Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

“Okay, so which one do you want?” I asked her, then choosing my own ice-cream. I took the chocolate chip ice-cream, my favorite.


“Hey, which one do you want?” I asked again.

“Yeah, whichever,” she replied back while looking at a place where the popular group sits.

“JEAN! I asked which ice-cream do you want?”

What is she looking at? I thought to my self.

“huh, what? Uh..same as yours,” she said, still looking at them. And then I noticed, Tyler was looking at our direction, and he’s staring at her, too.

“Jean, I know you like him, but try to stop drooling next time you wanna look at him…” I said to her then chuckled. I paid the ice-creams, “Thanks,” and then drag Jean to Tyler’s table.

“I was drooling?” she asked while wiping her mouth.

“I was just saying. But try not to make it obvious okay?” I laughed and her face turned scarlet by the time we got to Tyler's table.

“Sam…but that’s why you’re my friend. You’re here to tell me, when I drool or something. That’s what best friends are for.

Tyler is one of the popular people in our school. He, Brandon, Sky, Connor and bunch of other guys and also Mandy, Lisa, Claire, me and Jean are the in group. Well, me and Jean are popular, everybody knows us, but we are not best friends with the group. We’re friends with them just like we’re friends with everybody. But they think we are one of them. Which is fine but I’d rather just be friends with everybody than them though.

“Hey people, what's up?” I said to everybody.

“Hey guys,” Jean said, her eyes are still on Tyler’s, and he’s is also on her’s.

“Hey guys, Jean,” Tyler said to us then wink at Jean. She blushes.

“What's cooking in here..” I asked.

“Not much, except that WE SCORED OUR GAME LAST NIGHT!! I'm sure you guys now that,” Connor exclaimed and high five me, “and you look awesome today,”

“Thanks, and duh’ news travels fast! No need to ask, congrats you guys!” I squealed. They all play every sports you could think of and they pretty much scores in all the sport they’re in. So last night, they had basketball tournament, and you guessed it, they won.

“THANKS” all the guys said at the same time to me. We all laughed at that.

“Where are the girls?” I asked, noticing the bitches are not here, and usually talks about everything there is in this school.

“They’re somewhere,” Brandon finally spoke. He seemed to be in deep thought today.

Because you usually he’ll be the first to say hi and hug me when I come to the place. We have been like ‘best friends’ since I got here 2 years ago, at least that’s what he said…but I wonder if we could be more than just friends..

He was one of the first people who talked to me and showed me around. Since then, we have been like really close to each other. It’s just lately, he’s been acting weirdly to me, and that worries me. I hope he’s just fine.

“Okay, hey. I got to go now. Detention with Ms. Armstrong. I’ll be dead if I skip one more time!” I said to them. I got detention because I was not paying attention to her instead I was talking to Brandon. But she only caught me talking, so I was the only one who got grounded.

“Aw, okay. I was gonna ask you to stay. But since you’ll be busted if you skip, again…Sucks for ya. The teacher’s a bitch dude. Well, See ya later then,” Tyler said just as Brandon opens his mouth to say something. But he closed it again and looked away. Tyler is very nice guy, but I don't now why Brandon hates him so much. He never talks about it to me.

“Sammy, what about me?” Jean for the first time spoke. She kept staring at him while pretending playing with her phone.

“Um, Tyler, can you please accompany our dearest Ms. Jean here? She couldn't live without me being away from her. so please take good care of her for me…?” I told him and winked. I always knew that Tyler has liked her since I came. He told me that. But he said he’s too much of a cow to ask her out and break up with Mandy.

“SURE,” he shrieked, seeming excited by this, and since Mandy and the girls are not here.

We all laugh at him. Everybody have questioning look formed on their faces. But I was the only who knew. Why and how would he want to tell me? It’s because, I told you, I am friends with everybody, and everybody is my friend, they trust me enough to be able to tell me their darkest secret, and I am trustworthy enough to not tell anybody about anyone’s secret.

“Okay…I gotta go now! See ya guys later!” and with that I hurried of to my science class for stupid detention. I quickly finished my ice-cream on the way there.

But my thoughts are still on Brandon. What did I do wrong? Did I hurt him or something? Just then I got a text from him.

Brandon: Hey, I want to talk to you. But maybe later tonight?

I replied: Sure! Hello..!! I missed you! I need to talk to you too!!

Brandon: I’ll call you at 10 tonight OK

I replied: OK..i’ll be waiting lover boy..!ahaha..rofl OK I gotta go now. Ms.Armstrong

I felt so relieved when he said he wanted to talk to me. I waited for a couple more minute for his reply, but he didn't. it seemed very important. Brandon is usually not the one with the serious tone, unless when he’s upset or it’s just important..

I wonder what is up with him…
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is how i kinda imagine them to look like..but you can picture them however you like..
thanks if you are reading=D check out the links down here...=D


Name – Sam Elizabeth Gregory
Nickname – Sam, Sammy, anything else you can think of
Age – 16
Relationship status – about to be taken
Family – mom (Mrs. Mia Gregory), dad (Mr. Drake Gregory), younger sister (Maggie)
Likes – Hot topic, Brandon, Jean, Lily, sushi, eating, drawing, reading, friendly to people
Dislikes – school, jerks, homework, stereotypes in school, backstabbing bitches, P.E, being rich people’s daughter.
Friendly, loud but quiet at the same time, everybody knows her, kind, trustworthy, caring, protective, not stuck up, change moods really easily, fun to be around, funny person


Name – Aiden Callahan
Nickname – Aiden, Aden, Ade
Age – 16
Relationship status - single
Family – mom (Mrs. Stephanie Callahan), dad (Mr. Martin Callahan), younger brother (Josh)
Likes – sleeping, eating, soccer, Josh
Dislikes – bitches, school, his dad
Quiet, shy, don't open up to people, caring, protective, gentleman, kind, fun to be around once you get to know him, sensitive


Name – Brandon Luke Hemming
Nickname – Brandon
Age – 17
Relationship status – about to be taken
Likes – basketball, Sam, pizza
Dislikes – guys hitting on Sam, Tyler
One of the popular guys in school, rich, caring, protective, fun to be around, protective, sensitive (without anybody knowing), cocky, kind


Name – Mary Jean Scott
Nickname – Jean
Age – 16
Relationship status – single
Likes – Sam, Tyler, Brandon, people, sushi, eating, Hot topic, Lily, drawing, reading, friendly to people
Dislikes – Mandy and the bitches, school, homework, hates stereotypes in school, backstabbing bitches, P.E, snobby rich people, the fact that Brandon dislike Tyler.
Sam’s best friend , friendly, loud, everybody knows her, kind, caring, trustworthy, not stuck up, happy go lucky, fun to be around, funny person.


Name – Tyler McAdams
Nickname – Tyler, Ty
Age – 17
Relationship status – Taken
Likes – Jean, all sport, eating, hanging out
Dislikes – Brandon, Mandy (his girlfriend), bitches
One of the popular people, nice to everyone, caring, loud, protective, gentleman, fun person, funny