Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

The final bell rang. School’s over, for today.

Me and Jean decided we want to the get ice cream before we head home.

“it’s freaking hot today!”

“I know, I feel like stripping right now,” Jean said fanning herself with her folder.

“Tell me about it- ooh, Tyler’s here…strip and grind on the walls. I’ll go get the sexy pole for you! The flag pole is perfect..!” I said eying Tyler and his friends, who are coming towards us.

“sure, go get the sexy pole for me…WHAT THE FUCK SAMMY..! I'm not that desperate, like some other people,” Jean yelped.

“chill I was just joking, you know that…but maybe you were thinking of him when you said that just now…but anyways, you know, I still can't believe my old friend, not exactly friend, go to school here,”

“huh yeah…is he STALKING you or something? Maybe he’s obsessive, like he met you once, and he can't forget about you, you know, like in the movies. Then he’s gonna kidnap you and…”

“what the hell? how’d you even get to there? I'm serious! God, you’re a bimbo…”

“and you can get away with the whole ‘striping in front of Tyler’ thing with me? That’s fair,” she joked back at me, “no, I was just saying…there is a lot of this kinda thing that’s happening in the world you know, it’s scary. It’s okay, I’ll protect you!” then she laughs.

“whatever…speaking of kidnappers…prince charming has arrived. He might as well just kidnap you and never give you back to me! Aha ha…” I said.

She glimpse at Tyler, who’s walking, alone, towards us. First time I’ve seen him alone. He got his ‘signature’ smile on, that’s what he calls it. He’s trying to flirt with Jean…

“what do you exactly mean by that?” her eyes still on Tyler.

“You guys have been hanging out a lot and you never hangout with me anymore lately…and I just realized something,” I said to her, and she raised one eyebrow.

“what do you mean, I always hangout with you, and what did you realize??”

“that you both are hiding something from me…” I smirked as I said this.

“Hiding what?” she asked while trying to put on a straight face.

“oh, something…”

“what ups guys… Hey Jean, wanna ride home with me?” Tyler approach.

“uh…s-sur-re,” Jean faltered.

“gonna steal my B.F.F away from me again Mr. kidnapper?” I said, then I realized that Tyler had no idea what me and Jean were talking about; with the ‘kidnapper’ thing.

“huh, kidnapper eh-, what are you talking about?” he said, being the dumb butt he is

“ah forget it. Go along Jean, go with your kidnapper. Go live a happy life…” I said with the obvious sarcasm tone in it.

“I'm sorry, I promise I’ll make it up to you, later.” Jean has the apologetic on and she ‘hugged’ me and whispered, “please, it’s my one and only chance with Tyler!”

“yeah, whatever DITCHER. Take good care of her Tyler…” I smiled at both of them.

Then I saw Aiden coming over here.

“yep see ya Sammy,” Tyler winked at me.

“see ya my beloved B.F.F. forever,” Jean said and they both head to the parking, with their hands intertwined.

“hey chubby Sammy,”

“I'm not chubby anymore Ade,” I turned to him, suddenly I feel so excited to see him. His nickname is Ade in case you didn't already know that.

“you still are, to me. Well you remind me of old you. but you so don't look like old you. now you’re very beau-,” Aiden stopped. His eyes widen and I saw he turn slightly pink.

“ha ha funny,” I just have to ask him, “um…are you okay? You look like your choking right now. What was that your gonna say?” I said feeling amused by his pink face.

“uh- nothing, I said I still remember you like the old Sammy. That’s what I said. Nothing else.” He said quickly.

I laughed. His face is priceless, “your funny, whatever. So how’s school..? Even though I'm in your every class kinda,” I asked trying to make conversation. He took a sit next to me after he bought his ice cream. favorite.

“yeah it was cool. Never thought I would say this though. But this is the most fun first day of school ever. You’re a good tour guide. I’ll hire you as my own personal when I'm rich in the future.” He laughed. I rolled my eyes. “Are people always so friendly?”

“yea I guess. Find anybody you like? Some girls I never thought friendly are extra friendly today, wonder why that is…” I smirked.

“ha ha…why, jealous?” he sneered.

“ if! I was just asking,” I answered back. Now I realized I completely forgotten about Brandon. I was suppose to wait for him here. But he’s not here yet.

