Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

I slept with thoughts swimming in my mind.

I woke up to someone knocking on my door loudly. “what?!” I said groggily.

“Sam get up! Your late for school! Your sister’s waiting in the car! Get ready in 5,”

WHAT. I look at the clock. It’s 7.30. school starts in 10 minutes. Great.

I quickly got out my uniform. Yes, the school have uniform. I put on my polo shirt and the skirt that is up to my mid thigh. And pulled on my ankle knee socks and quickly put on my black flats.

I got in the car 5 minutes later and Maggie was babbling that she’s now late for school. Which her school is starting at 8.15 am, while mine is just starting right now.


Shit. We have assembly. Now prepare for my entrance people.

I open the hall doors just to squeeze my little body in but it squeaked. And every single body in the hall turned to me. And I mean it, the whole entire school turned to look at me.

Can't blame me, the hall is too quiet.

“please, continue,” I said sheepishly then went to find my class.

The principal got back to his talking and my house teacher, Ms M waved at me.

I got to the row but all of the sit in the row was taken. I thought they would put it according to the class number…they always got it right. Ms M got up from her sit and went to sit by other teachers. So I smiled at her thankfully and sat at her place.

My friend Holly is sitting next to me and I asked her, “hey, how come I didn't get a sit?”

“there’s a new kid in our class. And he’s smoking'’!” she whispered eagerly.

“where is he?” I'm all for new people. That’s is kinda why everyone know me here.

She asked some people to lean back and guess who I see..

“his name is Aiden. Aiden…”

“Callahan,” I cut her and she raised her eyebrows at me.

“how’d you know Aiden?”

But I was just so surprise to see him here I didn't hear her. He looked at me with a shock face, but quickly smiled and mouth, “hey”

So I mouth hi back. I was just so surprised to see him, here. Now it all came together in my head. Surprise. Of course. This is the surprise.

It was so tempting to just get up and sit next to him and talk to him. But I couldn't. because of this gay assembly. I don't even know what they keep talking about, and I was not going to focus on it now. I had to wait for another 20 minutes until its over.

The bell rang. Means the assembly is done. A lot of questions formed in my mind.

I waited at the door to let everyone get out first. And I don't know why, but I noticed, everyone stares at me on their way out. but I don't care right now. I just need..

“hey,” Aiden approach and interrupted my train of thoughts. Yes I just need to talk to him.

“what are you doing here exactly?” I asked.

“I go to school here, what are you doing here?”

“um…I don't know…maybe the same reason as you are. Is this part of the so called ‘surprise’ that Stephanie- I mean your mom, talked about?”

“wow, you have good memory, this is suppose to be, but not the part with you in it, yet. You never said you go to this school,” he muttered

We are walking to our homeroom to register back.

“well, maybe it’s because you kept talking about our old life…?” I reminded him, then I remembered, “ anyways, give me your schedule. I’ll be your buddy for today,” I offered him.

“we were huh…” he said trying to flashback the night, “here,” and he handed me a paper.

I scanned through the paper, “you have all classes with me except math, science and health, so we have English now,”


Then I saw Brandon walking to me. Brandon. My boyfriend..


(Aiden’s pov)

She froze suddenly in front of me. And this light haired guy is walking to us. Why is she acting like this? “um Sam, you OK?” I asked and poke her lightly on the shoulder

She jump back “huh what?? Uh yeah…I'm fine,” her eyes is still on him as he got closer. Then her lips suddenly turned to a smile.

“hey…” he pulled her in and kissed her.

Why the hell is he kissing her? what is he, the fucking boyfriend? I was pissed suddenly.

Sam broke the kiss and stand awkwardly next to him, “this is my- boy..friend…Brandon-, and this is Aiden,” he gave his hand out, “and Aiden, Brandon,” she looked at me expectantly.

I realized my hands are balled up by now, but I shook hands with ‘Brandon’. “sup,”

“I gotta get to class, we’ll talk later yeah. See ya Sammy,” then peck her on the lips. She didn't respond back and just said, “yea see ya,”

What the hell?

“So…um you wanna..get to class? Now?” she stammered.

“whatever,” I grunted, and she noticed that.

“uh- you okay? You seemed…I don't know…huh,”

“you wanna get to class or not?!” I blurted.

“oh-Kay…jeez.. I was just asking. Sorry…” she said, “what’s up with the mood swings..” she said that quietly, hoping I won’t hear.


(Sam’s pov)

The whole class, Aiden kept quiet and even though Mr. Medina gave him sort of like a welcome party. he didn't even cheer up or even make an effort to at least enjoy the ‘party’. The teacher was being really nice.

I tried to talk to him but he either said ‘yeah’, ‘okay’, ‘whatever’ or ‘mm’. I mean, what's his problem?

At lunch he was beginning to be his normal self again and talk to some of my friends, including jean.

But you know what’s really pissing me off now? The fact that every single person in this school knows about me and Brandon. I only told Jean about it. And I noticed girls have been giving me this weird looks. But whatever.

“so what do you want to eat?” I asked Aiden, while Brandon is just hovering at my back and kept pulling me to him. It’s a bit annoying actually. “there’s sushi, ram en, katsu, subs, kebabs, locals, pizza, burgers, fries, cakes, fruits, and salad and potatoes, and there’s also ice cream, so you choose,” I listed every single thing in the cafeteria.

There are just so much choices and all of them, and I meant all of them are good. You’d think school lunches are not very appetizing, but in this school, you wouldn't’t see that. I ate a lot and every lunches, I eat different things.

“what’s good?” he seemed interested.

“EVERY THING, you’ll love it in here,” I said eagerly.

“okay then, let’s get sushi,” he smiled. He has incredible smile. I wonder how it’ll feel when you press your smile into his- wait, what am I thinking? I have a boyfriend..!

“uh- great! What a coincidence! I love sushi!” I push that thought away immediately.

“let’s get it,”

“uh babe, what about me? I don't like sushi, remember?” Brandon said.

“fine we’ll get ours first, then we’ll get pizza. How’s that? Pizza’s good with sushi!” I said trying to be considerate. Besides, have you tried them? Pizza and sushi taste so good together.

Suddenly, Aiden became this quiet, and moody person again. But I can tell his trying to hide it, I changed the topic, “do you think Jean and Tyler good together?” I asked them both, while getting the sushi. By the way, Jean is hanging out with Tyler today.

“you know I think so,” Brandon said, finally being his old self again. My best friend.

“uh I don't really know them, but yeah whatever,” Aiden replied.

“I totally think so too- thank you,” I said to the lunch lady. “okay we’re done, let’s go,”

(Brandon’s pov)

Why the hell does he keep following us? The question has been in my head for the whole day. Why is he so close with Sammy, do they know each other or something? And she being, so ‘friendly’ with him, that’s what she told me, that she’s just being ‘nice’ to the new kid. It hurts to see them talking like they have been friends forever. I'm being a wuss now. But I don't care, she is mine and only mine.
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it makes me wanna write even more=D
and just to know what you guys think of the story
and also to say thank you to you if i know who you are if you read it and comment it
anyways..i talk to much