Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend


Stephanie looked relieved and said, “what took you so long? We have been waiting for you. and there’s someone I want you to meet,” then gestured to me. So I guess she’s talking about me.


I looked at him more carefully and said, “hi, I'm Sam,” still trying to remember where I have seen him before.

“hey, name’s Aiden,” his eyes still on mine.

“okay, now we’re all here, I’ll lead you to the dining,” mom said standing up and waled to the door.


The adults are eating joyfully on separate tables and me and Aiden are in the other table. And the kids, turns out Aiden have a younger brother that’s same age with Maggie, and they sit in another separate table. Our dining is huge, so we usually have parties or functions and dinner in this room. I don't know why we have to eat separate from them.

“So, you live here huh,” Aiden broke the silence between us, and that was not exactly a question.

“yea I guess. You know, you look very familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked.

“not sure, you too. Where do you go to school?” he asked me back, not paying attention to my question at all.

Then it came to me, “wait, do you go to Jefferson school?”

“yeah, I mean used to. Like 3 years ago, and then I moved to the high school. Since I graduated-,” I cut him off

“were you in Mrs. Harrington’s class in 6th grade?”

“yeah I am, wait. How do you know-,” I cut him off again

“Oh my god, that’s where I’ve known you! Aiden Callahan. Yea..that’s make sense…”I mumbled more likely to myself than to him.

“hold on a sec, you’re Sam, Sam Greg..Sammy. Chubby Sammy! Oh my god, remember me? Aiden? Wart-face Aiden, well at least that’s what you called me-,” he said, then he looked at me straight in the eyes. We both looked at each other without speaking.

Then I giggle, “I bet you are, or were. God!” then all the memories came back to me. We used to tease each other a lot back when we’re in the same school. I used to be a bit chubby back then. and since he called me chubby Sammy, I swore to never be fat again, and I worked hard to make my self the way I am now. And I’ve changed a lot. He, obviously has changed, from the voice, to the appearance.

“I had no idea, wow you look, amazing. You’ve changed, a lot,” he said and motioned my whole appearance.

“well thanks, and you look not so bad yourself,” I gave him a smirk. He has awesome snakebites. And he has the most striking smile ever.

All dinner, we talked about the past and what happened after I left. He said things were normal, just not as fun as when I was there. He didn't have anybody to ‘talk’ to anymore. Even though he is, one of the popular back at the school. He meant to say he didn't have anybody to ‘tease’ anymore. But we never did talk about present as in now, like where we both go to school, and whether him or me have a girlfriend or boyfriend, and stuff like that you now. I guess we are just to excited to see each other again we forgot to ask each other about that. Well there was not enough time anyways to talk about all that.

Then they had to go home and left before supper for some stuff they had to settle. They didn't tell us anything about it though. But Stephanie gave my mom a hint that there’s gonna be a surprise for our family later. Aiden and me trade our numbers and decided we’ll call each other if we want to hang out later.

My dad closed the door behind him and said, “that was not so bad at all, even though it’s been five years. The kids are all grown up now. Aiden is a handsome boy, and Josh is going to be just like him, except maybe not with the rings on the lips and the make up he puts around the eyes. What is it with boys that age nowadays…” he sighed.

“’s called snakebites, and he’s emo. That’s why he’s like that. You’re being silly dad,” I chuckled.

“oh honey, I'm so happy we met again. I thought we lost contact with them, come on. Lets get to bed now, good night Sammy, Maggie is asleep on the couch. Can you ask Santana to get her upstairs?” mom asked.

“okay mom, g’ night,” then I remembered. It’s almost ten now. I looked at my watch. 9.56 pm. Brandon’s gonna call in 4 minutes. Great.

“night!” I said to them and flew up the stairs to my room.
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thanks for reading=D