Status: i am unbanned! =D I'm happy to say i am still posting up updates for this story. so be patient with me and hope you enjoy this story. i will be putting up my other story '3 guys and a girl' real soon.

New Kid In School, I Love Him But He Is My Friend

New Kid In School And I Love Him Or I Love Him Not But He's My Friend

It’s been three weeks since Aiden move. Me, Aiden, Jean and Brandon hangout together most of the time at school. Well Brandon only hangs out with us because I'm there. And Jean would sometimes go with Tyler to their place.

And between those times, Brandon and I have been sneaking between breaks and classes to go to our ‘make out’ place, I should say. he’s one hell of a kisser. It’s like he put drugs on his lips. Once mine touched his, I seemed to want more and more, even though at first, I didn't have any intention on even kissing him. And after a while, it became addictive. I still have that question in my mind though; ‘why did I say yes?’. But I'm not bothered by it anymore.

And also on weekend nights, he shows up in my room and we end up sleeping in each others hold. But we just slept together, nothing happened.

Aiden’s mood swings change really easily when Brandon’s with us. One time he could just be this really hyper and random, another he would just slug and be all ‘emo’ on us (even though he is).

Jean and Tyler are getting closer together. Tyler broke up with his slut and started to hang with Jean even more. I'm surprised nothing ever happened yet between them.
So Jean with Tyler, Brandon with his Basketball. So basically, it leaves me and Aiden together because we don't actually do all the ‘fun’ stuff.

But we sometimes also hangout with other groups, friends. Did I tell you I'm good with everyone here? Yes, so I know practically everyone here. And I can just go to them without shyness and talk to them. And everyone I know now knows Aiden.

“Sammy,” Brandon said putting his and my lunch on the table. He got up to me and gave me a kiss. This time not urgent, but passionate.

“ahem,” someone clears their throat. Aiden.

I giggled and broke the kiss. Brandon looked like he’s won a victory.


(Aiden’s pov)

Brandon gave Sammy a kiss. A very long kiss. My Sammy.

“ahem,” I cleared my throat, and Sam broke the kiss.

She laughs and Brandon shot a victory glance at me. He knows something.

I felt sick and I pretended to make a joke by gagging fake-ly even though I do want puke at the douche’s face. “Sammy, I love you and all, but next time you wanna suck his face in front of me, think twice,” I said, trying hard to keep sounding sarcastic.

“Ade’s jealous,” Brandon said, amused but I know he knows I am. And the hell I am.

“whatever,” I said and turn on the volume on the ipod louder. ‘don’t trust me’ by 3oh3 is on.

But I realized then Sammy was just looking at me the whole time Brandon’s talking.

(Sam’s pov (the usual))

It’s Saturday and Jean decided we all should go hangout. So we invited Tyler, Brandon, Aiden, Connor, Sky and Vanessa, Kate and Alice. We’re pretty good friends the two girls. I decided to invite Kate because everyone would be paired up and Aiden don't exactly have anyone he’s interested enough to hangout with other than us.

We went to the mall to see a movie. We all decided to watch this horror movie called ‘thirteenth floor’. Us girls just loves horror movie, even though I always chickened out half the time, but its just fun to see horror movies. And the guys, well, you know the guys. They all know us girls would freak. And so they will try to ‘protect’ us and ‘hug’ when we’re scared. So they would want to use that excuse just to get in our shirts.

So we got the whole row of seats to ourselves. Sky, being the wealthiest and the nicest guy, paid for the whole row just for us. So, all of us sit with our couple. And Aiden sits next to me and on the other side is Kate, who’s being a flirt with him.

Half of the time in the theater, most of us either screamed or snuggled into the guys. But we all know they were just playing hero. We all know deep down, they are all chickens. To prove this, Connor, when the lights in the elevator in the movies went of, causing the whole cinema to turn really dark, he screamed like a girl, and jumped, sending the popcorn flying everywhere like a shower on top of us. We all laughed at him, and even in the dark, I could see him blushing like hell.

And then the part where we’re all waiting for came…the ghost shows up for real and killed someone brutally. I always knew the part’s gonna come, but I still freaked every time.

“AAA!!,” I shrieked and quickly grab the Brandon’s hand so I know I'm not alone watching this.

I felt him flinched. Then I look at him.

Aiden stiffened and stared at me with his sparkling brown eyes. I totally switched Brandon and Aiden. I completely forgot that Brandon is actually on my left side, and Aiden on my right. I'm just used to him being on my right.


(Aiden’s pov)

Fucker. This movie is brutal. How the hell do we even got in? Sammy screamed, then I felt someone squeezing my hand tightly. Sammy’s soft hand.

Electric pulse shot through me, I stiffened. I didn't know what to do. Should I respond or just let it be.

I look at her and saw her gazing, not exactly at me but kinda through me.

“sorry!,” she whispered, then let go. But I tighten my grip on her.

She look at our hands then stared at me.

“it’s fine. you okay?” I asked.

“um- yeah,” she nodded. I gave her a smile to assure her again then try to focus on the movie. “hey Aiden,” she whispered. Brandon still has his arm around her.


“thanks,” she said quietly to me then turn to the movie.

Great. Now I couldn't fucking concentrate on the dumb ass movie.


(Sam’s pov)

The movie finished and we all got out to get some food. And I can't stop thinking about Aiden somehow. His hands, his comforting smile. He really has changed after all those years. Good for him.

“So, I'm having a party next Friday night. You are all invited. Its gonna be party of the year!” Sky said.

We all know, when Sky is having a party, it will not be just any party, it will be the party. Usually everyone’s invited.

“awesome, I'm in,” Tyler said

“me too,” Alice said

“Let’s get laid...!” Connor pounded.

We all laughed

And everyone of us is coming. And you know Sky, his idea of throwing parties always include sluts, poles, a day partying and hangovers at night. But there’s always something new. You would think parties like that are normal popular stuff, not for outsiders and stuff. But with Sky, you’d be surprise
♠ ♠ ♠





thats how i picture those guys to look like. if you went to the links on the name. but you can use your imagination of how you want them to look like =D
so this is kinda a filler..i think
but its short kinda
but I'm gonna shut up now..
comment please=D