Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 7

Play time, play time, plaaaaayyy timeeee!

I almost felt as giddy as a school girl when I walked into room C, which was across from the one I had been in not moments ago. This time, there would be no glass and there would be no watching.

I get to participate like a good little individual.

J spoke to me softly, "This little prize on the table is none other than the mayor's son. He's been out and about playing with some of his father's money and started to have himself some drink. Too bad the boy just simpley does not know how to hold his liquor."

The man situated before us looked almost like a copy of his father, just younger. The mayor, who was going to be a very unlucky man, was a completely greedy man. Your ideal example of a man who gave his word on one thing, but completely tossed it to the wind if it suited him monetary wise.

J worked his way over towards the boy and very casually grabbed a large knife from the set of objects splayed on the table nearest him. I approached just behind him and grabbed something I believe works much better, a very small and percise surgery knife. Yes, J had a good amount of access to my tools, just as he allowed me to his.

I watched J for a moment as he roused the boy from his slumber, he would not be in a drunken stupor, because it was mid afternoon. Hopefully, the boy would suffer from a migraine at least. It would be at the very bottom of his worry list, though.

His eyes slowly peaked open and they were a very clear shade of green. Combining his eyes with the rest of his handsome attributes, he would have been, very clearly, a heart breaker. Today, he would be the one to be broken.

"What, what's going on?" he inquired.

It took him only seconds to realize who had captured him. When it dawned on him, it read very clearly on his face.

"No. No, no, no, no, no!" he bellowed.

"Oh yes, yes, yes, yes." J cackled.

Fear finally registered on the boys features, and rested there, very deservingly.

Dee slowly closed the door behind her and walked to her car in the parking lot. She had just been informed of some very unfair and unjust news. The shrink she had been seeing for the past month and a half had come to the conclusion that she would be admitted into Arkham.

Sending me to a fucking nut house. I'm perfectly fucking stable. Stupid bastards. Sure, I may sometimes see things that one could consider absolutely ridiculous, but I know to ignore them. I've even gotten better about flinching and the screaming has stopped. Still, this is bullshit.

She drove herself home and waited very patiently, for the person who was to 'escort' her there. Her home would be watched by her neighbor, Margaret, who was a very sincere and honest person. Everything would be the same when she came home. Should be.

Better be.

A knock took her from her thoughts and she walked towards the door with her bag ready. Before her stood a very tall man who told her she would be taken in the car at the end of the driveway. She locked the door behind her and sighed.

And a very merry unbirthday to me.

She got into the car and buckled up as the man took her bag and put it in the trunk. It would have to be inspected at the asylum anyways. She watched the scenerey pass half-heartedly. She didn't want to be forced into where she was going.

Several months passed and Dee felt more crazy than she had when she had entered the asylum. She had learned to live with her previous illusions that her mind kept creating, but now she was at the point of being ready to loose almost all of her faith in humanity.

The people here were absolutely insane, and that wasn't referencing the patients, it was the doctors and the management. If they thought their methods of help were actually an aid in recovery, they had definitely lost far more sanity than anyone else in the whole facility.

The good thing was that Dee had been more than her share of well-behaved. Random monsters still provoked horrible images to form before her, but she convinced the staff and her psychiatrist otherwise. She was up for final evaluation today and there were high hopes that she would be released very soon. A job well done, for the actress.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you can tell me where one of Dee's thoughts came from, I'll make you any type of graphic you want for your story and I'll put 130% effort into it. :] If not, I'm always here to ask anyways.

I don't honestly know how well I like this so far, I know where I want to go in a sense, but it's getting there that's a bit harder. Any spring boards would be so appreciated, because I don't want this to dieeee. Thank you.