Status: Discontinued.

Agent of Chaos

Chapter 9

Even though the question put me on edge, I didn't intend to let it go without a few rounds of play. That was just entirely too precious.

"Alfalfa Jones." I stared him down, dead in the eyes.

He eyed me steadily before conveying an expression of disbelief, "Try again."

"Charlie Mathews." I lied.

A smirk drug itself onto my features while his bore the same as before - disbelief.

"Amelia E. Huggins."

"Pheobe Jane Martinelli."

"Stephanie Ileana Beatrice Lestrange."

"Now there's one I hadn't heard before." However, this was said just far too calmly.

I was prepared for the one that I knew would get me into trouble, "Pamela Anderson."

I would have giggled if I hadn't expected what would be coming. On queue, J's fist connected with my jaw and I tipped back in my chair slightly. The lean gave me enough momentum that when I swung back, I had enough force to reach him and I decked him right in the spot he did me.

He started laughing like the mad man he was and I smiled darkly back to him. He stood from his seat and made his way towards me. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and made me comply with standing as well. I did as directed, but also went to jab him in the soft spot just under his ribs. J's face contorted into discomfort, but nothing more.

He let go of my hair and I looked at him expectantly. He gave me a firm kick to the back of my knees and when I fell, he kneed me hard in the chest. I was momentarily out of breath and he took his opportunity to give me another punch to the face. This one connected with my nose and I heard a satisfying crunch. Pain shot through the area and my hands shot up to it.

I realized just in time that he intended to kick me again, so I caught his leg and moved it enough to throw him off balance when I kicked his other leg with my feet. He seemed a little surprised. Now that he was down to my level, I got him into a satifying hold and smirked at him.

What I neglected to forsee was that he would use his other hand behind my back and pull roughly on my hair. He received a moan of satisfaction from me instead of any groan of pain. The look on his face was elusive to his desire of dominance.

I could feel blood from my nose drip down towards my chin and I doubted I really looked that attractive. What surprised me more was that I cared what I looked like. Here I am, locked into hand to hand combat with a notorious killer, a notoriously attractive and brilliant killer nonetheless, and I care what the hell I look like! Guess I was a little more off kilter than the shrink's used to think.

I do have to say though, that pulling he's doing is rather arousing.

I took my chances when his grip lessened and gave him a firm headbutt. He was dazed on the floor for a while and I smirked. My temporary gloating was just that, temporary. Such a fickle word.

His hands reached up and wrapped around my skull and through my hair firmly. He brought my head down to his quickly and repeated my previous action with much more satisfying results.

I soon felt something wet on my forehead and when I reached up my hand, it came back red and white. The white was obviously from J's face, but the red was more of my own blood. I glared down at the man before me and suddenly a rush went through my body.

He had made his move lightning fast and I was now on my back. He straddled my waist and I glared up this time at him. He was just so fucking quick.

Both of my wrists were held high above my head and very securely with his hands. His grip was harsh and intense, and I loved it.

It's times like these that really help me feel better. Everything is just such a rush and so adrenaline worthy; it makes my body hum with energy.

His face dipped down towards mine and I wondered exactly what he was doing until he spoke, "You do know that you will tell me someday, don't you?"

I only smiled, "You're gonna have to try a lot harder to get it out of me J. I need good incentive to want to give up that kind of information."

He scowled before he put on his maniacal grin, the grin that currently made my stomach do flips. We stayed like that for a while longer before we were interrupted by a very distraught looking Harley.

"Puddin'. I came to see if you wanted to come..." She stopped mid sentence and gave me a very heavy and hate filled glare.

I felt the man on top of me growl and it excited me even more. His anger was just fueling to my feelings. He ripped himself from me and I kept my spot on the floor. I watched with only small interest at what he would do to her.

He pulled a gun from his side and put it to her head, "I told you that you don't have any right to follow me unless I tell you to."

Fear pooled itself into her eyes as well as tears, "But, I was jus-"

"But NOTHING. You'll do as you're told or you'll end up back in the incinerator like the others." He yelled.

He pistol whipped her and she turned on her feet with the force of the action. She quickly scrambled away and out the door that led away from this place.

I stayed comfortabley still on the floor and just looked at the ceiling above me. That is, before it was filled with J and his defining colors of purple and green. I didn't move as he spoke to me.

"You're absolutely infuriating, Doc." His words were said half-heartedly.

I looked at his molded grin and gave him one back before sitting up and staring him directly in the eyes as possible. I was a bit shorter.

"It's my goal in life, J. I'm here for your pleasure." and I just simpley walked away to the downstairs bathroom to go get cleaned up.

I didn't notice the look that flashed over his features. He was genuinely taken by surprise before he smiled wickedly, but it's not like I knew that at the time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to anyone who said anything about enjoying things so far. To the two people who actually commented. >:]

Thank you to Ending.In.Pain & Slavetothemusicbby!

I demand moar comments for an updateeee! Atleast two. Thank you.