Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

(Aiden’s pov)

I can’t believe she came to this school. I guess she wasn't’t joking about getting back to me, or should I say ‘at’ me. She said she was going to follow me everywhere, I thought she was joking, but I didn't know she went this far.

I flipped through old pictures in my phone, and there it is; that picture of us, me and McKay la.

“why on earth would you want to become a pilot?” she giggled.

“c’mon Kayla, who doesn't’t want to be a pilot?” I poked her cheeks.

“uh me? Besides, what’s so great about flying? I mean the only thing cool is when you look from above and you see tiny heads below.”

“I just like flying. You could see the world from above,”

“and see the sunsets,” she finishes for me. She got up and started pulling me up to stand. “it’s sunset. I have to go home Addy. You don't want to mess with the big boss,” she pouted, while holding my hand she started skipping around.

“No stay babe, please,” I took her hands and went to sit on the swing.

I pulled her down on my lap and hugged her waist.

“aw isn't’t it beautiful? Ooh let’s take a picture,” she said looking at the sunset while getting out her phone. i look at her, "real beauty."

“I love you,” I said grinning.

“Forever and always? I love you too,” she said before returning me a kiss.

“Forever and always,”

I rested my chin on her delicate shoulder and she put her lips on my cheek;

What was I thinking?

No, I’ve got Sam now. And I know I love her..


(Sam’s pov)

That b***h is getting more irritating day by day! She’s even worse than the trios!

I straighten my clothes and put on a little bit of eyeliner to cover the smudges.

Then Yen came in. “Hey oh my god are you okay? I can’t believe she did that! I mean, who does she think she is? And she’s new too.”

“uh uh, neither can I. thank god I always have clothes in my locker or I’ll be walking around with a sticky, coffee stained white shirt or half naked!”

I turned to get the stained shirt from the toilet.

“Why did she do that?” Yen asked.

“Oh nothing…she um…just wants attention...,” Jean shouted from the other toilet beside me.

“Oh okay, ha ha. Sorry I didn't’t know you are there Jean,”

“It’s okay. I’m the invisible one,”

“Hey, don’t say that…that’s not-,”

Jean cut her in, “Chill, I’m just joking Yen,” she said laughing.

“oh okay,” she said, “but then why you Sam? She could have picked the nerdiest girl here to ‘accidentally’ spilled coke on, but you,” Yen, still confused and curious.

“Because Sam here, is everybody’s best friend. I’m pretty sure she would have that figured out by now,” Jean came out and gave me a ‘stop-making-it-so-obvious-you-know’ look before looking at the mirror checking her attire.

“ah I see. Well, see you guys in English,” she waved to us.

“Yup, see ya.”

And she went out of the bathroom.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you Jeanie! Thank you so much!” I hugged her.

“uh uh. Next time be more obvious okay,” she said in mockery.

“whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever.” She laughed.


We walked to my locker to get my books for next class.

”um Jeanie, my locker’s stuck, again,”

“Sammie, you have got to learn and live your locker number! Remember the song I taught you?” she whined while trying to fix my broken lock.

She did her usual magic and tap the stupid locker twice, like she always do, for me and it opened.

“he he.”

I pull open the door and a piece of paper fell from the inside. I looked at Jean and she bent down to pick it up.

She opened the paper and showed it to me.

Meet me at mine tonight. 12 am

Love, Aiden

“ooh, Sammy….I see that’s an invitation, if you know what I mean wink, wink, nudge, nudge?” She kept nudging me.

“pf-ft whatever Jeanie, you sick minded.”

“That’s why you love me! So....are you going? To accept the invite?” she giggled.

“hell yea I am!”

“And you say I’m sick minded you sick person. At least it’s only in my mind. I don’t do action honey.” She mocked me.

We laughed uncontrollably.

What surprise does Aiden have for me now? I can’t wait.

I smiled the whole day even though that can count as the worst day at school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Special chapter =) hope you like it.
sorry for getting this out so late! i had English coursework due in so i had to get my head stuck to that piece of coursework first. But anyways, enjoy!