“I know you are. I mean, who can resist Aiden Callahan..?” he flash his flirtatious smile at me and winked.

He’s smoking’, “right, probably because they didn't realize you got no balls? I mean, don't get me wrong, you’re a ‘pretty’ boy, but get me, your ‘pretty’,”

“ouch, that hurts. NOT. Your just saying that to get in my boxers. What, you want prove?” he said

My eyes narrowed. “Did you ever think that maybe this wasn’t about you and your ‘ugliness’ and sluts that wanna get in your pants? I was just asking..”

He grinned, “Sammy, it’s about time you realized that everything is about me and my ‘hotness’.”

“Wow, Ade, that doesn't’t sound conceited at all.” I said with the obvious sarcasm tone, You’ve really changed since we’ve been friends, you know that?”

Something in his face faltered for a second, but he regained his calm and cool composure a second later. his voice was soft when he said this, “What happened to us?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“I mean, why aren’t we still-”

“hmm..lemme see, where do I begin. First maybe because I was ‘fatty’ Sammy and the ‘populars’ in your group would tease me, and the fact that you don't stand up for me when they did that. And also because when I moved, you never even said bye to me and or talk to me ever since. I mean, you never even ask for my email or number so we could contact each other.” I explained.

“right…” he sulked. He looked pained suddenly.

“so why are you still here exactly?” I asked

“I don't know. Waiting with you…why are you here?”

“ha ha…um actually…I was suppose to meet with Brandon…but he’s not here yet. So yeah..”

He has those disturbed look on his face again, “Brandon, so he’s your ‘boyfriend’..?

“yeah, I guess…why?” I look at him, then without thinking I said, “mm…it’s funny, he asked me out like last night. And I said yes. And guess what? I don't even know why I said yes to him. Not that I don't like him, but we’ve been friends and you know, stuff like that,” I opened up. My mind is doing all the talking.

But it felt so good getting that of my chest, even though you would think it’s no big deal. But I just needed to tell someone the truth. Not pretending I like Brandon. Well I do, he’s really sweet and caring and stuff, but, I don't know. I’ve been acting like we’re a happy couple to every single person that knows about us, like I don't have any problems dating the popular Brandon. But if girls hear about this, they’ll be thrilled. Brandon is listed one of the most wanted hottie in the girls bathroom doors.

“uh- it’s okay, you’ll find out soon.” He said and rub my back. He’s clueless on how to comfort people. I can see that, so I was smiling to myself all of the sudden, but he didn't see it. His touch felt so calming somehow. And his piercing brown eyes boring into mine. We stared at each other for a little while.

I shrugged, “sorry, I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Okay, so I'm tired of waiting here. You wanna get home?” I said while getting up.

“sure, wanna ride with me?” he asked. His expression is back to normal.

“eh I got my car with me, so no can do,”

“how about you give me a ride,” he said amusingly. Something from his puzzling grin makes me curious suddenly. Like he’s hiding something behind that smile, like he knows something I didn't. Weird much?

“um, what about your car? You can't just leave it here- Or you don't have a car. Or you’re just playing tricks on me,”

“no, car’s right there. But my driver will take it home. I called him just now.”

“so why do you want to go home with me? And besides you live in the hotel which is on the opposite side of where I'm heading.” I said, confused.

He grabbed my face and pinch both my cheeks, “aw, you look so adorable when you have that confused face. No. just drop me off at your home. My rents gonna be there,” he has those amused look plastered on his face.

“yeah, whatever. Lets go,”

“Brandon?” he asked although he looked like he was struggling to say Brandon’s name. I wonder why?

“uh- I waited for like 30 minutes, he knows I'm not a really patient person. We’ve been best friends for two years already,” I look up to Aiden who’s walking beside me, “that is until he asked me out last night, but whatever.” I said, then I looked up to him, “But you know, I'm curious. Can I ask you a question?”

He turned to me, “sure, what sup?”

“don't be mad ya,” I stared at his face, “I noticed every time you look at Brandon or say his name or whenever we’re talking about him, you always have that face on, like a kind off mad or angry face or something,” I studied his face. He’s doing that face again. I'm gonna call it ‘angry when we talk about Brandon face’.

