind was still not on what was happening. When everyone began to get up and leave, she finally realized it was over. She got up and left herself.

Once back home, she allowed the emptiness to completely sink in. She had no nearby relatives to come, and even if there had been near ones, they wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore. Her mom had disconnected from most of the family.

The halls bore their echo of pure silence into her harshly. She locked the whole house and made her way up towards her room and into the joined bathroom. She didn't bother to close the door, no one would be there. She stripped completely bare and stepped into her shower. She turned the water on as hot as it would go and sat down.

Cold water hit her body and made it tremble, but the sobs that escaped her made her shake much more. The water transitioned towards a higher temperature and gradually rose. Her body was beat with the intense heat and made her feel better in a sense.

The grief remained even after she got out. She laid down on the bed naked and now cold, even though her skin retained a red glow from the shower. Her eyes aimed to the ceiling and she was still for a long time, but sleep refused to allow her an escape.

She got up and walked towards her mother's room. The police had already been and gone for what they needed. It was open and shut, case closed. She found a bottle in the drawr by the night stand. It was marked as a general over the counter sleeping aid. She took out two, as the recommended dose allowed one to two, and swallowed them dry. They hit her empty stomache and she left the bottle back where it had been.

She walked quietly into her room and turned on the television and laid on her stomach with her head at the foot of the bed. Mindless babble came from the screen and she momentarily diverted her attention from it.

Wait... did that woman just start to talk funny?

She turned back towards the television and was introduced to a very awkward issue. The woman was starting to come out of the screen and her voice turned extremely high toned. She stepped fully from the machine and began to grow. Her eyes turned bright green and her teeth became elongated along with her finger nails. A terrible growl emitted from the monster and Dee got up screaming and ran for it.

She busted from her room and took off down zig zagging patterns of places trying to loose the woman-turned-demon behind her. As she took one turn and felt she had accomplised the goal, the thing pounced onto her and dug its nails into her arms where it held her. Dee had no choice but to look up at the monster.

As soon as she did so, the monster faded and Dee was alone, she felt. Her gaze returned to the ceiling and she stayed still watching the fans above her. They swirled and danced. Her momentary pause was interrupted when said fans unbolted from the ceiling and swooped at her. They suddenly had faces and screamed horrible sounds at her as they chased her just as the other monster had.

She turned down one hallway and ran smack into a wall, she fell, but was still concious. She watched the crease of the white wall before her turn into faces and teeth sprouted from folds here and there. The wall warped and pushed itself towards her, with every intention of eating her. She pulled away, but was unlucky as the momentarily alive wall engulfed her right foot. It raked its horrible teeth over her skin and she screamed once more.

Dee managed to get away and run back into her room and immediately she turned the television off. She moved into her well lit bathroom and sat in the shower once more, never turning on the water. She just sat there and rocked back and forth.

She assumed that the assault of inanimate objects becoming alive and attacking her was over. Her concentration focused on her skin. The longer she stared at it, the funnier it looked to her. Why was it there and why should it stay? She began scratching on her stomach and upper torso. No other part of her body took the abuse, but she got up and looked into the mirror instead.

She inspected herself critically and watched as her reflection soon became twisted and turned into her mother. Her mother quickly turned into something similar to what had popped from the television earlier. Dee punched the mirror quickly and made the monster go away.

She felt a sense of tranquility absorb all over her body and she decided it was the best time to lay down. So she did, on the bare bathroom floor, her hand a bloody mess along with other parts of her.

Beeps and bleeps met Dee's ears; she groaned and sat up very slowly. Her eyes adjusted gradually to the intense brightness of the room and she immediately knew where she was, a hospital. She didn't need to wait long before someone came in to check on her.

"Well, Miss," the doctor checked the sheet," Zolotov, I want to know if you remember anything that happened to you last night?"

She tried very hard to remember, but could only get small bits and pieces, none of which sounded very good or exactly sane.

"Not a thing."

"Well, if you haven't noticed your bandages, a neighbor brought you into the hospital when she heard screaming from your house last night. She had a spare key and said that your mother had said that she could come in any time she needed or if there was an emergency."


"Okay, well, what's going to happen to me?"

"Since most of the wounds we found on your torso seemed self inflicted, we hope that you will choose between two options. One, you may volunteer yourself into Arkham until you are deemed stable, or you can spend time going to a psychiatrist who later has the ability to send you to Arkham if the case is severe enough. We also tested your blood and found something very strange in your system, do you remember taking anything last night?"

"I took a few sleeping pills, but it was in the recommended dose and my mother had them in her room before."

"Is there any way that you could possibley bring them into the hospital for testing?"


"What's your decision for settlement?"

Dee took a moment, "I'll take the shrink."
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:D tada. Yay or nay?