Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

“Lindsey, Lindsey….Lindsey…LINDSEY! WAKE UP!” I continued on shaking her body, not surprisingly, she didn't move. “god, Lindsey, we’re going to be late to school!”

“ugh, do I have to? I mean, it’s just a week since I got here…” she whines.

“it’s been a week since you got here,” I flipped the blanket off, and being the lightweight person she is, obviously she fell and hit her butt on the floor.

“ow!” she jumped back on the bed, “fine, fine, I’ll go to school,” then she lays back on the pillow, “right after my sleep,”

“no-o you don't,” I flipped the cover of the bed and pulled her legs and pulled her until she was off, again.

“ow! My butt! Double ouch! That’s the second time! FINE I’ll get out of bed and get ready! happy!?” she mocked.

“yup,” I said happily before skipping into my closet.

“you’re weird Sammy,”

“honey, I'm famous because of that,” I said back.





“I love you,”

“I love you too,” I said, ending it.


We arrive at school on time. and I decided to introduce Lindsey to everyone including Brandon. Even though I still need to speak to him, but I decided to do it at lunch, because we get more time.

“hey Sammy,” Brandon came at us and swept me into him. He kissed me but I didn't respond, after a moment I pulled back.

For a second he looked hurt but he shook it off and his expression turned into concern. “baby, you okay? You seemed, I don't know, distant. Baby what’s wrong?”

“oh nothing- I'm just tired, from-,”

“she slept late, because I came, just last night- and um she had to stay late because I told her to, and- I'm just used to the time, so that’s why I don’t look so tired,” Lindsey quickly told him. Remind me to thank her later.

“oh okay, so you new?” he asked.

“yeah, just call me Lindsey and you’re Brandon,” she said shaking his hand.

“yeah.” he seemed happy that I mentioned to her his name.

“okays, so…um where is this Aiden you’ve been talking about?” she asked. The whole time I shot her the stop-talking look and wave my hand to my neck to tell to stop talking, but obviously it didn't work. “what?”

“uh oh nothing, he’s not here yet,” I shot her a glare when Brandon wasn't looking.

The bell rang and we are of to our first block, which is Math, which I’ve been dreading. Mr. C have been giving me F for my last test, just because I was always late to his class and that I was always not here when he taught ‘important’ crap.

Who gives a damn? Algebra. Heck. Any person who has a brain would’ve ace that. But of course I didn't. Not because I'm brainless, but then again, I wasn't’t in class when he taught that, so part of it is actually my fault, but I don't care. And today, he’s giving back our Trig test. To be honest, I didn't even know what you even do in those classes.

“Miss Greg, this is the last time I will ever see an F on your paper,” he said sternly while handing me my Trig test back. “and welcome aboard miss Barton,” he said to Lindsey.

“but Mr. C. the reason why you see that particular letter F on this particular paper,” I said formally while shoving the test to his face, “is because you wrote that letter down Mr. C. I have a doctor if you need a check up on your memory. And if you really didn't want to see the letter ‘F’ on this paper, you can easily take of the cap of your red pen, and write an ‘A’ on top of it. Then you wont ever have to see ‘F’ again,” I finished and smiled widely at him.

“I will see you in detention at lunch miss Greg,” he said firmly. But I had to talk with Brandon at that time..

I lied. “Actually sir, your honor, I have another meeting with Ms. Lambert that time,” I said sheepishly. Ms. Lambert is my science teacher.

He gave me a defiant stare, “fine. Then I will see you at lunch tomorrow. You can never escape miss Greg,” he said before walking off to hand back other people’s papers.

And the room was full with smiles on people’s face. I even heard some ‘burns’ from some mouths. Then I gave them my victory smile.

“okay class, let’s get on with class. Miss Barton, that is the example I will not want to see and tolerate in this class,” Mr. C told Lindsey, who was quiet as mice all the while.

“yes sir no problem. I will not follow the bad, bad example that my friend here just exhibit,” she said formerly while standing and she is waving her hand like the soldiers do in the army, the bow thing.

The class burst out laughing, including me.

“detention for you too miss Barton,” he said. He is seriously annoyed by us.

“but- but I didn't do anything…” she complained.

“CONTINUE on with the class,” he raised his voice.

I let out a small chuckle when the class abruptly quieted down.

“good job,”

“I could say the same for you too sissy,”


Lunchtime. I'm hungry, but then again, I did just lie to Mr. C about it. Can’t I hold up my now growling stomach.

“hey Brandon, can we talk, just for a sec? over there?” I pointed to the bleachers.

“um yeah sure. Be right back dude,” he said to Sky, then he jogged over to me.