“yea- that’s not a question,” he said, trying to avoid this subject.

We got to my convertible and I took the driver’s seat, obviously. “hop in,” I said pointing to the passenger’s seat.

He got in and I started the engine. I put on a random radio channel and drove out of the school.

The whole ride was silent. I tried to press on the subject, but every time he just look away or change the radio station. I still didn't get the answer

I pulled in on the driveway, which is not my usual spot. But there are two other unfamiliar cars parked at my usual parking spot in the garage.

Aiden’s smile widen by the second. I don't know what’s got into him.

I noticed that there are people moving in next door. I asked dad’s security guards at the gatehouse when they opened the gate for me. They said they didn't know anything about it and Aiden was just grinning like a banana after that.

“hey, I'm home. Aiden’s here,” I called out to whoever’s in this huge empty house.

“in here sweetheart,” my mom called out from the guest living room.

“sweetheart,” Aiden snorted.

I rolled my eyes, “shut up. Come on,” leading him to the room.

“good afternoon Sam,” Stephanie, Aiden’s mom waves, “honey, how was your first day of school?” she said looking at Aiden.

“it was superb, Sammy here showed me around the school,” he said, then started walking to the empty sofa seat.

I giggled, “honey,” I mocked quietly, trailing behind him to the sofa.

“shut up,” he muffled.

Aiden’s dad and my dad are watching some sport TV and the little ones are eating cookies while playing Lego's’.

“thank you Sam, for being nice to my Aiden. I don't know how I can repay you,” Stephanie said dramatically, well it sounds like it.

“nah its fine, what are friends for anyways,” I said trying to be as joyful.

“so, Sammy, we have a surprise for you,” mom said enthusiastically.

Stephanie looked thrilled, “have you seen those moving trucks next door? Well guess what?” she said, “we are your next door neighbor!”

I was shocked. So, this is the so called ‘surprise’. That is huge to keep from my family. “wow,” I didn't know how to ask them without sounding rude, “um- how exactly , um did you able to keep it, I mean, does my mom know about it?” I asked.

“nope, we didn't know at all. And then miss Stephanie here, came to our house this morning, and asked me to go outside,” mom patted Stephanie’s arm. Stephanie smiled expectantly back at her, “we went out and stand in front of the house next door, and she said ‘surprise’,” she mimicked Stephanie’s voice.

I look at Aiden, who is smiling hugely ever, and said, “surprise,”

I raised an eyebrow, apparently he knows about it, obviously. “wow-, I'm so glad, that all of you are our neighbor. We will have so much fun. And Maggie has someone to play with too!” I smiled at my sister. I mean this when I said it though. I didn't know where it came from but I just know it would be fun to have neighbors that we know, especially they are our friends. It may sound such a dork to you but I don't care.

“yup, me and Josh are in the same class too. And we’re gonna be best friends,” Maggie said. Josh is Aiden’s younger brother. He just smiled and they continue eating their cookies together.

“aw, okay. So, you folks continue chatting around. I'm going up to change. Excuse me,” I said to all of them as politely.

“okay, but come down early for dinner. We’re having a huge one!” mom said excitedly and everyone joined in laughing. Then they started talking about how they are gonna decorate the house.

I went out of the room, but was followed by Aiden. “what do you want now?”

“uh nothing, just wanna talk. I can't stay in there with the adults. They are freaks.” He said.

“so? They are your parents. I'm just gonna go change anyways. I’ll be back in just a sec,”

“whatever, so what do you think of the ‘surprise’?”

“that’s what you called surprise? How did you guys even keep it without any of us knowing? I mean, I do live next door.” I asked astonished.

“ha ha, my mom thought I’d be good if we just tell you later about moving in. I don't know why though. But they look happy, so whatever,” he said dismissively.

“well, okay, I ‘ll be back in a few. Get your ass back in there. Socialize with the adults or whatever, ha ha!” I said to him and ran upstairs.

Well this is gonna be interesting..
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hello there people
I'm so sorry for the late update
i just got back from vacation and i went straight to work on this.
i didn't like the original so i kinda rewrote it
but i know it sucked probably
but its long too
it's just a make up for you guys because i posted late..
but thanks for reading=D
hope you liked this chap