Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

“okay mom, g’ night,” then I remembered. It’s almost ten now. I looked at my watch. 9.56 pm. Brandon’s gonna call in 4 minutes. Great.

“night!” I said to them and flew up the stairs to my room.


I shut the door swiftly and quickly striped my self and change to my pajamas that was already put neatly on my bed. The maid always does that, because my mom asked them to.

‘so baby keep my heart beat b-beat beat beating. shes the soul reason i keep believing,
were gonna die like this you know oh oh oh.
hey hey, beautiful the sunshine shines
oh oh so bright, alright…’

I pressed the green button.

“hey- Brandon,” I said panting.

“hey? Eh…someone’s puffed up tonight…” he said in a teasing tone. How I missed his cheerful voice.

“so, what's up?”

“em..are you free tonight?” he asked

“huh.. I'm not sure if I am, it’s 10 o’clock at night. And I'm just grinding’ with this hot and drunken serial rapist at the club. They put on some wicked music out here! I'm having’ so much fun!” (*note sarcasm) I said to him.

I thought he’s known me long enough to know that I don't go spend my time outing at night, like some people.

“so, your not doing anything..Could you come to our place, now?” he asked again.

The place he meant by ‘our place’ is an old playground that me, Jean, him and Tyler found this one day while we’re walking in this old street. No one ever came by the playground. We go there just to catch up on some stuff and just talk about anything. And no talk that we had in the playground ever goes outside it.

“why? And I thought we’re gonna talk tonight,” I muttered.

“yeah, we’ll talk. Just meet me there. Now okay?”

“fine, I’ll be there in ten,”

“yea see ya,” then he hang up. Odd much?

I quickly got out my sweats and wear it over my tank top. Then I grabbed my phone and got out of my room in silence and tip toed downstairs to the back door that goes to the garage.

My mind is showered by thoughts. And all the thoughts involve Brandon.

As I get closer to the park, Brandon’s red Avalanche became more noticeable. I pulled over in front of the car and slammed the door shut. I was really worried about him.

“hey,” he said and spread out his arm for me.

“hello Mr. mysterious,” I said as I hug him. I missed his smell. Its so warm and calming. “so come on, sit. And talk to me. I hate the suspense your putting on me!” I said and pat on the ground.

He chuckled and said, “I was gonna ask you something,”

(Brandon’s pov)

“I was gonna ask you something,” I said, not sure if this is the right thing to do.

Her face glows like a moonlight even though it’s dark out here. She has the worried look on her face. I hate that she has to worry about me.

“okay…” she looks at me like I was fanatical or something, “shoot away,”

I was still thinking how to ask her this. She waited for my response, her hands twirling the grass. She could tell I'm getting tense, so she patted my knee. “c’mon, just tell me. Is it about Janice Watson? You asked her out? What did she-,” whoa, she really thought it’s about that.

“NO, its not that. I..umm..I’m in love you, Sammy..” I stuttered all the words out

(Sam’s pov) (the usual pov)

“NO, its not that. I..umm..I’m in love with you Sammy,” I do not know how to respond to that. All the thoughts jumbled it my mind. “I…I…I honestly don't know what to say to that,” I said quietly, but its loud enough for him to hear.

“I know it’s all weird to you, but I never think of you as only friends. When I told about the girls I went out with, it’s just to make you jealous,” he said, “I have been wanting to tell you this ages ago, but I thought it’ll ruin our friendship-,” he stopped and then look at me straight in the eyes. All his words are drowning away and I just sat there not moving. “I guess it already did. It’s worth a shot. Bye Sammy,”

Then he walked off to his car.

Suddenly my head snapped up and everything came together again. I got up and ran as fast as I could towards him.

i guess he heard my noisy footsteps and so he turned. I threw my self at him and tears dwelling from my eyes. Then I said, “if that’s your way of asking me out, then the answer is YES..I would love to be your girlfriend,” and then I hugged him even tighter.

He didn't respond and for a minute there I thought he’d die of stroke or something. But just as I thought of that, he bear hug me, I missed the hug, and he said, “I LOVE YOU SAM ELIZABETH,” then his lips met mine.

Without breaking the kiss, he picks me up bridal style and carry me to the nearest bench. Tears still running on my cheek, he finally breaks the kiss and wipe my tears off. He smiled, assuring me that there’s no need for worrying anymore and without delay the smile is on top of mine, again. His kiss was urgent but at the same time soft. Passionate.

After about 5 minutes making out, we are both were out of breath and in need to grasp for more air. But somewhere in between the kiss, I was not paying attention to him at all. Something just feels strange.

“thank you, Sammy,” he said and then kissed my forehead. I wash that thought away and snuggled into him once more.

“I think I should get back now, we have school tomorrow..?” I said reminding him.

“right…c’mon babe,” he said and walk with me to my car.

“so, see ya at school,” I said, not trying to show the awkwardness (A/N – not sure if it’s even a word)

“night babe,” he smiled and gave me a long, soft kiss.

I got in my car and drove back. But the whole ride, I kept thinking. Thinking about how I responded to him. My mind is doing all the work for me.

Honestly, I don't even know why I said yes to Brandon..
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I probably know what you some of you guys are thinking now. Happy ending…they get the kiss…whats the point of writing this story then..
But actually, this is just the beginning. Remember other characters?? And how Sam is feeling odd that night..?
So yeah…there’s gonna be a real ending but its definitely NOT this one OK=D I have a pretty good idea how its gonna end
Thanks for reading anyways! OK..on with the story..
and i know..all the talks are kinda cheesy in this chap..ha ha