The way his leg went when he jogs, oh-so-sexy…wait, what am I saying? Focus Sammy.

“what’s up sweetie?” he asked, stroking a strand of my hair that fell on my face. He knew something’s up.

I pushed his hand away gently.

His expression instantly turned to hurt. Seriously, does he know about this?

“What’s this about Sam?” he backed away a few inches. He studied me, well, more of my face actually. And the whole of my face is spread with guilt like peanut butter.

I got my answer. “so- this, us. It’s over huh,” he asked but it was more like a statement.

And I am surprised that he is suddenly so calm about this. Because the last time I checked, he took it way more seriously with one of my ex boyfriend. His name is Carl. I was dumped by this so-called boyfriend, and the next day at school, Carl was practically pushing himself on the wheelchair, with his face covered with the cement thing.

“I guess we’re not meant for each other,” I said quietly, “but we could still be-,”

“is this because of Aiden?” now the Brandon I knew is back, not that I like it. He was enraged.

“no-no, it’s not about him or because of him! It’s just, I don’t know,” I am so not prepared for his reaction or whatsoever. I had to lie, or Aiden will have to go check himself a bed in the hospital.

“right, it’s just WHAT? It’s just what Sam? What else is there if it’s not him?!” he yanked me until I was leaned against the railings. I was pinned by his hard hands.

“let me- just let me go Brandon please…we c-could still be like we always have been. Best friends,” I pleaded. There is almost a slit of tears forming in my eyes.

“best friends, easy for you to say,” and with that, he forced his lips to mine. His hands pinning my hands above my head.

I struggled in his grasp. “Bran- Brandon- l-let go, Br- Brandon pl-please st-stop!” is all I managed to let out. Might I add, the place where we are, are strangely lonely.

His hand travels down to my lower waist while the other still managed to pin my little hands. His hand slip under my shirt and went just under where my bra is.

“Brandon! Stop! I've never seen you like this. This is not the Brandon I knew!” I pulled back from him.

Immediately he stopped whatever he was doing. I sobbed.

“I- I'm sorry,” he said. His face was blank. He backed away. “I- I didn't think of what I did, I'm sorry Sam,”

I knew he meant it. His face is sincere.

“I know, look. I'm really sorry Brandon. I guess I don't really have a reason, but-,”


“NO its not about hi-,”

“I guess we’re not meant to be,” he said finally, calmly. He stood up. “I'm sorry for what I did and I'm sorry for wasting your time being with me-,”


“no, I guess sorry doesn't really change stuff.” He smiled sadly and walked away from the bleachers.

I sat there, stunned.

And the bell rang. I quietly stood up and walk to my next class.


The hallway was cleared up and obviously I was late for English. But I didn't care. I'm still ingesting what Brandon had said. I didn't specially thought it would be that easy.

I was walking near the unused computer lab, when someone pulled me inside.

I was about to scream when the person spun me around, and it is Aiden.

“I heard,” he said bluntly.

Brandon walked away only 15 minutes before lunch ended!

“news travels fast huh,” I stated in the same tone.

He lifted my face, “are you okay?”

“yeah, why wouldn't I be?” I said back trying to hide my expression. I'm not sad but I'm still freaked out by Brandon’s reaction.

“uh huh, I'm supposed to believe that, you looked pretty bumped,”

“no shit Sherlock. I just broke up with my best friend of three years!”

He smirked, “I didn't say my name is Sherlock. And…do I know the exact reason of why you broke up with him?” he tried to hint.

“you’re so genius! You are the exact and one and only reason why I broke up with my best friend,” I grunted. But I smiled as I said that.

He perked up, “well then, Chubby Sammy, would you be honored to take me, Wart-face Aiden, to be your boyfriend?” he offered me his hand.

Which I took, and said, “yes Ade! I would be honored!”

Without wasting any second, he pulled me into his bear hug and pushed his lips to mine. Which I have been craving since that last time his lips were on mine.

“god I'm such a slut,” I pulled back.

“uh- you just noticed?” he said casually.

My mouth dropped. “you did NOT just say that,”

“but I did,” he said ‘innocently’ and the smirk came back.

“well, you’d be sorry you just said that,”

“but I'm not sorry,”

“shut the hell up and kiss me already!”

This time, I pulled him in.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm like the most happiest person alive right now! =D
i'm so sory for the lateness of my updates on mibba, well, because i was banned for at least 2 months.
finally this time i can write again on here!
so enjoyy the the story!
i'll promise to update at least once a week or so, depending if im not busy with school. =)
and ideas or feedbacks are always welcome =)