Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

“ugh,” I practically jumped of my bed.

“honey, wake up. It’s 8,” my mom’s squeaky voice rang in my ears.

“ow, mom! Can you please not do that, ever again!” I said as I was trying to get up back to my bed again. My butt hurts.

“sorry honey, but it’s only for today. I just needed to do something, with Stephanie. So would you mind babysitting the kids again?”

“again. Ugh fine. I’ll be right downstairs. Well no- I'm gonna shower first okay,” my voice is still groggy.

“thank you honey! You’re a life saver! They will be here in 15 minutes,”


“yes honey, Josh and Aiden. Who else?” she said

“er right. Bye mom. Have a happy day of shopping,” I said landing my head on the pillow.

I want to sleep. But I cant now that Aiden is coming. What happened to the nannies anyway?

I got up and quickly took my shower.


“hey,” I said while entering the backyard.

“what's up,” Aiden said while pumping the soccer ball.

“hey Sammy,” Josh said.

“hey come here,” I spread my arms and Josh came straight at it I almost fall. He’s so adorable. “so what are we doing today?”

“Me and Maggie wanna play soccer and Aiden said we can but we have to ask you first,”

I glanced towards Aiden’s direction. He smiled. I smiled back, “soccer it is then,”

“yay! Maggie, Sammy said we could,” he told Maggie who just got in while bringing some cookies. Yummy, I'm hungry.

“coolie,” she said enthusiastically.

“can I have one of those yummy cookies please,” I said as I give my innocent look.

“sure, here. I baked it last night,” She said proudly.

“give one to Aiden,” I pointed to him.

“no it’s okay. I ate. So let’s wait till you’re finish then we can play,”

Why does he have to that? Everything has to have my permission.

I gave him the why-me look. He just gave me a wide grin.

I quickly chugged the whole cookies in my mouth, “now, wet’s pway!”

Everyone laughed including me

“okay Sammy baby, ‘wet’s pway’,” Aiden quoted me.

“ha ha, funny,”

“now she wanna be a pirate,”

The kids are literally on the ground by now.

“eh, let’s just play okay?” I said between laughs.

“ai ai captain, arr,” he joked.


We’re in the middle of the so called ‘game’.

“hey, that’s not fair, that’s cheating,” I yelled to Aiden.

“we don’t play by the rules sweetie,” he smirked.

“you never said that in the rules just now!” Josh said.

“yeah,” Maggie nods her head like a hammer, showing that she agrees with Josh.

“Ha I got the ball, Maggie!” Maggie is in mine and Josh is in Aiden’s team. We’re playing girl vs boy game. I had the ball.

I was running while kicking the ball towards the goal.

I know it would go in, almost there- “AAA!” Aiden tackled me.

And we fell down. And he’s on top. But instead of getting up, he look at me in the eyes.

“um Aiden, you-you’re um,"

He didn't’t say anything, but he shook his head and looked at me straight without letting it go away. I looked away and I just couldn't’t take it: the intense stares, the emotional eyes, the closeness towards me. It doesn't’t make sense. He was never like this before, well once. But this time, it felt so overwhelming I could throw up, but of course I didn't’t.

I tried to get up but he holds on really tight to my waist that I couldn't’t even move. I finally got up and tried to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto his lap. My skin tingling from his touch and I looked at him, then away. I love him. Does this mean he does too? Why is he doing this to me?

I bit down on my lower lip, unsure of to what I should do now. I really wanted to just smash my lips into his right now, but I couldn't’t. It would break Brandon’s heart. I feel like it has been a cloak of lies and I am the one with the cloak over me trying to escape. But I would feel so much better with the truth. And the truth is, I love Aiden.

Then without me realizing it, his lips were on top of mine. he tackled me and we fall lying, him on top of me. His kiss were almost urgent. Slowly, his hands moved down to my waist. Mine were already entangled in his hair. His lips parted under mine slowly

My heart was pounding all the way. My head spun and it would explode wherever my skin made contact with his. Everything was kinda fuzzy; I was only aware of Aiden and his lips and how they felt on mine. I’d forgotten this feeling. It was different than the way it was with Brandon.

I gasped as he pushed his hips into mine and let out a tiny, almost inaudible moan, but that was enough to make him tighten his grip around me and kiss me harder.

Without us realizing, the kids, are still there.

“Sammy and Aiden sitting- no, lying on the grass, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!” Maggie sang.

Aiden jumped off of me and cautiously sit beside me.

I was blushing the shades of bright red while sitting up. “um Maggie, Josh. You didn't see that. And can you please take me some food from the kitchen? I'm kind off starving,” I tried to make an excuse to get rid of them.
“okay,” Josh said sheepishly.

And they went inside.

“so, um- what was, that about?” I stuttered and I couldn't’t help but smile as I said that.

“I don't know,” he grinned like a kid. He looked a lot like Josh. Well, Josh looks a lot like him, because he was born first.

We sat there for god knows how long.

“Sam, can I ask you something?” he asked.


“what do you mean by ‘depends’?”

“depends on what you’re gonna ask,” I said simply.

“but you don't even know what I'm gonna ask,”

“I will know when you ask,”



Then we both laugh.

“so back to what you were saying, what do you want to ask me?” I asked breaking the laughter.

“Do you love Brandon?” he asked quietly.

My head cocked and I turned to look at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry i haven't updated for so long!
1. i had to go on family road trip with my 'dearest' family..
2. i had to update my other story
3. i just couldn't get the words out when i write this...
so I'm so sorry for the delay but i hope u enjoyed it
so stay tuned!
comment please!