Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

School assembly is always stupid and boring and is always just wasting everybody’s time.

Lindsey couldn't come because she wanted to go house hunting with her mom. She said the previous house wasn't good enough, so she’s excited to see other houses. She loves houses, especially the big ones.

I walked into the hall, making an entrance, because I was late, once again. And everybody is looking at me. Even the board of head teachers on the stage was staring at my every move.

“sorry I'm late. But look on the bright side, I came,” I said quickly to take my sit.

“I'm warning you miss Greg. One more time you’ll be looking to a week suspension and a contact to your parents,” Mr. Mullen, the discipline teacher who is coincidentally, just talking on the stage at the moment warned me.

“sorry sir,” I said in my most polite and formal way.

I heard a couple of laughs in the front row.

I went to my class row to see that there is no chair left in the row.

Aiden gave me a ‘sorry’ look and Jean did the same. Apparently they couldn't save me a sit, like they always do.

“sit here Sam,” my house teacher offered me her seat beside this unfamiliar guy sitting on the last chair of the row.

He took my seat, and why is he staring at me?

“thanks,” I said to Mrs. T and sit on the chair while eying this boy.

And everything is back to the normal routine; teacher talking while student sitting and shutting.

“hey, are you new?” I asked this guy cheerfully.

“yea,” is all he said.

“what’s your name?”

“Joseph,” he said quietly. His voice is some what husky and soft yet masculine.

I can tell he’s shy.

“cool, I'm Sam.”

I decided to let him be since he’s so quiet, I didn't want to scare him on his first day. I tend to do that to some new people, who were shy when they were new to the school.

The assembly finished I have art class first block. But I remembered that I changed to the advance art yesterday because the teacher thought I could do much better than the other student so I agreed.

I went to my class. Apparently, only girls in this school are talented enough to get in this class, because the entire class was filled with girls only.

I came in the class and took a sit beside Yen xi, who offered me the last sit on the big table where there are only nine people in the class, and they sit together in the table.

“hey Yen,”

“morning. Good entrance by the way.” She winked.

I chuckled. “thanks.”

The door opened and revealed the new guy that sat next to me in the hall.

Apparently there are no sit left around the big table and since it is filled with girls, he went to sit at the back table, alone.

Everyone was talking and ignored him. I guess I was the only one who noticed and actually cared if he was lonely. And since everyone knows that I'm newbie’s buddy.

So I got up and sat beside him.

“hey,” I said.

He look up from the school booklet and said, “hi,”

“so, you wanna sit beside me over there?”

“uh no thanks,”

That’s not surprising.


I got up and went back to my table.

I took my stuff. “Yen, I'm gonna go sit over there okay?”

“why- oh right. Have fun.” She winked.

“ha ha funny,”

“hi again,” I said joyfully as I sit beside him.

“hi…” he said awkwardly.

“you didn't think I was gonna leave you alone here did you?”

“guess not.” Finally, he smiles.

“okay good because I would never do that to people. I love to make new friends,” I chirped, overjoyed.

“so where are you from?”


A simple conversation started and voila’, I have another best friend. .

Me and Joseph have most of the class together, so it was easier for me to show him around. And Aiden was really happy he got a friend, at last. He doesn't really get on with the ‘popular’ anyways.

“so best friend, what do you want to know or do next?” I asked as I slung my arms around his shoulder, while my other arm is on Aiden’s.

“what. I'm not your best friend anymore?” Aiden pouted.

We all laughed.

“well, nope,” I said popping the ‘p’. “you’re my special boyfriend.” I said too soon to realize that I have never told anybody yet about us, and here’s me, telling it straight forward to a guy friend I just met.

“uh uh I mean, ya know, boy a friend that’s a boy,” I stuttered too quickly.

“dude chill, its so obvious you guys are dating. I mean everybody who isn't blind could see that,” Joseph said loudly.

I covered his mouth so nobody heard what he said.

Aiden look at me with a worried expression.

Joseph pulled my hand away. “what was that for?”

“you see, we haven’t told anyone about it, yet.” I said quietly.

He turned to Aiden and Aiden just gave him a nod.

“oh, oh my god. Sorry dudes, I don't know. But why though?” he asked, obviously curious.

“o-okay, but promise not to tell anyone, well at least not until a month.” I told him.

He nod his head like a hammer. Curious much?

“okay so, I just broke up with Brandon, I introduced you to him this morning. That’s why we’re kinda not talking as you could see just now, but we used to be best friends before he asked me out. okay so back to the story. Long story short; I broke up with Brandon about a week ago and the reason of the breakup is him.” I pointed to Aiden. I gave him a playful hug. “well, me and Ade were best enemies before I moved like about 3 or 4 years ago. so this one day he showed up to my house because his mom and my mom are best friends and they didn't even know we were friends before. And he moved to this school, and we became friends. And Brandon asked me out and I went out with Brandon but then Aiden here told me he likes me and I realized I have the same feelings for him and so I hook up with him and I broke up with Brandon.” I let out the story as quick as I could.

“oh wow.” He blinked for a few times. “well, that’s entertaining to hear.”

“and a lot to take in for his first day. Sammy, chill. And breath.” Aiden chuckled while stroking my hair.

“ha d ha.” I crossed my arms. “that’s it? I told you about half of my life and all I got is ‘entertaining to hear’?” I shot a playful glare.

“well, what do you want me to say? I can't say I'm sorry because you got who you wanted but I can't say great because you lost your best friend,” he held up his hands in defense.

“I agree with you on that one.” Aiden laughs.

“eh, that’s kinda true. Oh well, past is past. You just have to embrace what’s going to come, right?”

“yea, totally,”

“wanna eat? I'm starving,” Aiden asked.

“listen,” Joseph quieted us.


He pointed to his stomach. He is wearing a fit long sleeve shirt, so I could totally see his abs popping up.

But then I got it. His stomach is growling.

“aha ha ha! Are you mentally sick or something? How do you control when your tummy is going to growl? Seriously,” I said in between laughs.

“dude that’s lame,” Aiden said. “this is so much better,” then I heard Aiden’s stomach rumbling, louder than Joseph’s.

“you guys are low, I can't believe I'm friends with you guys,”

“we know you love us Sammy,” Aiden said joyfully.

“you can say that again,” Joseph said.

We continued to walk to the tuck shop to get some sandwich.

Suddenly, a blond girl with really short mini school skirt came rushing to us.

Her eyes sparkled and was looking straight at us, or at one of us.

Aiden stopped and I could feel he instantly froze out next to me. What was that about?

“Addy! I miss you!” this unfamiliar girl screeched and ran towards Aiden and crashed into him and hugged him.

I stopped on my track and Joseph looked pale white.

“McKay la- what- what are you d-doing in h-here?” Aiden stuttered.

She stopped him by giving him a sweaty kiss. On his lips!

Who the hell is this bitch and why is she hugging and sucking face with MY Aiden?

Why the heck did she just called him ‘Addy’ and how the heck does she even know him?

What the hell is going on?
♠ ♠ ♠
enjoy =D
ps. comments are awsome =)

--> Joseph

--> McKayla
(ignore her outfit)
picture them however you like though =)