Status: Abra cannot update because she doesn't have a computer at the moment! Please be patient. :]

Herz Von Stahl

Love Like Winter

Waking up to the Minnesota winter weather is not something I enjoy. The wind was blowing the snow around plastering it to the side of the house, dropping the actual temperature outside to about negative ten. I climbed out of my warm cozy bed and started to get ready for another day in that little niche of hell I call high school. Oh well, I only had half a year left.
I showered and dried my dark auburn brown hair, then straightened it after I wrapped a towel around my slight torso. After drying my body off I slid on a pair of black boy shorts that read ‘Kiss This’ on the butt. I kept the towel wrapped around myself as I walked back into my room. I then pulled on a black push up bra—yeah, I have no boobs.

I slid a black Metallica tee shirt over my head, but my right bra strap slid down as the shirt went over. Straightening it, I pulled my dark hair out from under the collar of my shirt and began to look through my closet for a pair of jeans to wear. I decided on a pair of extreme skinny jeans from Pac Sun: they had been bleached to such an extreme that they were nearly white. Only a few blue streaks running down them were there to remind people that they were in fact blue jeans.

I walked back into my bathroom and grabbed my eyeliner and shadow. I applied the black liner to my lower lash line and dabbed the glittery purple eye shadow all over my lid. Along the crease and outer edges of my upper lid I applied a dark purple. I then smoothed the black liner along the top of my lid and the silver glitter liner along the black on my upper lid. I didn’t use foundation; I didn’t really need it. I always washed my face and that kept what little blemishes I got at bay.

I grabbed my nearly packed suit case (in black, of course) and threw in a few more jeans, about a dozen more tee shirts and a crap load of accessories. I snagged the handle and dragged it down to my truck, stuffing it (as best I could) into the cab. “It’s like stuffing a square into a hole shaped like a circle,” I chuckled while ramming my shoulder against the top of my suitcase.

Walking back into an empty house (not like that was out of the ordinary), I grabbed an apple off the counter and took a bite before grabbing my backpack and walking back out to the garage. Climbing into my black Toyota Tundra I opened the garage and started up my truck, then backed out. Driving the two point three miles to my high school in the snow-covered ice slicked roads was nearly hellish, but somehow I managed it without blowing my car to bits. Before getting out of my large black truck I maneuvered it into a parking space that was almost too small. Hunching my shoulders against the icy cold wind I scurried across the mostly barren parking lot.

I didn’t bother to jam any of my books into my black and white ‘Fox racing’ backpack; it was already full to the brim with my carry on items. I think the only school related thing I had in my backpack was a notebook. It was frayed and ripped to shreds. I slouched into my first hour class, ‘AP Macro-Economics.’ Loved the teacher—hated the work.

“Okay, so because your Christmas vacation starts in three days we’re not going to be starting anything new,” my teacher, Mr. Lawrence, said as he flipped the TV on and the lights off. Smirking I buried my head in my arms and passed out. It didn’t seem to be more than ten seconds before the bell rang. But I guess in reality it had been thirty minutes; staying up all night to pack and talk to friends.

“Soooo…Kari what did you ask for from Santa this year?” Vince Rabb asked, slinging an arm around my shoulders. I glared and ripped his arm off of me.
“Certainly not you,” I spat. “In fact if I was going to ask ‘Santa’ for anything it’d be for you to go to hell and stay there,” I hissed at my flying ignoramus of an ex boyfriend. He feigned a hurt look.
“Oh come on Kar you know you want me back.” He tried smooth talking his way out of things…or back into my pants.
“Oh yes! I’m dying for you to see the light and realize that cheating on me makes me want to go running back to your arms,” I cooed sarcastically. I scoffed and flitted to the other side of the hallway right as a classroom door was opened, and Vince walked into it. I giggled maliciously and continued on my way to second hour.

Second hour passed much like first, with me asleep and, obviously, not really paying attention. I woke up once again at the end of second hour when the bell rang. I walked out and was quickly flanked by two of my best guy friends, Evan and Brandon. These were probably the only guys I hadn’t thought about being with. Well, okay, that’s a little bit of a lie; Bran and I had fooled around when he and his girlfriend had broken up. He and his girlfriend got back together shortly after we decided we were better off friends.
“What’s up boys?” I asked, glancing between the two tall seniors. Well, okay, almost everyone was taller than me. I was all of five foot three and they had to be pushing six two or six three.

I was handed two boxes wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.
“Aww, you guys! If I had known we were exchanging Christmas presents I would have picked yours out weeks ago,” I laughed and handed them each a box. Brand made a face and opened his before laughing and hugging me.
“Just what I always wanted.” He stepped back and held up the guitar pick I’d gotten signed by Slash. Evan grinned and pulled out a button that said ‘Kiss me; I’m not Irish but I’m cute’.
“Well guys after this I’m outta here.” I grinned cheekily at my two best guy friends. They nodded and I slipped both of the presents they gave me into my back pack.

I gave them both hugs and jogged to my Math class.
“Miss Halse you got here just in time,” my grouchy Math teacher, Mrs. Woods, glowered. I slunk into my seat at the back of the classroom and stared at the clock, wishing this hour would be over faster than it was going. I doodled in my notebook and when the bell rang I shot out of the classroom quicker than if I had the hounds of hell after me. I was FREE! Free at last!

I threw my backpack which was jammed full of carry ons and the Christmas presents I’d received from Bran and Evan into the passenger seat of my truck. I’d easily ditched school; it wasn’t that hard when you were a senior. You just told them you didn’t have any more classes on your schedule and you waltzed right out the front doors. I started my truck and cranked the heater, loving the fact this truck warmed up quickly. I drove out of the small suburb I lived in and merged onto the freeway. My stereo was hooked up to my ipod so I could listen to good music without commercials. Arriving at the airport, I once again maneuvered my big-assed truck into a parking space and grabbed my bags, waltzing into the terminal like I owned the place.
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This is a joint story with Plastic_Rose and Yu.R.Bizarre. We'll be updating every Sunday and yes this is about Cinema Bizarre. Hope Yu enjoy

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